What can be made of glass?

Glass in the interior of modern housing is a very common subject. We find this material in windows, chandeliers, door inserts, all kinds of figurines and other decorative elements. In this article, we will talk about what you can do of glass with your own hands, how you can make exclusive glass crafts with your own hands, which will become the highlight of your home. Step-by-step instructions for choosing the right materials at hand and workshops for making various cute little things will help you in needlework, if you are striving to develop in this direction.

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What is glass like?

To transform ordinary glass into real masterpieces allows their diversity:

  • liquid;
  • construction;
  • porous;
  • art.
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What can be made of glass?

Using all kinds of techniques - decoration, melting, drawing, you can make completely different glass products with your own hands:

  • broken glass crafts;
  • glass ornaments;
  • candlesticks;
  • chandeliers;
  • glasses
  • flower arrangements;
  • pictures.
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DIY glassware

Liquid glass is a very popular material for creating decor products, widely used by designers and creative personalities. It is easy to work with it, you can both decorate various surfaces and create all kinds of elements - hair clips, earrings, beads, figurines, vases, flowers.

Important! Liquid glass can be purchased at a hardware or hardware store. It can also be a good substitute for silicate glue, but it is less durable and hard, in comparison with liquid glass.

In the interior, you can decorate any surface with liquid glass - just put various small objects under the glass layer and let the glass freeze.

Important! To add volume to the product, liquid glass is applied in two layers.

“Sea bottom” - master class

The most common decoration of the surface under the seabed. Consider the stages of creating such a product.

You will need:

  • Acrylic paints.
  • Liquid glass.
  • Glass plate.
  • Plastic shells and nautical decorations.
  • Sea fish.
  • Polymer clay from which you can sculpt marine animals.
  • Pebbles.

Work Stages:

  1. Paint the bottom of the glass plate blue and let the paint dry.
  2. Place shells, pebbles, fish at the bottom of the plate, fill the entire surface with liquid glass.
  3. Wait until it solidifies.
  4. If necessary, after this you can add more than one layer of objects, filling each layer with liquid glass.

Important! With the help of a toothpick, if desired, you can make waves, which will be the best imitation of water.

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What crafts can be created using fusing?

The presence of glass of different colors allows you to create very beautiful and fascinating glass products with your own hands using fusing.

Important! This technique is based on baking glass blanks in special ovens, although microwave ovens are also used for small items.

Materials for work

For fusing, the following tools and materials will be needed:

  • Glass blanks.
  • Refractory gloves.
  • Refractory wipes.
  • Tweezers.
  • Nippers for glass.
  • Special box for glass melting.

Basic technology

With the necessary materials and tools, the technology is simple:

  1. Create a composition from pieces of glass - it can be done according to a preliminary sketch, using multi-colored or plain pieces of glass.
  2. Swim in the stove. The result is a product with blurry effects, without a clear color transition line when using multi-colored glass.

Important! Using this technology at home, you can create pendants, jewelry, jewelry, Christmas tree decorations. The presence of special furnaces allows you to create large products - plates, paintings, vases.

Step-by-step master class on making watches in Fusing style

For the manufacture of watches using the Fusing technique, the same materials and tools will be required. Step-by-step execution steps are as follows:

  1. First of all, you should draw a sketch of the future product.
  2. A blank of glass is cut out, on which a drawing will subsequently be superimposed - it can be a circle, square, oval.
  3. From multi-colored glass, pieces of glass are cut out for drawing.
  4. A hole is made in the workpiece into which the clock mechanism will be inserted.
  5. On the blank of pieces of glass, a figure is laid out, according to the sketch. If necessary, you can use glue. If required, you can tint with a special paint for glass from 750 degrees of firing.
  6. The workpiece is transferred to the oven and baked.
  7. It remains to insert the clockwork with arrows and place in a convenient place.
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Making a craft - a picture of broken glass

Let's talk about another idea of ​​what can be made of glass.

Important! Do not rush to throw away a broken glass shade or a vase, as well as multi-colored bottles. They can be used to create paintings that will be a unique addition to the design of your home.

Materials for work

To make a picture of glass, you will need:

  • Glass - bottles and waste glass products.
  • Hammer.
  • Glass cutter.
  • Thick fabric.
  • Protective gloves and glasses.
  • Glue.
  • Frame.
  • Paint.
  • Tweezers.
  • Brush
  • Sieve.
  • Toothpicks.
  • Beads.

Stages of making a picture of glass:

  1. Obtaining many fragments of glass of different colors. To do this, you can use a glass cutter - cut straight glass. In order to get fragments from the bottles, you need to first wrap it in a cloth, put it on the surface and hit with a hammer.

Important! Flying fragments can cause injuries on skin and eyes, so be sure to use safety glasses and gloves.

  1. Sift the resulting fragments through a sieve.
  2. Draw a drawing on a piece of paper. It can be anything from a simple butterfly to complex landscapes. If you do not have the ability to draw, you can print the pattern and paint it with colored pencils (when creating a picture of glass it will be more convenient to stick colorful fragments on a colored picture).
  3. Insert the picture into the frame under the glass.
  4. Proceed with bonding glass fragments to the glass surface. Squeeze the glue onto the glass and with the help of tweezers (for pieces) or toothpicks (for beads), in accordance with the picture, paste the fragments of the corresponding color.
  5. When the whole picture is pasted onto the glass, take out the picture. Frame background color in the appropriate color.
  6. Wait for the glue and paint to dry and insert the finished application into the frame.

The picture is ready!

Important! In this way, you can create pictures not only on glass, but also on chipboard.

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DIY glass decor

Existing glass surfaces can be decorated with various elements, while creating unique interior items.

Candle holder decoration

With the help of simple tools at hand, you can make an original candlestick. This DIY glass crafts will delight households and guests with its bewitching beauty.

To do this, you will need:

  • Glass candlestick or object resembling it.
  • Glue.
  • Whole bean coffee.
  • Sea salt.
  • Sparkles.
  • Acrylic paint or spray.

Stages of work.

  1. Stick coffee beans in a certain order on a glass object, and it is better to decorate either the top or bottom of the object.
  2. Paint the opposite part of the candlestick with paints.
  3. Sprinkle with sparkles until it has dried.

Important! During operation, such a candlestick should be wiped with a dry cloth - it is unstable to moisture.

Decoration of glass objects with sea salt

This option is ideal to make a photo frame. Manufacturing processes:

  1. Lubricate the outside of the frame with glue.
  2. Dip in the salt tank.
  3. Wait until the product is completely dry.
  4. Remove excess that does not stick.
  5. Coat the top with a layer of liquid glass (you can use varnish).vintazhnyiy-dekor-1024x753

Important! You can additionally decorate - decorate with paints and / or sprinkle with sparkles.

Plasticine glass decoration

You probably did not think about what original paintings can be made of glass and plasticine. Creating such a picture is similar to a broken glass picture:

  1. Print a stencil for glass decor.
  2. Put the stencil under the glass and circle the outline of the pattern on the glass with a black marker.
  3. Carefully, without leaving the contours, fill the picture with plasticine, starting with the smallest details.
  4. A suitable color of plasticine is laid out and the background of the picture.
  5. The picture filled with plasticine is inserted into the frame.

Decoration of glass objects with broken glass

In this way, you can decorate not only vases, plates, but even the most ordinary banks. This requires the following:

  1. Prepare the item you want to decorate, broken glass, glue, acrylic paints.
  2. Stick broken glass fragments onto the surface of the object, while considering their combination.
  3. Wait for the glue to dry completely.
  4. Color the glass crafts with paints.

Glass coating

It should be noted that a beautiful coating can be made of glass:

  1. For this, the glass must first be crushed to a powdery consistency (crushed into powder).
  2. Apply glue and then glass powder with a brush to the item to be decorated.
  3. Allow glue to dry.
  4. Apply glue from above again or varnish the surface.

In this way, you can decorate light bulbs, beads, various glass surfaces, as well as paint pictures. This spraying has a chic and rich color.

Important! Do not forget that working with glass at home is associated with a risk of injury, so be sure to use protective equipment.

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Original crafts from glass bottles

Glass bottles, especially of non-standard shapes, are increasingly used to create interesting and original DIY glass crafts. Consider some ideas that can add zest to the interior or exterior of a home:

  1. Dishes - glasses, glasses, plates. A bottle cut across will become a glass and a glass - the main thing is to grind the slices so as not to get cut during operation. As a leg for a glass from a bottle, you can use a leg from a crashed glass or a cork.

Important! If you have acquaintances in the glass-blowing workshop, you can get an original set of flat plates from the bottles (you won’t be able to make them at home).

  1. Vases and flower pots. Decorating the bottle in various ways (decorate with patterns, make decoupage, wrap with threads), you can get a ready-made flower vase. A bottle cut into two parts can be used as a flower pot - pour soil into the neck and plant a flower, and pour water into the glass below.
  2. Candlesticks for home and garden. From the bottles you can create various options for candlesticks, which will create a cozy and romantic atmosphere.
  3. Lamps. Cut bottles are suitable as shades for chandeliers and table lamps.

Important! And even this is far from all that can be made of glass. If you have the appropriate idea and a bit of your imagination, you can create:

  • Hangers and hooks for clothes.
  • Chairs and tables.
  • “The voice of the wind.”
  • Walls and houses made of bottles.
  • Paths, flower beds and fences in the garden.
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How to cut a glass bottle?

To make DIY glass crafts, you often have to cut a glass bottle. There are several ways:

  • Use a glass cutter for wine bottles and boiling water.
  • Use of glass cutter and fire.
  • With the help of a burning thread, nichrome wire under voltage.

Important! Each of these options has its pros and cons, and it will be very difficult to achieve a perfect even cut with these devices.

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As you can see, there are many ideas for glass crafts that you can bring to life with your own hands. You can create original products not only for your home, but also as a gift to friends and acquaintances. It is also exciting to spend time with your family, creating masterpieces. Create, enjoy it, and surround yourself with unique household items and decor to improve the quality of your life!


