What can be done from old tights?

Almost every woman in the season accumulates a huge number of nylon tights, which have become unusable. They break very easily, so you have to buy new ones all the time. But do not rush to throw away your old products, they will definitely come in handy. In this article, you will learn what you can do from old tights so that they bring you the maximum amount of benefit.

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What are old nylon tights for?

There is nothing surprising in the fact that real housewives have long been using kapron products that have fallen into disrepair in everyday life. They are used in the kitchen, cottage or garden plot and even sew various useful products from them. They can come in handy when performing repairs in an apartment, an unexpected car breakdown, and for many more purposes.

With your own hands, you can do a lot of useful things from old nylon tights:

  1. Capacity for storing garlic and onions. Synthetic products perfectly pass air, do not rot and do not accumulate moisture.
  2. Rags for washing glass and mirrors. Fold the tights into a neat square, and then carefully sew them around the perimeter. You will get a great sponge with excellent abrasive properties.
  3. You can make flavored pads from old tights. You need to sew neat envelopes, fill them with various aromatic herbs or orange peels. These items will retain a fresh, pleasant aroma in the house for a long time.
  4. Remedy for moths. If you sew neat bags from tights and fill them with dried lavender, they will be able to protect your things from moths.
  5. To get the effect of fog on the photo, this kind of linen will be most welcome. If you cover the camera lens with dark tights made of nylon, you can get mysterious and unusual pictures.
  6. Unusual and original doll. Flesh-colored kapron tights are filled with synthetic winterizer, and we get a very realistic doll.
  7. Strong heels. With threads made from tights, you can strengthen the sole, only the heel or toe. Reinforced products will last much longer than usual.
  8. Ropes for tying plants. A garter made from old nylon stockings does not rot due to dampness and is much stronger than ordinary ropes.
  9. Bag for coloring eggs. So that when painting Easter eggs, applications do not peel off, each egg should be placed in a nylon product and bandaged tightly.
  10. For lack of a synthetic winterizer at hand for stuffing soft toys, you can use kapronki.
  11. Various small items from the floor or beads can be collected by putting a nylon product on the brush of a vacuum cleaner.
  12. You can easily polish furniture with strips of stockings, from which a washcloth is tied.
  13. If it became necessary to check the smoothness of any surface, you just need to draw nylon tights on its surface. If there are no puffs, then it is free of defects.
  14. Glue fluffy or porous materials can be using molten nylon. But it is worth considering that it melts and solidifies very quickly.
  15. A jar of butterflies and other insects can be covered with tights. Air will penetrate through them, they will not perish and will not be able to fly away.
  16. A tourniquet made of old nylon stockings can easily save someone's life.They can stop bleeding or fix a fracture.
  17. A broken generator belt can be temporarily replaced with old nylon tights, which are highly resistant to mechanical tearing.
  18. If lumps appear in the paint, then you can simply strain it through a stocking or slightly dip its piece in a jar. Using such methods, you can avoid the appearance of irregularities when painting walls and other surfaces.

Important! In order that the old kapron tights do not take up much space, you need to cut them into strips 2-3 cm wide, and then wind them into a ball.

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How to apply children's tights?

Winter, when the weather does not allow you to be outdoors for a long time, is the best time to make something with your own hands with your child. For example:

  • From old children's tights, you can make a lot of funny toys, dolls for the theater or florica.
  • Of the children's tights cut into strips, some needlewomen knit colorful rugs.
  • You can also cut a lot of cute rags to wipe the dust.
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Workshop on making florica

Florik is a funny grassy toy that will perfectly fit into the interior of a children's room. Such crafts from old tights with your own hands are quite easy to do at home.


To do this, you will need the following materials:

  • scissors;
  • children's tights;
  • beads;
  • needle with thread;
  • sawdust;
  • stand or plate;
  • soil for indoor plants;
  • lawn grass seeds.The Greenpeaces Editions: Taking Pictures (Replacing)

Production Instruction:

  1. Cut a piece of stocking 20-25 cm long, fill it with ⅓ sawdust.
  2. The remaining free space is filled with seeds mixed with soil, sewn up.
  3. We give the toy the shape of a hedgehog, on the front part we sew eyes from beads, embroider the nose and water it well.

Important! The seeds will germinate after some time and the hedgehog will have a bright green coat.

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What to make from old tights for household?

If any small thing was lost in the room, then you can find it with a vacuum cleaner. It is only necessary to make the simplest filter from a piece of kapron from old tights, fixing it to the pipe of the vacuum cleaner. He will detain the lost thing and will not let it get into the garbage bag.

Important! The same method can be applied when replacing water in an aquarium. This filter will help prevent soil and small stones from getting into the washing vacuum cleaner.

By the way, if your vacuum cleaner uses a reusable filter, then it can be successfully replaced with a part of nylon tights.

For household

Also from old tights with your own hands you can make the following things for the household:

  1. Kapron products are very convenient to use to clean shoes to shine. Your wet shoes will dry much faster if you put nylon bags filled with sand for cats in it. Moreover, an unpleasant smell will not come from it.
  2. Nylon tights will help housewives to keep in perfect order the pieces of wallpaper remaining after the repair.
  3. If you decide to remove the blankets for summer storage, then you can, wrapping them in a tight roll, pack them in nylon stockings.
  4. Gathering your suitcase for a trip, carefully pack your things in a few golf or kapron stockings. This will allow economical use of useful space in the bag.
  5. Kapron is a very durable material, which allows the use of products from it to bind things when moving. You can freely include old stockings in the list of things needed to move.
  6. Antimole stored in nylon bags will help prevent moths from appearing in cabinets. An identical pouch can serve as the basis for creating an aromatic sachet.
  7. A thing put into a kapron stocking can avoid accidental damage when washing in a washing machine. To avoid loss, a large number of small things are also washed with a nylon stocking.
  8. If you have a few remnants that are inconvenient to use, fold them in a nylon toe and tie it. Thus, it will be possible to use small remnants for a long time.

For women

Each representative of the fair sex can maximize the use of her torn nylon tights:

  1. If you are a happy owner of long hair, then from nylon pantyhose you can get wonderful elastic bands for hair. Especially if the tights were colored, then they will make beautiful and funny jewelry.
  2. Also, products made of kapron materials will help to quickly and conveniently remove the varnish from the surface of the nails.
  3. To get a herbal or citrus bath you need a handful of grass, peel the oranges or lemons, tie in nylon golf, and dip in hot water. After 20 minutes, you can plunge into a healthy and pleasantly smelling bath.

For kitchen

  • You, of course, are already familiar with the method of storing garlic and onions using nylon stockings. Garlic or onion is poured into the tights, and all this is stored in limbo.

Important! When loading vegetables for the convenience of getting them when filling tights, make nodules between a certain number of bulbs. This is done for the convenience of taking the right amount of onion, without untying the entire ligament.

  • A napkin washcloth can be successfully replaced by nylon tights. To do this, twist the product into a lump and tightly tie it with the same nylon material.
  • If a handful of flour is poured into a small piece of nylon pantyhose, then using such a nodule it will be very convenient to sprinkle a baking sheet or table with flour. It is also worth considering that the dough during rolling will not pester the rolling pin, on which a thin capron is pulled.
  • You can fix the bags on the garbage bin if you make a large elastic band of old tights suitable for the size of the garbage bin. They will not fall off and they will not need to be fixed every time.
  • When we were little, not many had juicers, so people adapted to squeeze the juice with the help of nylon tights. Also, such things can be used as a fine sieve for straining or sifting.
  • The hostess, who has an electric dryer for fruits and vegetables, knows that the pallets of the dryer have very large cells, and berries or greens fall through them. To avoid this, pallets can be covered with capron from tights.
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In this article, we shared with you practical and original ideas about what can be done from old nylon tights so that they benefit you for as long as possible.

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