What can be done from the remnants of tulle with your own hands?

Each mistress in the “bins” has at least one very beautiful, lace, but already old tulle. Throwing such a hand does not rise, but it is no longer possible to hang it in the intended place. This article will tell you how to give new life to such products, and what you can do from the remnants of tulle with your own hands. Interesting ideas for creating an original home decor, crafts and other cute things for the soul, with step-by-step instructions for translating ideas into reality, we have selected for you.

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Creative Ideas

If you look good on the Internet, then there are a lot of ideas for creativity “at home”, but few people want to dig around, look for and spend time on such details. And yet, many would like to get an answer to the question of what can be done from the old tulle with your own hands.

As it turns out, human imagination is limitless. Among the most popular options for handmade stand out:

  1. Cushion covers.
  2. Flowers for decoration.
  3. Tablecloths.
  4. Lampshades for table and pendant lamps.
  5. Stands for hot cutlery - plates and cups.
  6. Covers for chairs, ottomans.
  7. Mosquito nets for windows.
  8. Napkins.
  9. Decorative baskets for a summer residence.

And you can also make curtains and rugs in the kitchen with your own hands from the trimmings of a veil or old tulle and much more.

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Such a variety of ideas pushes us to do something special for ourselves or as a gift. But before you begin, you need to prepare the tulle for work. Preparation consists in the fact that our fabric needs to be washed, and if necessary, bleached:

  • Washing curtain fabric does not take much time and energy. Just turn on the delicate mode and wait.
  • But whitening can cause a lot of trouble. The market offers a wide variety of bleaching chemicals. But most of them will only ruin the fabric and the whole mood to do some crafts from tulle with their own hands will disappear.

Let's talk about how to quickly and painlessly bleach the tulle.

Method 1

If there is no gentle bleach at hand or you are not sure about it, try bleaching with salt. This type of “bleaching agent” is likely to be found in any housewife in the kitchen.

Repeat the following steps:

  1. Pour the required amount of cold water into the basin.
  2. Add our “bleach” there. The salt ratio should be equal to 3 tbsp. l for 5 liters of water.
  3. Put our stuff there, leave it overnight.
  4. Wash the tulle in a delicate manner.
  5. Dry the product.

Method 2

If the tulle is so old that in your opinion the salt will not help, then this method should bring even her to life. For this:

  1. Pour the required amount of hot water into the basin.
  2. Add peroxide there in a ratio of 2 tbsp. l to 1 tbsp. l ammonia on a bucket of water.
  3. Place the product in the basin.
  4. Leave to acid for 1-2 hours.
  5. After - wash delicately with gentle powder and dry the tulle.

After bleaching and drying, your product should look almost like new, which means it's time to get ready for work.

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Necessary materials

Before you make any crafts from tulle with your own hands, we need to prepare those materials that we will use in almost any version of the decor. And this:

  1. Cardboard and pen which - we will use for the pattern.
  2. Sewing supplies. These include: needles, threads, scissors, pliers and a ruler.
  3. Fabric is our tulle and flaps of other airy fabric for a greater variety.
  4. Soldering iron for burning tissue. If there is none, a candle will do.
  5. Silicone glue.
  6. Different decorative elements: beads, paints - depending on what you will do.

Now that you are fully armed, we will begin to create a unique masterpiece for you and your home.

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Cushion Cover

Decorative pillows firmly took a place in the interior of any home. The more beautiful and unique they are, the more successful the housewives have at home. On the Internet, there are many options for creating this do-it-yourself decor element. One of these is the proposal to sew a unique pillow cover from the old tulle.

In order to do this a lot of skill is not necessary, it is enough to have the necessary materials at hand and to be able to work with a sewing machine at the beginner level.


  1. Take pre-fabricated tulle and a denser material that will be lining. For example, curtain fabric.
  2. Cut 2 rectangles out of them so that the width is the same as the desired pillow, and the length is twice as long.

Important! Remember to leave seam allowances.

  1. Fold each rectangle in half to make squares.
  2. Iron the workpieces well, especially at the bend point.
  3. Fold and pin both blanks with the front side inward (lace inward).
  4. Sew 2 sides along the marked seams.
  5. Sew the third side to the end. The hole left will serve to unscrew the product and fill it with filler.
  6. Turn the workpiece out.
  7. Place the filler of your choice in it.
  8. With a special seam finish stitching your product.

The pillow is ready!

Important! If desired, it can be decorated with beads, fabric, flowers and other elements.

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Tulle flowers

One of the most common decor options using such a fabric are flowers from the remnants of tulle with your own hands. There are a lot of various suggestions on how to make such an element, and the scope also shines with abundance. Let's take a closer look.

Application options

Products of this type adorn more than one house and apartment. But the application does not end there. Homemade flowers are used as:

  1. Decoration of curtains and other types of curtains.
  2. Clothing decor.
  3. Jewelry.
  4. Decor of pillows and other home decoration.
  5. Bouquets.87023620_large_getimage__10_


The first thing that comes to mind when you are going to make flowers from the remnants of tulle with your own hands is, of course, roses. Organza tulle is most suitable for this color option.

In order for everything to succeed, adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Cut the tulle into square blanks for petals of 3 and 4 cm in size. About 25 pieces are needed.
  2. Next, we cut the petals from our squares for our rose.
  3. We process each element with a soldering iron or burn it on a candle flame. This is necessary so that over time the edges do not mess up.

Important! Remove fabric from fire immediately as it begins to melt.

  1. Coat the petals with hairspray. This will help them not to lose shape.
  2. We tighten the first petal below with a thread threaded into a needle and fix it. This is our foundation.
  3. We grab the previous one with the next petal and connect them in this position.
  4. Repeat the steps in a circle until the end of the workpiece.

The result is amazing. The product, which should turn out in the end, is very similar to just a blossoming tender rose.


For this option, we will also need a piece of felt for a dense base and beads for decoration.

The manufacturing sequence is as follows:

  1. We draw on the cardboard blanks for the petals - domed outlines of two sizes. One is 55 mm high and 47 mm wide at the bottom. The second is 49 mm high and 42 mm wide.
  2. Using a fabric soldering iron, 24 large and 6 small petals are cut out on a hard surface. We do more of their bottom than on the workpiece - this is an allowance for sewing the workpiece to the base.
  3. We cut the bottom allowance in a semicircle about 7 mm from the base at the widest point.
  4. From the tulle we cut 3 strips measuring 40 by 5 mm.
  5. Now give the petals a shape. To do this, squeeze the workpiece in the middle so that the edges of the cut meet near the allowance, and your petal forms a ring. At the junction of these points solder them with a soldering iron or use glue. As a result of these actions, you will form a petal.
  6. From felt, cut out a base with a diameter of 5 cm.
  7. We begin to sew the petals in a circle in layers, starting from the outside. The first 3 layers are large petals of 8 pcs. The last and the remaining 6 are small. If you did everything according to the instructions, then your petals formed 4 rows of lotus and there is still room for decorating the middle of the flower.
  8. Shape the middle with beads to match the material.
  9. We decorate the prepared ribbons with beads around the edges and sew each one in the middle to the bottom of our lotus.

The product is ready!

Important! Such a lotus will look very good on brooches and hairpins.


In order to sew an aster from the old tulle, we still need material such as tulle. It is used for a substrate that makes the flower voluminous and airy.

For work, we need 4 tulle rectangles measuring 40 by 25 cm and 2 of the same tulle fabric.

Next, follow the instructions:

  1. The cut rectangles are stacked on top of each other. Fatin top, bottom tulle.
  2. Putting our blank into an accordion. The size of one fold is 2 cm.
  3. We bend the assembled accordion in half in width and fix it with a thin rope.
  4. We cut each fold of the accordion at an angle, forming an interesting cut of the petal on the flower.
  5. Now we form a full-fledged flower. First, we straighten tulle to form a circle.
  6. Raise the layer of tulle up.
  7. We form the petals, gently and evenly spreading the tulle along the tulle blank.

Important! If the tulle does not hold well, then it can be fixed at the base with a drop of glue.

Your aster is ready! A simple but very beautiful flower will diversify your interior and give it a special charm.

There are a lot of options for sewing such an element of decor as flowers from the remnants of tulle with your own hands. Here we examined the most popular, but the imagination of the needlewoman is always limitless.

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Another option for bringing life back to the old curtains is to sew a tablecloth from them. It is enough to choose the required canvas size. Sewing a tablecloth from an old tulle is very simple. For this:

  1. Measure the sides so that each side of the new product hangs at least 30 cm from each side.
  2. Cut to size.
  3. Satin the edges with a satin ribbon.

Your tablecloth is ready!

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One of the options for modern decor is to create your own unique lampshade for the lamp. It can easily be made from the old tulle with your own hands.

We will need to do the following:

  1. Measure the lampshade and make a pattern on cardboard.
  2. Cut the fabric according to the pattern.
  3. Glue the workpiece to the base, wrap the edges inward.
  4. Decorate your product.
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Stand for hot appliances

Making a cup stand is not a big deal. In order not to buy expensive glass blanks, we use old CDs:

  1. Paste blanks from discs with plain paper. Or sew them with a cloth.
  2. Cut circles from the tulle of the necessary sizes. Their diameter should be a couple of centimeters larger than the workpiece.
  3. Cut the edges of the fabric in several places and glue it on the back.
  4. Glue the tulle disk to the wrong side, only smaller.
  5. In order to hide the seam at the place of gluing, the edges can be sewn with tape or tape.
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Chair cover

In order to make a case, it does not take much effort.Just repeat the steps below:

  1. Cut the canvas from the tulle blank to the size of the back of the chair.
  2. Sew it around the edges.
  3. Put on a chair.
  4. Tape or decorate with the flowers mentioned above.
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Stock footage

All the proposed crafts from tulle with your own hands - this is not the whole list of possibilities in order to “revive” the old tulle. At your disposal here are the most common options for what you can do from the remnants of tulle with your own hands, try them and develop imagination, creating your own unique things.

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