DIY vase decor

DIY vase decor - This is an interesting, entertaining and, at the same time, not very easy exercise, which is great for children and adults. If you want to have an individual and unique glass jar for storing flowers, then from this article you will find many options for the beautiful decor of this interior item. Consider what can be used and how.

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Making a marble vase

If you want to do DIY vase decor, master class will help you in the implementation of this venture. An excellent solution for decorating an interior item will be to make a glass container in marble colors.

Materials for work

To do this, you will need:

  • a transparent jar, a bottle of unusual shape or another empty container;
  • acrylic paints.

Important! The secret to making a flower container with a marble effect is that the paint is applied not from the outside, but from the inside.

Instructions for the design of a marble vase:

  1. We take the vessel and wash it thoroughly. Then dry completely.
  2. We get two shades of acrylic paint. It should resemble marble. It can be blue and white, beige and light brown.
  3. Rotating the vessel with one hand, with the other hand, squeeze out the paint bottles into the inside.
  4. After you have poured paint into a container, it must be carefully distributed throughout the vessel. To do this, the container is constantly rotated. If necessary, add paint. It is necessary to do this action until the entire surface is painted.
  5. Place the container on a paper towel upside down. Thus, the remaining paint will run away and the stain layer will be uniform.88d0410a577a3a5bf84a9e24d8e90f35

Important! The “marble” vessel is only suitable for artificial flowers and care must be taken that the stems do not scratch the surface. Water cannot be poured into such a container.

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Decorate a vase with glue

If you have a “glass jar” of unusual shape “littered”, then you can make a beautiful container for flowers out of it. One of the most popular and affordable ways to decorate is to use a glue gun.

DIY vase decor using glue is that you draw various patterns, monograms, flowers on the outside of the vessel. Drawing takes place with hot silicone glue. After completing the drawings, you can paint the container with any color. To do this, it is best to use spray paint. It is sold in any hardware store.

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We decorate with pebbles, rhinestones and other decor

If you think about how to decorate a vase, then look at the small pebbles, rhinestones, beads that are in every house. With such elements you can make a very beautiful, unique capacity for storing flowers.

For decor you will need:

  • glue gun;
  • pebbles, rhinestones, beads, similar decor;
  • acrylic paint;
  • PVA glue;
  • a bit of imagination.

Decor Ideas

All pebbles are glued with silicone glue. In this question, you can show your imagination:

  • pre-paint the future vase;
  • take pebbles of different sizes or colors;
  • glue in a certain order or randomly, very close to each other or adhering to a specific pattern.

In any case, you will get a very beautiful capacity.

Important! The main advantage is that it is designed for fresh flowers. You can pour water into it without fear that the stones will fall away.

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Making a nautical style vase

So many people are interested in the question of how to decorate a vase with your own hands at home in a marine style. It is very easy to do. If the marine style stands out in your room, there is a certain paraphernalia, then you can make a glass vessel that emphasizes the special color of the room.

You will need:

  • glass vessel;
  • rope or twine;
  • any dye;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue.

Getting started - option 1:

  1. At the initial stage of decoration, it is necessary to draw an adhesive line from the outside in the center and glue the pieces of rope of the same length. This must be done carefully so that there are no gaps. That is, the glue ropes are very close to each other.
  2. After that, weave braids from twine.
  3. At the end, glue the “pigtails” to the walls of the object, cut off the remains.

Important! If at the junction you got minor flaws, you can decorate them with different buttons or other decor.


Decorating a Vase - Option 2

Another way that how to decorate a vase with your own hands is the use of twine, but only on a cylindrical vessel:

  1. In this case, you stick the pieces of rope to the beginning of the can (in the place where the lid is usually twisted).
  2. We do it in such a way that there are no gaps.
  3. Then weave in a checkerboard pattern of weaving.

Important! DIY vase decor involves the use of various materials. To create such a decorative item in a marine style, twine and dye of any origin can be used. Of course, it is best to use pigment for fabrics. However, you can take ordinary green.

Vase in a marine style - option 3

Decorating with paints is that you take a fairly long rope and lower it by one third into a container with diluted fabric paint. It will brighten gradually and smoothly. This effect is called the gradient, and its popularity is increasing every day. After this, it is necessary to allow the twine to dry and stick it on the container.

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Vintage vase

Among all the options, how to decorate a vase with your own hands at home, it is worth highlighting the design using the “vintage” technique. This workshop is very simple. Even a schoolboy can do it.

Important! The main advantage of this technique is that in this way you can decorate not only the flower container, but also other interior items. For example, flower pots.

For work, we prepare:

  • glass vessel;
  • acrylic paint;
  • PVA glue;
  • glue gun;
  • napkins;
  • scissors;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • dark acrylic paint;
  • brush or foam sponge.12-24

Working process:

  1. We select a vintage stencil. On the Internet there are many pictures with such patterns. It can be redrawn on paper or simply printed.
  2. The stencil, depicted on paper, is lowered into a glass vessel, we fix it so that it does not move.
  3. From the outside with the help of a glue gun we “draw” a vintage drawing, transferring it from the stencil.
  4. We draw with hot glue the entire vintage pattern transferred from the stencil to the outside of the vessel.
  5. Tear the napkin into small pieces.
  6. Using a brush or sponge and PVA glue, glue the pieces of the napkin onto the surface of the item. Including, and on the “glued” surface.
  7. We give a napkin to dry and cover the entire future vase with light-colored acrylic paint.
  8. After the light paint has dried, it is necessary to dip the brush in black paint and add decor elements to the container. In this regard, you do everything according to personal imagination. You can “age” the surface, add a picture of monograms and other elements.
  9. We cover the entire container with acrylic varnish and allow to dry.

Vintage vase is ready!

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Decor vases with flowers

If you want uDIY vasethen create a spring mood in your home by decorating any suitable item.

Materials for work

To create a unique, spring, beautiful container for storing floristic plants, you will need various artificial flowers, scissors and a glue gun. For this purpose, it is best to buy small flowers of different shades.

Features of the process:

  • The essence of decorating a vase with your own hands is that you glue small flowers with a glue gun on a vessel.
  • Of course, it is advisable to pre-paint the walls with any light acrylic paint.
  • You can glue the flowers in a spiral, create floral arrangements or lay them out in a certain sequence. In this matter, everything relates to your imagination.

Create a beautiful mood for your interior with such a spring vase!

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Vase decor with other materials at hand

If you want to decorate a vase with your own hands, then for this there are many more options. Above, we told you the most popular. However, there are several more ways to decorate.

Decor with improvised items:

  1. Use socks or old tights. This method is suitable for narrow, cylindrical vessels. You simply put a jersey on the vessel.
  2. The use of pasta. With a glue gun and various solid pasta, you can lay out various shapes. Subsequently, they can be painted with spray paint.
  3. Dip in the semolina and paint. We cover the glass vessel with varnish and dip into a container with dry semolina. Then you can paint the container in several shades or leave it that way.
  4. The use of seeds. This decoration method is identical to decorating a container of pasta.
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DIY vase decoration - This is a fascinating process that involves many options and ways. You can independently express your imagination and make your item the most beautiful. I wish you creative success!


