What to do so that the sneakers do not slip in the gym?

Often there is a situation when your new shoes render you a disservice and turn out to be too slippery for the gym. The reason for this is some types of coatings in gyms and fitness centers. A similar situation may arise with old shoes, the sole of which has already been erased. The question arises, what to do so that the sneakers (futsals) do not slip in the gym? Of course, the easiest solution is to change shoes, buy non-slip sneakers. But this can not always be arranged, especially where is the guarantee that the new pair will not slip? The problem of slippery shoes worries many sports fans, and not everyone knows how to solve it. We suggest exploring some life hacks in this article.

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The right choice of shoes

To reduce the likelihood that new shoes will slip, you need to choose it correctly. When choosing sneakers, you need to consider many facts:

  • Preference should be given to models in which the nose is wider than the heel. This will provide good grip on the floor.
  • It’s best to buy non-slip sneakers designed specifically for training in the gym, and for each sport there are specialized shoes. Each brand has its own line of similar shoes.
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We bring shoes to the workshop

Unfortunately, even the right choice of sports shoes does not always work. And now, in spite of everything, the sneakers are sliding in the hall - what should I do? The easiest option is to take them to the workshop, where the master will stick special anti-slip pads that improve adhesion to the surface. You just need to warn that sneakers are needed for sports. Such pads are very popular in winter, when the streets are ice.

Important! An undoubted plus is that the shoes have an aesthetic appearance, since the master makes the pad invisible on the sole. The minus is the fact that this method is the most expensive.

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Glue the patch

If the shoes are slippery, then you can stick an ordinary roll patch on the sole. For this to work qualitatively:

  • Before gluing, it is advisable to clean and degrease the sole. You can degrease with vodka or alcohol.
  • Then stick the patch in pieces. It is necessary that the patch be cotton, and not from a smooth material.

Important! The plus is that the costs are cheap. But this method is short-lived - before each workout it will be necessary to glue again, since the patch quickly peels off and erases. In addition, it is very noticeable on the sole, although you can show imagination and paint the patch with a marker to the color of the sole.

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Clay “Moment” plus sand

This inexpensive way is quite effective when you need to figure out what to do so that the sneakers do not slip in the gym:

  1. It is necessary to apply glue to the sole.
  2. Shoes must first be properly washed and the sole should be degreased.
  3. Spread glue over the entire surface of the sole and stand on the sand.
  4. Leave the sneakers for a day until the glue completely dries.

The sand sticks to the sole, thus providing a good grip on the floor.

Important! Unlike the patch, the sand will last longer, which will allow the procedure for "treatment" less often.

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There are two ways to use the “services” of sandpaper so that there is no slip:

  • Rub it with a pre-fat-free sole. Just do not get carried away, otherwise you will erase the sneakers to the holes.
  • You can also stick pieces of sandpaper to the sole. It is not very beautiful, but reliable.
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Homemade tread

If your sneakers have a smooth sole, then you can screw small screws in several places. Before screwing the sharp tip of the screw, you need to "bite off" with pliers.

Important! Of course, if the shoe has a thin sole, then screws can pierce it through and ruin the shoe.

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Coca Cola

Oddly enough, but it is “Coca-Cola” that is popular in sports circles and a rather effective way:

  1. Before training, pour over the Coca-Cola sole.
  2. Let it dry.

Everything is ready! You can safely go in for training, sneakers will not slip.

Important! The effect of this method will be short-term, it will have to be done before each workout.

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Cleanliness is not only a guarantee of health

In some cases, running shoes slip due to a dirty room. Dust settles on the sole, making it slippery. Here you need to constantly wipe the sneakers from dust, you can put a wet rag and periodically stand on it or wipe its feet on it. Well, ask the cleaner to pay more attention to the dusty floor.

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Other ways to make shoes less slippery

If you look at forums on the Internet, you can find many interesting ways:

  • They suggest wiping the sole with wax, castor oil, raw potatoes, and treating them with pine rosin (a soldering agent).
  • Some even offer to spit on them: unhygienic and unsympathetic, but for a while it helps and no costs.
  • Or stick chewing gum, you must first chew it. The method is also so-so.
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Stock footage

In general, choose the way you like and afford, and conquer the sports peaks!


