DIY home decor

DIY home decor is an invariable attribute of the room where the hostess lives, loving her hearth. Even designer repairs look uncomfortable if there is not even one trinket made in a fit of creativity. Creating a decor, whether it be a photo frame or a pillow for a sofa, we bring a piece of our soul to the apartment. These handmade items can make the interior unique. In order to create something original, does not require large financial investments and great artistic inclinations. Usually in the house there is always a mass of shreds, ribbons, beads, threads, buttons, colored paper and other things. This is quite enough to create a decor. You can make amazing things from the old "junk" lying in the attic - floor lamps, shelves, picture frames, drawers, nightstands, stools, dishes and the like. Show your imagination or see ideas on needlework sites. This article is dedicated to the decor of the apartment with their own hands.

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The main ideas for home decor with your own hands:

  • Decorate the walls. Decor can be done in the form of a drawn pattern, vinyl stickers (flowers, butterflies), a collage of photos in man-made frames, three-dimensional paintings, panels, original shelves.
  • Create original home decoration. You can update antiques - chests of drawers, chairs, floor lamps. And you can create new decor elements with your own hands - a lamp from cups, a lampshade from beads and threads, a wicker basket from old newspapers.
  • You can sew, knit, crochet a variety of textile decorations - tablecloths, rugs, bedspreads, pillows, napkins, rugs, potholders, flowerpots or amulets.
  • For interior decor, you can make compositions of fresh flowers and dried flowers - ikebana, bonsai, voluminous paintings.

Techniques for creating a home decor for a room at home are very numerous. This is decoupage, artificial aging (craquelure, patination), sewing, knitting, embroidery, patchwork, modeling and so on. When creating a decor, each is guided by his own taste, skills and what is at hand.

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DIY home decor

There are so many interesting ideas for do-it-yourself home decor that you cannot cover them in one article. We simply give examples that are taken as a basis, introducing their additions to them.

Vintage furniture

Old furniture can decorate your apartment and become its highlight - a chest of drawers, a stand for umbrellas, a pair of chairs or a dressing table. So that your chosen decor does not look dusty junk, it needs to be restored. But this, of course, provided that the furniture is still usable and requires only external transformation:

  1. The sturdy old stool can be repainted and covered with leather or cloth.
  2. The chair can not only be repainted, but also made using decoupage technique or apply patterns using a stencil.
  3. Sideboard, bedside table, chest of drawers made of wood will require great effort:
    • If it is important for you to maintain the structure of the tree, remove the old varnish with a wash, a spatula and sandpaper, cover it with fresh.
    • If you want to add color, then follow this order: with a grinder, get rid of the old varnish coating and smooth the surface, then paint in the right tone.Old furniture will gain a second life and will serve more than one generation.
  4. If you - on the contrary, want to make the furniture “antique”, then use the patination technique (when plaque is applied to wood or metal, similar to that which occurs during prolonged use of the item).

Important! Bitumen and acrylic patina are suitable for wood decor, it can have a shade of gold or silver. Wax patina is ideal for carved items.

dek-40Lampshades for lamps and floor lamps


This is another do-it-yourself home decor idea for an element of decor. If there is an obsolete lamp or floor lamp, then you can update and transform them. It is enough to make an updated lampshade so that the lamp would not be recognized.


  • Remove the lampshade and clean it of dust.
  • A simple option to bring decor to life is to replace the fabric. Pick it up in the store, if the house was not found suitable.
  • It is necessary to take measurements and cut out a pattern, which after transfer to the fabric.

Important! It should be dense and not loose, and the color should be combined with the interior.

  • Sew the edges and sew if necessary.
  • Pull the workpiece over the lampshade.
  • You can simply stick the fabric on the old lampshade. It is important to align the edges so that there are no gaps.
  • Glue a beautiful braid or lace on the top and bottom of the product. Their selection is huge in handicraft and decor stores.

Important! Instead of fabric, wide lace, guipure, satin ribbons are also used. They are glued with overlapping stripes.

  • In addition, decorate the lamp with flowers and butterflies, interesting buttons.
  • Also refresh the lamp stand by painting it in the desired color with acrylic paints.

How to make home decor with your own hands in the form of a lampshade made of ropes and threads? Very simple. You will need a round balloon, PVA glue and twine (yarn).


  • Inflate the ball. It is important to make a mark on the area that should be left blank (for a cartridge with a lamp).
  • Pour glue and some water into the bowl.
  • Dip the twine into the solution so that it is saturated with glue.
  • Now in a circle we wind our ball in different directions without filling the marked area.

Important! The surface should be densely entwined with twine, but with gaps.

  • When the glue has dried, we burst the ball. You have in your hands a round openwork lampshade from twine.
  • If desired, it can be made colorful with spray paint.
  • Fasten the lampshade to the lamp.

Important! Remember that such a decor should not touch the lamp itself, and it is desirable that it be LED or energy saving, that is, it did not heat up.

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We decorate the walls

For walls, you can make many different eye-friendly decor items. Consider a few ideas.

Photo frame

Such home decor with your own hands from improvised materials for beginners will be simple to do. A frame for a photo or picture can be created from cardboard, using everything that is at hand.


  • Cut the base for the frame a couple of centimeters wider than the photo (picture).

Important! It is desirable that the photo was large, otherwise - the decor is "lost" on the wall.

  • Then cut out the frame that will frame the photo.
  • The frame can be decorated with different elements - colored sand and shells (for a photograph from the sea), dried flowers, beads, beads, coffee grains, even cereals and pasta. To do this, apply glue on a cardboard frame with a thick layer (PVA, for example) and carefully attach the decor.

Important! If it is cereal or grain, then it should be poured thicker, squeezed, give the glue time to seize, and after turning it over - all unnecessary will disappear. If these are larger decorative elements, then fix them in place with tweezers. You can also use a glue gun.

  • An interesting idea of ​​the decor is to entwine the frame with beautiful braid and satin ribbons, fixing them with glue.
  • Attach the frame to the base.

Important! Remember to make a hole for the nail or attach a loop.

Volumetric picture

Decor in the form of a three-dimensional picture is created in the same way.Decorate the frame in the manner described above, or take a finished one from an unnecessary picture.

Important! Sometimes for this purpose foam plastic skirting boards with a convex pattern are used.


  1. The ceiling plinth is marked to the desired size and cut. It is important to strictly observe an angle of 45 degrees. Then they glue and paint in any color.
  2. The basis of the picture is plywood or cardboard.
  3. The background of the decor can be done using paint, the remains of wallpaper, wrapping colored paper, fabric and more.
  4. Do not forget to make a mount.
  5. Connect the frame to the base.
  6. Center fill the decor to your taste. Fasten objects with a glue gun or “liquid nails”.

Important! Artificial or dried flowers, an interesting cup and saucer, a small original souvenir brought from distant countries, small shells and corals can be used as a central composition.

The order of placement of decor elements is from the center to the edges. You can hang a glass flask with water on a rope and place a living flower in it. That is, it can be any voluminous objects, even colored pencils, the main thing is that they are combined with the style and color scheme of your interior.

Important! Similarly, you can make a decor for the mirror in the hallway or bedroom.

Photo rack

The decor in the form of paintings and photographs perfectly fill the empty walls. You can take a photo in a makeshift framework (described above), or create a whole stand-rack with photos. The old window frame is quite suitable for this, especially if it is divided into several windows (as is done on the verandas).


  1. The frame should be cleaned of old paint and sanded, and only then can it be repainted in the desired color.
  2. We prepare the basis of plywood (cardboard) of the right size. We fit it with fabric or with the remnants of wallpaper, you can paint it.
  3. In the right places we place pictures, photos and put them against the wall (you can hang them on the wall).


Shelves for a variety of gizmos

The walls can be supplemented with original shelves. For this decor, take a couple of old, still strong drawers. Repaint them, add something - paint, glue the inner surface with wrapping paper or decorate using decoupage technique. Decoupage is an original and simple version of the idea for a home decor with your own hands, which involves gluing paper elements of various shapes on the surface of the base, then varnishing.

Important! In such boxes, shelves you can place cups, figurines, books, discs, jars with condiments, jewelry boxes and more.


A flock of butterflies will perfectly complement and decorate an empty wall. You can make such a decor for any room.


  • Butterflies can be bought ready-made - from a vinyl film with an adhesive back side. And you can print a template from the Internet and cut butterflies from vinyl, oracal or color cardboard yourself.

Important! For the decor to look colorful, there should be a lot of butterflies, preferably of different sizes.

  • Preliminarily consider what the order of their placement will be - a wave, a heart, a spiral, or flying apart. To do this, make marks on the wall with a pencil.
  • Glue the butterflies to the wall just by the “tummy”, do not remove the film on the wings and slightly bend them so that the butterflies look three-dimensional.
  • Man-made butterflies attach to the wall on a double-sided tape.

Important! If you are too lazy to cut butterflies, then create a decor on the wall in the form of geometric patterns from colored tape. The order of placement is from the center.

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DIY home decor - textiles, pillows, tablecloths, napkins

Everyone will agree that lace napkins on the table, a knitted blanket on the armchair, embroidered pillows give the house coziness and charm. The guest immediately understands that there is a mistress-needlewoman in the house:

  • If you are not good at crocheting, then you can look for delicate white napkins in grandmother's chests.
  • Even a beginner in knitting will be able to make a plaid from thick wool yarn. Plaid will warm you in the winter evenings.
  • If your room is decorated in a rustic style or country, then tablecloths and bedspreads using the patchwork technique are suitable as a decor. It is important that you not only use old shreds, but also add home comfort to the room.
  • Sofa cushions can be complemented with embroidered or knitted pillowcases.

Shabby Chic Pillow

Necessary materials:

  • blank for pillowcase 30x40;
  • a piece of knitwear matching the pillowcase size 90x150;
  • padding pad for stuffing.


  • We cut the cut into strips 4 cm wide and 150 cm long.
  • Divide the cuts into 10 cm pieces.
  • On one side of the pillowcase, we draw strips at a distance of 2 cm from each other. They should go 19 pieces.
  • Divide the resulting pieces of knitwear into 19 piles.
  • Now lay out the pieces from one pile across the stripes drawn on the pillowcase at regular intervals.

Important! Before you fix a piece of knitwear on a pillowcase, you need to make it wrinkled.

  • When one row is ready, bend the ends of the strips to the side. The procedure for the second and subsequent rows is the same.

Important! Do not forget to retreat around the perimeter of 1.5-2 cm to the seams (you will still sew a pillowcase).

  • When all pieces of knitwear are sewn, the front part of the pillowcase becomes “shaggy”. Now rotate the pillowcase pieces facing each other and sew the three sides.
  • Turn out, stuff it with a padding polyester and carefully sew the fourth side.

Fancy curtains made of ropes or ribbons

Similar decor can be done for the nursery and bedroom.

Important! If you make such a curtain for giving and hang at the entrance, then it will serve as an excellent protection against insects.


  • Fasten many tapes to the pipe cornice.

Important! This can be satin ribbons, ropes, decorative cord, thick threads, braid, thick fishing line with strung beads and more.

  • You can fasten in several ways:
    1. fix in the clamps for the cornice;
    2. cut the double length of the rope and fix it in the middle with a knot on the ledge;
    3. buttons can be made.
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Original and beautiful DIY home decor

You can create a lot of interesting and useful gizmos for your home with your own hands.


For jewelry or some little things you can make a decor in the form of an unusual box. Take as a basis a plastic canvas for embroidery. It is sold in needlework stores and has a flexible but solid structure. Creating such a cute decor will not take much time.


  1. It is necessary to make markup of parts on the canvas.
  2. Cut out the bottom and cover.
  3. On the cover you can make decor in the form of embroidery.
  4. Connect the parts with a thread or a decorative cord.


You can make a housekeeper out of plywood. Such home decor with your own hands from improvised materials will hang at the front door, and the keys will be in sight.


  1. Take a piece of plywood the size of a notebook, color it.
  2. Secure the small key hooks in the right amount.
  3. You can make inscriptions or pictures over the hooks to indicate where, whose keys should hang, so that there is order.
  4. Fill the empty space of the decor in the form of a key holder with imitation of brickwork. To do this, cut out the rectangles from the cardboard, glue them in a checkerboard pattern, paint in brown. The seams between the "bricks" highlight bronze paint.

Important! To “bricks” looked embossed, you can glue a crumpled napkin on top, and then paint.


Decorative tree

To create a decor in the form of an original tree you will need:

  • dry branch of an interesting form;
  • spray paint;
  • artificial flowers.


  1. A small branch can be strengthened in a beautiful pot, and put a larger branch in a vase.
  2. To make the branch gold or to give any other tone, use acrylic or spray paint.
  3. Wait for the paint to dry completely.
  4. Use a glue gun to fix flowers on it. The order of placement is from the center to the edges.

Such a decor for an apartment with your own hands to realize is quite simple, fast, inexpensive.

Important! Similarly, you can make a Christmas composition by replacing flowers with small Christmas decorations and tinsel.

From dried flowers, autumn leaves, spikelets, medicinal herbs and other things, you can easily create a wreath, amulet or composition for a vase. DIY home decor from improvised materials is simple and affordable.


Dandelions from cotton buds look very unusual. To create this decor you will need:

  • cotton swabs;
  • foam balls;
  • long wooden skewers - you can buy ready-made or made from smooth branches;
  • paint.


  1. Cut the cotton buds in half.
  2. Insert them into the ball very densely. For the beauty of the decor, it is very important that there are many.
  3. Put the ball on the skewer and dip in liquid paint (can be made from food coloring). Paint should soak cotton wool, and polystyrene should remain clean.
  4. You can make any number of such flowers and put in a vase.

Such an interesting home decor with your own hands will not miss a single guest.

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Do-it-yourself home decor from improvised materials is not only an option for spending time with benefit, but also an opportunity to make your home cozy and beautiful. Choose your favorite products, and boldly proceed to their creation!

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