Housekeeping Tips

This article provides advice to housemaids on how to overcome their fears and start a new business as soon as possible. Undoubtedly, everything new and unknown, causes some concern and we must be able to cope with it in order to become more competent in matters of our work.
to contents ↑How to get rid of fears?
The work of a housekeeper at first glance only seems simple and feasible to anyone. In fact, there is really something to be afraid of, but in order not to become a slave to your worries, you need to know how to deal with them, what you really need to pay attention to, and what to forget about.
Factor 1. Fear of humiliation
Fear that you will be considered a servant and will not be respectful to you. This refers more to the issue of educating the employer himself, since an educated and cultured person will never allow himself to humiliate his employee. And if the employer needs your services and pays you money for it, respect your work and others will respect it.
Factor 2. Fear of harming the property of the employer
In this case, you can endlessly list what you can ruin in the house. The main thing to remember here is if you suddenly do not know how to use this or that technique or do not know how to deal with rare and expensive things that require special care, do not be afraid to ask a more experienced person for advice. Even if you ask how you cleaned these items before and ask for specific tips for housekeepers, this will only be a plus. This is still better than puzzling how to fix it.
Factor 3. Operation
It often happens that initially, when hiring a worker, certain specific requirements were put forward, but over time many other tasks were added that were not part of his duties. At the same time, wages remained the same. In this situation, the advice to the housemaid will be as follows: when hiring, clearly discuss your further responsibilities with the employer and fix them on paper. This will help to avoid incomprehensible situations that may arise in the process. And do not be afraid to assert your rights - this is ordinary work, not slavery. An employer may need your services more than you need him. Even if you do not find a compromise, you can always find another job in this direction.
Factor 4. Fear of social insecurity
Nowadays, there is still no such profession as a housemaid. Therefore, we recommend that you conclude your own contract with the employer in order to eliminate conflicts in the future or use the standard agreement of the intermediary company through which you arrange. In the latter case, they will also be able to suggest how to behave better in a particular case.
Factor 5. Fear of interviewing
An interview is always a stress for an employee, as he needs to demonstrate his knowledge, skills and convince a potential employer of his uniqueness in front of strangers. First of all, you just have to be confident. Below you will find additional secrets on how easy it is to get an interview and establish yourself as a qualified specialist.
to contents ↑Tips for housekeepers on how to get an interview
If you are already completely ready to start work, it is important for you to have a positive interview and convince the employer that it is you who will most effectively cope with your work.
Tip 1
Remember that the first impression is the most important, therefore, for an interview:
- Choose neat, non-invasive clothing.
- Make a discreet, light makeup.
Important! You should not stand out in the house, but harmoniously combine with it.
Tip 2
During the interview process, answer clearly and essentially to questions posed to you. Avoid excessive talkativeness.
Tip 3
When going through an interview, let the potential employer understand that you are efficient and ready to fulfill your duties. Demonstrate your ability to listen and hear the requirements of the employer.
Tip 4
Show your knowledge that you can skillfully use all kinds of household appliances and can cope with stains of different origin. Also, if necessary, demonstrate your culinary abilities.
Tip 5
If you already have a rich track record in this area and you are changing your employer once again, in no case do you start to tell the whole story at the interview, to reveal the bad qualities of character or any other negative nuances about your previous job. Believe me, this will not convince the new customer how good you are, but rather provoke a desire not to mess with you. You never know what can happen in the process of further cooperation and that you will be ready to tell unfamiliar people about it.
to contents ↑Stock footage
We hope that our article saved you from the stereotype of a housemaid as a sullen woman with a mop, but on the contrary presented her in another image - a fairy who brings cleanliness. Follow these simple rules and you can easily get a new job.
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