What can be made of old curtains?

The easiest way to change the interior is to make new draperies. First of all, this applies to curtains. Window decor can be the decisive, but so subtle nuance that will either emphasize the originality of the interior and bring comfort to the home environment, or completely ruin the whole “picture”. Try a different window design, and you will be surprised how different the room will look. Yes, but what to do with the old curtains, because they are still quite good, just tired? Let's discuss what can be done from old curtains.
to contents ↑We determine the material
Before you start to do something, it is very useful to understand what exactly you have to work with. This will direct the imagination in the right direction, because some fabrics can be ironed, others not, some need to be hemmed, others just burned. Yes, and it is better to select threads, needles and accessories to a certain type of fabric.
For the manufacture of curtains are most often used:
- brocade;
- velvet;
- plush;
- synthetics;
- tulle;
- linen.
Important! Curtains are rarely made from cotton fabrics. Well, perhaps in the kitchen you can see light chintz curtains, but they certainly do not make any sense to alter them. By the time you decide to replace them, they will have time to blossom or tear. Knitwear is sometimes used, but it does not hold its shape well.
This is a luxurious heavy silk fabric, from which curtains for the living room are most often sewn. The pattern is made of metal threads. This material lasts a very long time, even in a modern house brocade curtains can hang for several decades. In the old days, brocade clothes and household items were passed down from generation to generation.
Important! Very durable dyes are used to make this fabric, so that it will hardly fade.
What can be made of old curtains if they are made of brocade? There are many ideas:
- new curtains;
- a bag;
- scarf;
- shawl;
- cover;
- furniture covers;
- decorative pillowcases;
- jewelry;
- elements of carnival costumes;
- a skirt.
Velvet and Plush
These fabrics are very similar in many ways. Plush is also velvet, but with a high pile. Dense materials made of silk or artificial fiber, with proper care, retain color for a long time, but scuffs often form on them. However, this is less typical for curtains than for clothes, bedspreads or furniture covers.
Like brocade, velvet can be used to make:
- new curtains;
- all kinds of covers and wraps;
- bags;
- belts;
- jewelry for hair.
Important! Your little son will surely be happy to wear a real knightly velvet cloak at the carnival, and your daughter will like a truly royal dress made of this material. But even you from such a large canvas can easily make yourself a spectacular and always fashionable skirt.
Great stuff! Its main advantages:
- easy to process;
- hygienic;
- easily repainted;
- you probably already washed the curtains so that the fabric no longer sits.
Not only new curtains can be sewn from flax. Probably not worth making a scarf or bag from it (although if it looks attractive enough, then why not?).
But you can make a lot of useful items for the home:
- tablecloth;
- napkins;
- kitchen towels;
- baby diapers and sheets.
Important! For baby diapers, the well-worn linen fabric is just perfect - it is very soft and, like any natural material, does not cause harm to health.
The main advantage of synthetic fiber is durability. In addition, synthetics practically do not fade, crumple and rarely tear. But it also has disadvantages:
- many synthetic fabrics (with the exception of the most modern ones) do not pass air well and absorb moisture;
- they are easy to burn.
What can be made of old curtains with such material?
- Sewing clothes from old synthetic curtains may not be necessary.
- But for all kinds of bags, lampshades, decorations for flower pots and just decorations, the material is wonderful.
- Beads, bracelets, belts, headbands for hair, and with volumetric elements - a very worthy second life for synthetic fabric.
Important! The fabric is ideal for making all kinds of covers and bedspreads. It practically does not wear out, does not lose color, so making a cover on your favorite chair is the sweetest thing.
Openwork fabric, which is now most often made of synthetic fibers. The material, to the great displeasure of the hostesses, tends to turn yellow or gray. This, of course, is fixable. But the colorless tulle curtains are usually replaced with new ones. From the old, you can sew something beautiful and interesting, after bleaching them first.
From tulle it is easy to make:
- decorations for flower pots;
- napkins;
- decorations for frames for photographs or drawings;
- jewelry for baskets;
- decorative pillowcases.
New curtains from old do-it-yourself
So, you decided to update the curtains. There are several ways to do this:
- sew stitches.
- make double-sided curtains:
- add contrasting elements;
- add volumetric elements;
- make a border;
- make a painting on the fabric;
- make and hang a pelmet;
- change shape;
- add print.
Curtains with pickups
Pickups - rings made of fabric. They can simply be worn on curtains, they can be attached to the wall - in a word, there are options. To make the simplest pickup you will need:
- a strip of fabric 20 cm wide and 40 cm long;
- iron;
- sewing machine;
- threads to match the fabric;
- a needle appropriate to the type of fabric;
- button.
Important! A catch is sewn just like any other inlay, only in this case it is absolutely the same to cut a strip along a shared thread, transverse or oblique. The product will not experience dynamic stress, so there is no need to think whether it is deformed or not. But it’s better to always cut such things obliquely.
How to act:
- Fold the strip in half, lengthwise, face out.
- Iron the fold.
- Bend the long edges in the middle by 1.5-2 cm.
- Iron the folds
- Bend the short edges too and press inwards.
- Sew a strip around the perimeter - you can use a decorative stitch.
- Mark the place for the button and for the buttonhole.
- Sew on the button.
- Swivel and cut through the loop.
Important! Grips can be made on buttons, on hooks, on flypapers and even just in the form of the tying tapes.
Double-sided curtains
When wondering how to update old curtains, think - is it possible to make double curtains from what you have? They will become denser and will look different. One layer can be made of tulle, the second - from dense material of a contrasting color.
Important! In the same way, you can update linen curtains and those made from fine synthetics. But it is not worth experimenting with velvet or brocade in this way - the material will turn out to be too heavy, not every curtain rod can stand it.
You need:
- a piece of new fabric, equal in size to the already existing curtains;
- braid for decoration;
- curtain braid;
- threads to match the color of the fabric;
- sewing supplies.
Important! Since the curtains will be quite thick, it is better to take the curtains with the most ordinary, giving small folds. In principle, such a braid allows you to update the curtains without doing anything else - if the material itself is soft enough, you can buy a curtain tape, which will make it possible to get cylindrical or bow folds, which in itself is very beautiful.
You need to cut the second layer according to the existing one, and strictly according to the shared one:
- Open the binder.
- Spread a new cloth.
- On top of it, spread the existing curtains so that the edges of both pieces coincide.
- If one of the fabrics is slippery, chop the cuts with tailor pins.
- Cut a piece of the desired length.
- Fold the pieces with their sides facing each other.
- Chip them with pins.
- Sew along the perimeter, leaving the part of the seam that will be on top unfinished.
- Trim the allowances very close to the stitch.
- Corners should be cut obliquely.
- Turn out the curtain.
- Close the seam.
- Sew and sew decorative tape on three sides.
- Baste the curtain tape with folds in place.
- Stitch her up.
- Iron your creation, if the material allows it, and fix it on the cornice.
Important! It is not necessary to double all the curtains - in this way you can design only a lambrequin.
Contrast elements
If part of the curtain is damaged, but you do not want to change it completely, you can make curtains with contrasting elements. For example, hang on the window not two panels, but four. To do this, you need another piece of fabric, equal in width to one of your curtains:
- Cut the old curtain in half lengthwise.
- Do the same with the new cut.
- Hem the hem where it is needed, or sew it in another way (for example, you can sew lace or fringe).
- Sew curtain tape along the top edges.
- Hang what you got on the ledge, alternating old and new fragments.
Important! You can make such curtains not from four panels, but from six or even eight.
Curtains with volume elements
Heavy curtains made of plain material look spectacular if you attach volumetric elements to them - sockets or flowers from the same fabric. Where to get the material? You can, for example, shorten the curtain. A 5-7 cm wide strip is needed on the outlet.
How to make such curtains from old curtains:
- Work on the edges (best with overlock).
- Sew the strip into the ring.
- Sweep the edge that will be sewn to the curtain with a “forward needle” stitch, with stitches no more than 5 mm long.
- Pull the outlet and sew it to the curtain.
Important! You can also sew on the hem with the longest stitches. In this case, it is not necessary to stitch the ring.
Flower for openwork curtains
Tulle curtains will look nice with lace flowers. To do this, you will need:
- wide lace;
- pieces of felt;
- beads or sequins;
- paste.
You can, of course, take the glue for fabric or universal, but there is nothing complicated in welding starch paste, and then proceed as follows:
- 3 tbsp Dissolve starch in a glass of cold water.
- Mix well.
- Pour 1 liter of water into an enameled or steel pan.
- Bring to a boil.
- Pour boiling starch solution.
- Remove the pan from the heat.
- Allow the paste to cool.
- Cut a circle out of felt.
- Moisten it with a paste.
- Start to lay the lace ribbon in a circle, making folds.
Important! When you fill the whole circle, glue a large bead or several sequins in the middle.
This update method is suitable for any curtains, unless, of course, they are faded or damaged. Take a band of contrasting color. View and width - at your discretion. Sew the tape around the perimeter.
Fabric painting, print and other art
If the fabric is plain, you can make original curtains from old curtains, they will help to decorate the picture. You can do it in several ways:
- draw by hand;
- draw on a stencil;
- type.
Important! For the first two methods, aniline paints will be needed - they can be bought in stores selling goods for artists or in household goods. In principle, any paint for fabric, even oil, will do.
How to create a decor:
- Lay pieces of old wallpaper on the floor.
- Spread a curtain on them.
- Dilute paints according to the instructions.
- Put a drawing.
Not everyone has artistic ability. If you are not very confident in yourself, find a suitable pattern and make a stencil on it. For stencil, thin but hard cardboard is suitable:
- Transfer the picture to the cardboard (this can be done in different ways - through a carbon copy or print on a printer).
- Cut with a sharp knife those parts that should be colored.
- Place the stencil on the curtain and secure it (e.g. with tailor pins).
- Using a cotton swab, apply paint to the slots.
Important! As for the print, it is better to order it at the design office - now many offices provide similar services. It could even be a thermal print. True, this method has one drawback - as a rule, firms are not very willing to take detailed orders from the client’s material, and they do not guarantee quality. But since you are still going to change the curtains, you do not risk anything.
We change the form
You can change the window design in many ways. If you would like to leave the old curtains, but somehow supplement them, you can make a lambrequin. Not necessarily from the same material, it is possible from contrast, and from fabric of the same color, but of a different texture.
You need:
- a piece of fabric along the length and width of the pelmet;
- the same size piece of penofol or paraplen (in stores it is called a "bath mat" or "tourist rug");
- sharp knife;
- universal glue;
- ball pen;
- long ruler;
- sharp scissors.
The lambrequin is made extremely simple:
- From a piece of penofol, cut out the base of the desired shape and size.
- According to this “pattern”, cut the fabric - strictly in size.
- Glue the layers, let dry and attach the lambrequin in any convenient way.
- It will turn out quite easy, so that it will hold even on paper clips.
Important! The “foam” that you took for the base has a lot of advantages - it is light and comes in different colors, so your product will look very elegant from the inside out.
You can do even easier. Make new curtains out of old by filling out a curly hem. This looks especially impressive if you want to update a tulle with a large pattern. It is enough to trim the bottom along the contour of the pattern - and the new curtains are ready.
to contents ↑Important! This method is also suitable for other synthetics. The edge can be in the form of halves of flowers, leaves, cloves - but whatever. You don’t need to bind anything, it’s enough to simply burn the fabric, and most of all for this purpose a burning device is suitable.
What to make of old curtains if they are not needed?
If you still decided to give your former curtains a completely different life - well, there are many opportunities. The simplest thing that can be made from old curtains is rectangular objects:
- tablecloth and napkins;
- cover;
- carnival cloak.
Important! The tablecloth and bedspread are sewn exactly the same. A little work: just cut the edges where there is no edge. If the fabric is not very thick, you can sew a fringe around the perimeter. Napkins are just squares sewn around the perimeter.
Outfits from curtains
Old curtains are simply an irreplaceable thing if you need to make a carnival costume. For a knight’s cloak, you need to know one measure - the length of the product from the neck to the ankles:
- Cut a piece of fabric of the desired size (for example, from the bottom of the curtain, which is already trimmed).
- Hem the top 5 cm.
- Insert a tie - for example, a wide ribbon.
At the carnival there will not be a more elegant child than your son.
A piece of tulle curtains will turn your little daughter into a fairy princess. It is enough to make several lace frills to the most ordinary short skirt and add to all this a cloak, which is done in the same way as a knight's cloak.
to contents ↑Important! As for things for adults, they are sewn in exactly the same way as from any other fabric, fortunately, curtains are usually long and wide, and there is always the opportunity to choose a piece where there are no spots or clues.
Various crafts
Pieces of fabric give a lot of opportunities to show imagination and at the same time update the wardrobe.
This is just a strip of fabric, trimmed around the perimeter with curly scissors. Velvet is best suited for this. But the hairband is better to sew from two strips or fold one in half - about the same as grabbing.
Decorations for flower pots:
- Strips should be taken about 15 cm.
- Pulling the basting to one point is also not necessary. Just stitch the edge with a “forward needle” stitch and pull to fit the top of the flower pot.
- Sew a braid or satin ribbon on the outside to the same edge, and a regular linen gum on the inside.
- Sew it all into a ring and put it on a flower pot.
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In this article, we shared various ideas on what can be done from old curtains. We hope this information came in handy and you were able to transform the interior without spending a lot of time on it.
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