DIY fireplace decor

What could be better than wrapping yourself in a warm plaid, taking a cup of tea or mulled wine and sitting warming by the fireplace? This heating tool is popular at all times. It is able to give home comfort, add a wonderful atmosphere of magic, warm the room and include a “twist” in any interior. If you already have a fireplace and it has been laid out for a long time, its appearance can always be rehabilitated, decorated and completely updated. Today we will talk about how to make a fireplace decor with our own hands, consider different ways to update the appearance and tell us which one is the best.
to contents ↑Stitching on a home fireplace
The fireplace must be properly designed and installed. The installation of the heat is carried out by specialists. However, if you still installed a fireplace in your home, then it will delight you throughout your life. Therefore, the costs are fully recouped.
Decor Methods
The obligatory procedure after laying the fireplace is the joint stitching. This action involves the distribution of cement mortar between individual masonry parts using a special curly tool. There are many options for curly seams. So, you can make it oval, square, convex or flush with the main material.
Important! Stitching of seams can be done in a different, distinctive color from the shade of the main elements. To do this, add the pigment of the desired shade to the solution. In this case, you will have an irresistible fireplace decor with your own hands.
Technology Features:
- Making a fireplace with your own hands, namely the jointing begins with horizontal lines.
- After you have shaped the horizontal surfaces, you can come to the vertical gaps between the main elements.
- After performing this action, it is recommended to cover the masonry with special means that have heat-resistant properties.
to contents ↑Important! In modern stores, a wide selection of colors with different characteristics is presented. That is why you will choose the most popular option for you.
Stucco fireplace decor
The most budgetary option for decorating a fireplace with your own hands is to use plaster. It is popular with many people. This is due to the fact that with the help of this material, you can create a huge number of decorative individual effects and textures.
Important! If you use a sponge or rubber spatula, you can create an attractive “wavy” look on the surface.
Let's take a closer look at the instructions for plastering a fireplace with your own hands.
Do it yourself step-by-step plastering of a fireplace:
- To improve the quality of the plaster, add finely chopped fiberglass and table salt to the solution.
- Clean all surfaces of the fireplace from dust and dirt.
- Coat all the seams. The thickness of the solution should be about one centimeter. Before performing this operation, it is recommended to warm the fireplace.
- Spray the solution onto all surfaces. This will be the first layer. It must be applied with an ordinary spatula.
- Using a trowel and brush, apply a finishing coat of plaster to all surfaces.
- A grater will help you smooth out the entire coating.
Important! Please note that the thickness of this final layer should not be more than 5 mm. If necessary, you can spray the surface with water.
- Let the surface dry
to contents ↑Important! The most common types of plaster are decorative and Venetian finishes.
Decorate the fireplace with drywall
Do-it-yourself fireplace design is only suitable for electric heaters. Such an assembly is installed on a frame made of metal profiles and sewn with drywall. With the help of special materials, various design ideas and many possible options, you can make a unique design.
Drywall-based electric fireplace - decoration steps:
- We make a frame based on metal profiles.
- We carry out all the wiring that we need to use the fireplace.
- We install plasterboard plates.
- Fasten the plates with screws. Do this action only on the metal frame. The distance between the screws should not exceed 15 cm.
- Using special plaster tape, “seal” the seams.
- Putty the joints between the plates.
At this stage, you need to proceed to decorating the fireplace. You can do this with stucco or another method. It is about them that we will talk a little lower.
to contents ↑DIY fireplace decor with stone
Another popular way to decorate a fireplace with your own hands is stone trim. In this case, your heating element will look elegant and elegant:
- For decoration, a special facing stone is used, which has high-level characteristics. It serves for a long time, while it has no shortcomings and negative reviews.
- In the event that you can access special equipment, then you can independently process and install marble and granite on the fireplace.
- If you do not have such an opportunity, then give preference to limestone, shell rock or ordinary household stone.
- Another decoration option is the use of artificial stone, which does not differ in appearance from natural, but its cost is several times lower, and there are a huge number of models on sale that will make your fireplace unique.
Important! We draw your attention to the fact that artificial stone can not only be purchased in stores. You can also do it yourself. To do this, you need to mix sand, cement, pigments of the desired shade and pour this solution into the silicone molds that are sold in any hardware store.
To make your own building brick, you need to let the mortar stand to dry completely, then use it to decorate the fireplace with your own hands.
The whole stone, whether artificial or natural, is applied to the surface of the fireplace with the help of special glue, mastic or mortar. For more convenient laying, it is recommended to lay the stones on the floor first. Arrange it as you wish. Only after that transfer it already to the fireplace.
to contents ↑Decorate the fireplace with tiles
Making a fireplace with your own hands is popular among the owners of this interior heating item.
The most popular types of tiles for facing the fireplace:
- porcelain tile;
- terracotta;
- clinker tile;
- majolica.
All these materials are intended for decorating heating objects, therefore they have a high rate of wear resistance and withstand high temperatures.
Important! When buying tiles for decorating a fireplace, give preference to small sizes. It will be easier for you to mount it and there will be no need to cut it at the joints, as it can be when using large plates.
Another important factor when laying tiles during the fireplace decor with your own hands is the choice of a solution to perform this action. You need to opt for refractory materials.
Brief instructions for decorating a fireplace with stoves:
- We prepare surfaces for decoration with tiles. To do this, you need to clean all work surfaces from old coatings, dust and dirt. Deepen the joints between bricks and also clean. It is best to blow air.
- We level the surfaces using starting mixtures. Let the applied solution dry.
- We outline the action plan.
- From the bottom row we begin to lay the tiles. This action is no different from laying another tile. The glue is applied to the tile, installed, tapped with a rubber hammer. Then let it dry.
- We use “crosses”. In this case, the seams between the tiles will be even, in the same size.
- After laying the entire tile, it is necessary to clean the remaining mortar with a dry rag and only after that leave the material to dry.
- The drying process takes at least one day.
- Now you can close up the seams and enjoy the beauty.
Decorating a fireplace with your own hands using tiles allows you to create an individual interior item that will delight you for more than one year.
to contents ↑Use of tiles for decorating a fireplace
The most extraordinary, expensive and unusual way of decorating a fireplace with your own hands is the use of tiles. They can be matte or glossy. Often there are various images on them.
Important! The main feature and, at the same time, the difference between tiles and tiles is the presence on the first element of the rump - a box for installing the material. This element allows you to not only install the tile on any surface, it also accumulates heat. As a result, the fireplace will heat the room for a long time.
Instructions for laying tiles:
- At the first stage, it is necessary to prepare tiles. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they can differ from each other, even if they were in the same batch. To improve the masonry, you must first consider each element, lay the sample on the floor and then transfer it to the fireplace. In this case, you will get a beautiful and even coating.
- Using a grinder, cut off excess material that may be present on individual elements of the decor.
- We install, we fasten tiles. To do this, use a metal wire.
- For installation, the rump is filled with mortar, brick scraps, clay, connected together by wire. For this purpose, it is better to use a metal cable with a diameter of 0.4-0.6 cm.
- Laying is done carefully, hiding the wire in the seams.
to contents ↑Important! Laying tiles requires small skills that cannot be obtained without contacting specialists. Therefore, decorating a fireplace with tiles should be entrusted to the masters.
Decorating a fireplace with wood
Among all the possible options for decorating a fireplace with your own hands, there is an unconventional way to use natural wood. For this purpose, it is worth choosing a quality, solid wood. However, this advice is not a mandatory rule. You can give preference to any tree and treat it with special tools that will extend its life.
to contents ↑Important! Wood is the main material for decorating the portal and shelf design. The entire tree before the arrangement of the fireplace is covered with refractory substances, varnish and other means.
Stock footage
Decorating a fireplace with your own hands is a fascinating process. Each owner of this item chooses the most suitable option for themselves. However, they are all beautiful in their own way, good and individual. Decorate your interior too, fill the house with warmth and comfort with the help of a beautiful fireplace, which you decorate yourself.
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