What can be cooked in the microwave?

Today, such a kitchen unit as a microwave oven is available in everyday life in almost every family. But what can be cooked in the microwave - few know. Most of the owners of this kitchen equipment use it only to warm up food or quickly cook hot sandwiches. However, a microwave oven can replace several kitchen appliances at the same time, such as an oven, a double boiler, a convection oven, and a grill. The microwave can be used as a conventional oven or for its intended purpose using microwaves in combination with other features of the device. In our article, we will offer interesting recipes for the microwave, using which you can prepare breakfast, lunch or dinner in a short time.

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Important aspects of microwave cooking

Before proceeding directly to cooking, it is necessary to take into account some nuances in order not to spoil the food and the cooked dish was tasty and appetizing:

  • Microwaves that use a microwave oven penetrate food products from different sides no deeper than 2 cm. Based on this, cutting products should be done in small pieces or slices, and be sure to periodically mix.

Important! If you decide to bake wings or other parts of the bird, in the process of cooking you need to swap them and turn them around.

  • If you decide to bake or fry the products in the microwave mode, then put the large ingredients of your dish on the edge of the plate, in which case the microwaves will bake the product better.
  • During the preparation of the soup, cover the container with a lid, while a prerequisite is the presence of an opening for the removal of steam.

Important! To reduce the boiling process, it is enough to put a glass tube on the bottom of the container.

  • So that meat and fish do not lose their juiciness, salt the products at the very end of cooking.
  • To prepare breakfast in the microwave from eggs, the yolks are pre-pierced with a toothpick, after this procedure they will not spread.
  • When cooking dough for baking in the microwave, you must use a form with high sides and fill it only half, because when exposed to microwave waves, the dough rises higher than in the oven.

Important! To prevent pie or buns from dough, add more flour when kneading.

  • To prevent the top of the cooked food from drying out, cover the plate with cling film or use a special dome cover.
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What utensils to use for a microwave?

Another important point that you need to consider before preparing a cupcake in the microwave or any other dish is choosing the right dish:

  1. Plates and other cooking containers must be completely transparent to ensure better microwave transmission.
  2. Metals should not be present in the kitchen utensils, the dishes should be heat-resistant and not conduct electric current.

Before microwave application, plates must be tested for compatibility for use.

Carrot muffins with melted chocolate

Test for dishes:

  1. Take an ordinary glass faceted glass, fill it with water and place in the dishes that you plan to use in the microwave.
  2. Next, turn on the maximum power on the device and set the timer for 1 minute.
  3. After time, the water in the glass should become hot, and the dishes in which the glass was located should, on the contrary, remain cold.
  4. If the container also heats up, this means that it is not suitable for use in a microwave oven.

Further in our material you will find the fastest recipes for the microwave.


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Microwave Baked Potato

This recipe for cooking potatoes in the microwave will save any housewife when guests are on their way, and there is practically no time left to stand at the stove. Potatoes prepared in this way will become a delicious, satisfying and fragrant side dish on your table.

Microwave Baked Potato

Ingredients for the dish:

  1. Young potatoes - 6-8 pieces;
  2. Butter - 50 g;
  3. Garlic - 1 clove;
  4. Greens - 1 bunch;
  5. Salt and seasoning to taste.

Microwave Baked Potato2

Cooking method:

  • Peel new potatoes, then rinse thoroughly with cold water.
  • Cut into small pieces, place in a baking dish.
  • To prepare the dressing, melt the butter, add the finely chopped greens, garlic and seasoning.

Important! For potatoes to have a pleasant aroma, add a small amount of rosemary or basil.

  • Pour the potatoes with the resulting dressing, mix thoroughly.
  • Put the prepared dish in the microwave for 10 minutes.

Important! Cooking time depends on the power of the appliance. The indicated time is suitable when using a furnace with a power of 800-1000W.

  • Take out the potatoes periodically and turn it over for even baking.
  • Sprinkle potatoes with finely chopped greens before serving.

Microwave Grilled Wings

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Microwave Grilled Wings

Very often, walking in the store past the cooking department, you can smell the pleasant smell that comes from grilled chicken. Many people think: are all the cooking rules followed and is the product fresh? We offer a simple recipe on how to cook grilled wings in the microwave. With it you will be sure of the quality of the product.


  1. Chicken wings - 8 pieces;
  2. Garlic - 3 cloves;
  3. Soy sauce - 200 ml.

Microwave Grilled Wings2

Cooking method:

  • Before placing the wings in the microwave, pre-marinate them in soy sauce with seasoning and pepper. Place in the refrigerator for a while.
  • Grind the garlic to a pulp state, rub the prepared wings with it.
  • Put it on a paper towel so that the excess marinade is absorbed into it.
  • Now is the time to make grilled wings. Put the wings on the grill, bake for 20 minutes on one side and the same amount on the other.

Important! To prepare this dish, the microwave must have a grill function, otherwise - it will not be possible to cook grilled wings at home in the microwave.

  • The cooking process must be carried out at low power and at the lowest grill level.

What else can you cook in the microwave?

Roasted duck with orange

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Duck in the microwave

To reduce the time for setting the festive table, you can use a simple way to cook duck in the microwave. The bird turns out very juicy, soft, with a delicious crust.


  1. Duck - 1 piece;
  2. Butter - 100 g;
  3. Onions - 5 pieces;
  4. Bouillon - 1 glass;
  5. Sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  6. Salt - 1 tablespoon;
  7. Pepper - 1 teaspoon.

Duck in the microwave2

Cooking method:

  • Peel the onion, cut into half rings or chop randomly.
  • Then put the prepared onion in a container for the microwave oven, pour a small amount of warm salted water.
  • Place the vessel in the microwave, close the lid, simmer the onion for 5 minutes at maximum power.
  • After the time has passed, drain the water to the prepared broth, and mix the stewed onions with butter and sugar, fry for 2 minutes.
  • Next, prepare the duck carcass a little. To do this, fry it on all sides on the stove until a beautiful crust forms.
  • Now take a large glass dish and place the roasted duck in it, pour in the broth and the remaining oil, use salt and pepper to taste.
  • Cover the duck and simmer for about 20 minutes.

Important! After time, the duck is left for another 20 minutes to reach readiness.

  • Sprinkle the finished dish with the onion mixture and pour the juice that stood out during cooking.

Millet porridge in the microwave

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Millet porridge in the microwave

Millet porridge is a very healthy and satisfying meal, and you can even cook it in the microwave. The recipe, which will be discussed later, is useful to those who are very strict in fasting.

Important! This is a classic recipe for making porridge, it can be changed by adding new ingredients, such as milk, dried fruit, butter or candied fruit.


  1. Millet - ⅓ cup;
  2. Salt - 1 pinch;
  3. Water - 1 cup.

Millet porridge in the microwave2

Cooking method:

  • Rinse the cereal thoroughly before cooking under water.

Important! Millet has one feature - it is slightly bitter, so it should be washed very carefully.

  • Pour the washed cereal to the bottom of the cooking container, fill it with half a glass of water, add salt.
  • Send the porridge to the microwave stand for 5 minutes at 800W.
  • After time, add the remaining water, stir the porridge again.

Important! If you want to make sweet cereal, you can add sugar at this stage of cooking.

  • Turn on the microwave for another 2 minutes, then mix again and turn it on again for 2 minutes.

Important! During this time, the water should completely boil. Try porridge - if ready, you can serve it to the table.

Semolina porridge in the microwave

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Semolina porridge in the microwave

Everyone has long known since childhood semolina can also be cooked in an unusual way for most - in the microwave. The recipe presented by us will help combine classic traditions and modern technology to significantly speed up the cooking process.


  • Semolina - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • Salt - 1 pinch;
  • Milk - 1 cup;
  • Butter - 20 g.

Semolina in the microwave2

Cooking method:

  1. Pour semolina, salt and sugar into a deep special container, mix thoroughly.
  2. Pour a glass of milk, put inside the microwave oven.
  3. We set the timer on the device for 1.5 minutes, at a device power of at least 750 watts.
  4. After the time, we mix the porridge, add the butter.
  5. Turn on the device for another 1.5 minutes.

Porridge is ready!

Quick cake in the microwave

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Quick cake in the microwave

Want to know what else you can cook in the microwave? Even if baking is not your “horse”, according to the following recipe you will get a delicious cake. And as usual with this technique, it will take a minimum of time.


  • Flour - 6 tablespoons;
  • Egg - 2 pieces;
  • Milk - 10 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • Cocoa Powder - 2 tablespoons;
  • Starch - 2 tablespoons;
  • Dough baking powder - 2 teaspoons.

Microwave Quick Cake2

Cooking method:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar in a small bowl.
  2. Add flour, starch and baking powder to the resulting mixture.
  3. Then pour in milk and vegetable oil.
  4. Thoroughly mix the resulting mixture. Place the share necessary for one cake inside the microwave for 3-4 minutes, while setting the power of the device at 800 watts.
  5. At this time, add cocoa in the second half of the baking dough, knead and bake in the microwave in the same way.
  6. While the second cake is at the preparation stage, soak the first with prepared syrup.
  7. Grease the cakes with sour cream, jam or any other cream.
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As you can see, modern kitchen appliances, such as a microwave, can be useful in the kitchen not only to quickly warm food during lunch.If you carefully study all its possibilities, you can easily cook a variety of dishes, starting with soup and ending with delicious pastries. Moreover, the process will take much less time than cooking on the stove. Using the recipes from the article, you can treat your family and friends with delicious food.


