What can be done from nylon tights: tips for needlewomen

Today in the wardrobe of any modern woman there are tights. However, it happens that you can no longer wear them, but it is a pity to throw them away. For this reason, many women use recycled materials to make useful things or crafts to decorate the interior. The first step is to study the information on what can be done from nylon tights. Step-by-step master classes will help you to easily create various home-made products.

What can be done from nylon tights

New leggings

In most cases, tights wear out and are thrown away without significant defects. The most vulnerable places on cotton and wool are the heel and toe. Most often, holes form there.

When other parts are in good condition, you can give the product a second life by making a new thing out of it. Possible options:


Warm microfiber tights

  1. If you trim the bottom of the old tights, you get wonderful new leggings. To make their appearance neat, you should tuck the material from the front side inward and make an inconspicuous seam. When it is necessary that the edge fits snugly on the lower leg, you need to sew a thin elastic band.
  2. If the tights are made of dense material and when they are stretched, arrows do not appear, you can arrange the lower part in the form of a shuttlecock. To do this is quite simple - just overcast the edge on the overlock, stretching the fabric.
  3. When the product has become too short after trimming, you can sew a knitted hem below. It will provide a more snug fit leggings to the leg. To carry out these manipulations, you must have basic sewing skills.
  4. On warm tights from dense microfiber, it is enough to cut out only the damaged parts, and then process the edges. In this case, the landing will not change, since the bottom will not stretch and bully.
  5. Instead of a knitted cuff, you can sew socks of the same color on the product. Thanks to this, new warm tights will be obtained that can be worn under jeans.
  6. When not only the heels, but also the parts between the hips are damaged on woolen products, you should not despair. From these tights can be made warm leggings. So that they do not slip during the socks, it is necessary to sew elastic braid to the upper cut.

The most common damage to nylon tights is arrows and puffs. Of course, such defects can be eliminated, but the work will take a long time, and the result will be far from the most ideal. In this case, it is better to buy a new product, and leave the old one for household needs.

Yarn for knitting

You can make knitting material from old nylon tights with your own hands. In the manufacture of socks, a synthetic thread from tights added to the main yarn in the heel area will improve the strength and wear resistance of the finished thing.

Kapron can also be used as a full knitting yarn. The procedure for making threads is as follows:

Kapron as a full knitting yarn

  1. The first step is to trim the upper and lower parts of the tights, they simply will not be needed. The remaining material must be cut with the help of scissors into identical rings. The width of the latter should be no more than 2 cm.
  2. Then the first workpiece should be deployed in the form of a ring.
  3. The next strip must be circled around the first ring, after which one end is threaded into the other.
  4. Next, tighten the assembly. As a result, a bundle of two workpieces is formed, resembling an figure eight with a knot in the center.
  5. In a similar way to connect all the workpieces. The result is elastic yarn.

There is another way to make yarn: you should cut the tights in a spiral. This is a more time-consuming process, but the result is worth it, because there will be no knots on the blanks.

Rug Making

Even in the absence of needlework skills, you can make your own rug for the hallway or bathroom with your own hands. Step-by-step master class for beginners:

Kapron mat

  1. First you need to prepare the old tights. It is important to understand that the size of the future carpet directly depends on their number.
  2. Cut the material into strips with a width of 2 to 4 cm. If the tights are of different densities, wide strips should be made of thin ones and narrow strips of dense ones (no more than 2 cm). Thanks to this, the finished carpet will be the same thickness.
  3. Put the first blank on the thumb and forefinger in the form of a figure eight.
  4. Throw the second ring on top, but the eight does not need to be done.
  5. Remove the first ring, leaving the second in place.
  6. Then put on your fingers the next workpiece and remove the second. According to this principle, weave the remaining rings. The result is a chain.
  7. The next step is to shape the future product. This can be done by folding the chain on the principle of a snail.
  8. In order for the resulting product to keep its shape, it is necessary to sew blanks in several places or fix them with hot-melt adhesive.

Scented Pads

Aromatic sachets can be made from tights or old stockings. The latter effectively fight unpleasant odors and cheer up. Making pads step by step:

Aromatic pantyhose pads

  1. First of all, you need to make small bags from kapron (practice shows that the optimal size of the workpieces is 5x5 cm).
  2. Then put dry flowers or herbs inside each pillow.
  3. Add a few drops of any essential oil to each blank.
  4. Arrange the received products in cabinets and bedside tables.

Many people think about which essential oil to choose.

Of course, this depends on the taste preferences of the craftswoman, but experts give certain recommendations regarding all rooms:


  1. In the bedroom, it is desirable to give preference to soothing aromas (violet, fir, rose, etc.). Such plants help a person tune in to a sound sleep.
  2. The smell of cedar, tea tree or coffee is best suited for the corridor.
  3. The best option for the kitchen is the smell of citrus fruits (mandarin, lemon, orange, bergamot). These aromas perfectly neutralize unpleasant odors, giving a feeling of freshness.
  4. For a children's room, it is recommended to use lavender and chamomile oil.
  5. During the off-season, in order to prevent colds, doctors advise putting rosemary or mint in pads.

Vase decor

It is easy to make an original design vase from an old glass and fishnet golf or tights. Production step by step:

Decor vases from tights

  1. Cut off the part of the product where the attractive appearance has been preserved (without hooks, spools, holes and other defects). The size of the workpiece should be 3-5 cm higher than the height of the glass.
  2. Pull the capron onto the glass and straighten all the warps.
  3. After that, you need to carefully cut off the excess material that goes beyond the contour of the glass.
  4. Attach nylon to the glass around the perimeter using adhesive or double-sided adhesive tape. In addition, to improve the decorative characteristics, you can apply glue with sparkles. The finished product can be used as a vase, a stand for pencils, etc.

Erasers and flowers

Flowers from pantyhose

Elastic bands for hair can be made from dense elastic material. It is not difficult to do this, you just need to cut the stocking into strips 2-3 cm wide. The resulting blanks must be stretched, after which the raw edges are twisted into a roller and will not crumble during use.

The elastic properties of the material allow effortlessly pulling it on all kinds of frames. Due to this, artificial flowers of incredible beauty can be made from torn pantyhose. Algorithm of actions:

  1. You need to take a soft wire, preferably copper or aluminum.
  2. Then you need to make a frame that will resemble a petal in shape. The circuit must be closed. Obtain the finished blanks with a capron. For fastening, use hot melt adhesive or thread with a needle.
  3. If desired, the color of kapron can be changed using acrylic paints. For decor, craftswomen use sequins or beads.

Garters for plants

Unnecessary kapron tights can be useful to owners of indoor plants or summer cottages. Material scope:

Tights for garter vegetables

  1. Old stockings can be cut into strips, which can then be used to garter grapes, cucumbers and other garden crops. A feature of kapron is that it will not injure the stem, reliably holding it in the required position.
  2. For heavy and large fruits (for example, pumpkins), a kind of hammock can be made from tights, which will save the stem from overloads, supporting the vegetable.
  3. In old tights, you can store garlic, apples, onions or beets in winter. Under the weight of the fruit, kapron stretches and becomes roomy. A huge advantage is that when hanging string bags to the ceiling, rodents will not be able to get to the food.

Another brilliant idea is the use of kapron for the manufacture of painted eggs for Easter. You need to attach wet parsley, dill or any other plant to a raw egg. Then wrap it in a single layer with a capron so that the sheet is firmly fixed on the shell. Tighten the free edge with a thread. Immerse the blanks in the dye, at the end of the procedure cut the thread and remove the main Easter attribute.

Other options

Often there are situations when mosquito nets are torn. However, one should not despair, because you can repair them with your own hands. To do this, a patch should be cut from kapron according to the size of the damage. Then fix the resulting workpiece on the product using adhesive tape.

To increase the life of the broom, you can use one trick: you should pull on the handle an old nylon stocking. Now the twigs will not be knocked out of a common bundle, so the product will last much longer.

Using old tights

It often happens that small details are suddenly lost, buttons or beads come off. In this case, kapron is also useful: you need to fold it in several layers and wrap the metal pipe of the vacuum cleaner. Then the unit should be turned on and run it on the floor. Air and dust particles will pass through the bag unhindered, and the beads will linger.

Another interesting trick - with the help of cardboard you can make a filter for the camera. To do this, just put on an old sock or golf on the lens. Pictures will be taken with a slight fog effect. Different materials can be made of material of various densities and shades.

Pantyhose can be useful not only in needlework, but also during repairs. With the help of kapron, you can strengthen the screws. To do this, you need to drill a hole in the wall, then lay a small piece of old stockings inside. Next, you need to heat the nail and tamp the “gasket” well. A screw will be much stronger fixed in such a nest. Similar actions are carried out when repairing furniture made of chipboard.

Kids toys

Children's toys from kapron

Even a novice craftswoman will not be difficult to make soft toys from unnecessary tights. The simplest option is to make a dachshund. To do this, you need to take a stocking and fill it with cotton wool, scraps of knitwear or synthetic winterizer. The tail, ears and paws should be made of a more dense material. From unnecessary buttons you get eyes. Stitches with threads of different colors will add a funny expression to the muzzle.

In this way, various toys can be made. It is enough to connect the imagination. Some mothers of their daughters make doll clothes from tights (sweaters, skirts, shorts, etc.).

As practice shows, from torn women's tights you can make with your own hands not only toys and crafts, but also many practical and necessary things for the home. Step-by-step master classes will teach you how to quickly and easily make useful homemade products.


