DIY glass

Glass is one of the most “noble” materials for decoration, since it is transparent and any decoration will look rich on it. By decorating glass, you can create real masterpieces that will delight you and your friends for a long time, catch the eye of all visitors to your home. There are several techniques - some of which require the purchase of expensive materials, while for others quite basic items. Let's figure out how to create a decorative glass with your own hands.
to contents ↑Varieties of glass
There are several types of glass:
- Liquid;
- Porous;
- Artistic
- Construction.
to contents ↑Important! Any glass in the hands of a craftsman turns into a real masterpiece, from it you can make candle holders, dishes, flowers and much more. It can be combined with other materials, such as plasticine, clay, metal.
Decor glass sea salt
Such a decorative glass with your own hands is suitable for designing a frame for a photo:
- The outer part of the frame must be smeared with glue and lowered into a tank with salt.
- When the product is completely dry, excess salt that has not adhered should be shaken off.
- Then you need to cover the frame with a layer of varnish.
- For decoration, you can paint the frame with paints or sprinkle with sparkles.
Plasticine glass decor
This method is primarily suitable for working with children. To do this, you need:
- Print special stencils and choose colors.
- Then stick each color of plasticine in a specific place, and the picture is obtained.
Important! It can be glued to a glass plate, or inserted into the same glass frame, decorated with salt. The picture can be chosen for every taste, depending on the preferences of the young decorator.
You can make a decorative aquarium from an ordinary can:
- Make plasticine fish, algae and place them in a jar, which can previously be decorated with salt.
- At the bottom of the aquarium, put pebbles, decorative glass, shells.
Are you convinced that decorating glass with your own hands is simple? Moving on to other ideas!
to contents ↑Broken glass decoration
If you first break the glass and then glue it, you can achieve a beautiful effect and create compositions that will decorate your home.
Important! To glue the glass you need a special glue - PVA will not work.
Glass vase
Consider the example of a glass vase, how to make glass decoration with your own hands:
- We will need: acrylic paint, broken glass and glue
- Create a composition of pieces of glass. Gradually stick pieces of glass on the surface of a vase or ordinary glass jar.
- Wait for it to dry
- Color your craft with acrylic paints.
Broken glass painting
From broken glass, you can create pictures:
- First you need to choose a base for the picture - it can be a sheet of plywood or cardboard.
- Pick up a picture and prepare a lot of multi-colored glass fragments.
- To create a picture you will need glue.
- By gradually gluing glass fragments to the base, you can get a picture that looks like a mosaic.This will require a lot of patience and time, but the result will surely please you.
Important! Any glass object can be decorated, you just need to stock up on imagination, patience and additional elements in the form of shells, pebbles, beads, etc.
Another option to make decorative glass with your own hands:
- Mash the glass into powder and decorate your craft, pre-smearing it with glue.
- After the glue dries, apply a layer of varnish.
Thus, you can beautifully arrange a light bulb, a glass jar, and if you can get a multi-colored powder, you can even create a picture.
to contents ↑Important! It is necessary to work with gloves so as not to injure your hands.
Liquid Glass Decor - DIY Ideas
Liquid glass is quite popular among the designer, because it is easy to work and allows you to decorate different types of surfaces.
Important! Liquid glass can be purchased at a hardware or hardware store. It can be replaced with silicate glue, but by its texture it is not as strong and solid as glass.
Materials for work
To create the effect of the seabed, we need:
- deep capacity (you can even use a deep plate);
- liquid glass;
- decorations on the marine theme in the form of shells, pebbles, fish;
- acrylic paints.
Master class for the manufacture of crafts made of liquid glass:
- The bottom of the glass container (for example, plates) is painted in blue, simulating water.
- When the paint dries, we decorate the surface of our seabed with foil and lay shells, pebbles, fish, in general, everything that we have prepared.
- Fill the entire container with liquid glass, wait for it to dry.
- Using a toothpick, waves can be made, and marine animals can be made of polymer clay.
Important! You can make such a decorative glass with your own layers:
- first put one layer of decorations and fill with glass;
- when dry, make a second coat.
The number of layers depends on the depth of capacity and your desire. This will create a 3D effect.
to contents ↑Creating an unusual glass bottle
Such a bottle will decorate any room and will be a great birthday present for a loved one.
Materials for work
To make glass decoration with your own hands on a bottle you will need:
- A glass bottle, a jar or any glassware that closes with a lid;
- Fine salt;
- Food coloring;
- Funnel;
- Capacity for staining salt.
Master class on manufacturing:
- At the first stage, we color the salt:
- Put a little salt in the container and fill in the dye. This may be food coloring diluted in a small amount of water, or paint.
- Mix the salt with the dye so that the mass becomes evenly colored. You need to select several colors in advance in which you will color the salt.
- Colored salt of various colors is poured into containers in which it is located until it dries completely.
Important! To dry the salt faster, you can use the microwave, or calcine the salt in the oven.
- At the second stage, with the help of a funnel, we gradually pour salt into the bottle by color. Pouring salt to the top, close the bottle with a lid.
to contents ↑Important! You can decorate our craft - there are a lot of options:
- it can be decorated with shells, stones, decorated in a marine style;
- arrange with artificial flowers, beads;
- paint with acrylic paints;
- make an application of self-adhesive film;
- You can apply the decoupage technique and apply the pattern using a napkin.
Glass Engraving with Matting Paste
One of the techniques for decorating glass with your own hands is engraving with matting paste. This is a simple way to create a colorless pattern on glass by etching it with a matte composition, which gives the glass a matte fog.
Important! You can use a stencil and apply a pattern. This effect will be long lasting, the glass can even be washed and wiped.
Matting paste or paste for engraving is a strong acid that causes erosion of the smooth surface of glass, ceramics, etc., after which the surface of the starting material becomes rough.
Important! Stencils for creating patterns or shapes are sold in hardware stores.
What is needed for engraving?
Creating a matte pattern:
- The glass surface must be degreased with alcohol or acetone.
- A stencil is glued to the place of the drawing or pattern.
- Using a wooden spatula or spatula, a paste layer is applied without gaps and excess is removed. You need to wait 15-20 minutes, during which time the matting composition will react with the glass.
- Under a stream of warm water you need to wash off the paste, remove the stencil and dry the glass.
Important! If you can’t find the stencil, you can do it yourself. To do this, take a self-adhesive, select a pattern and cut out the contours. Then we glue this stencil on the base, make decor, and then remove the limiter.
Precautionary measures
Performing such glass decoration with your own hands, remember the safety precautions:
- Protect your hands from contact with the composition; if it comes into contact with your skin, wash in plenty of water and use gloves.
- Ventilate the room well during operation.
- Engrave only the outer surfaces of objects that do not come in contact with food.
- You can only wash pasta products above stainless steel sinks.
- Keep the paste out of the reach of children.
DIY glass decor on the door
Doors, as you know, are not eternal, especially if they have glass inserts. Glass will scratch over time and lose its attractive appearance. We will talk about how to decorate glass on the door with our own hands to restore its aesthetics.
Materials for work
For door decor you can use:
- the liquid wallpaper;
- vinyl-based wallpaper, paper;
- decorate the door with a cloth.
Even buckwheat can be an excellent assistant in such a business.
Surface preparation
Before starting work, the decorated surface:
- it must be cleaned, sanded and degreased with alcohol or acetone;
- then apply a primer coat using PVA glue.
Decor paper wallpaper:
- It is necessary to choose a wallpaper sheet that is suitable in size and color, grease it with glue and attach it to the doors, smoothing the wallpaper with a soft rag or roller.
- Do this carefully so that creases and warps do not appear.
- Excess wallpaper carefully removed with a clerical knife.
- You can stick a foam frame over the wallpaper.
Important! Until the glue has dried, it is advisable to close the windows so that there are no drafts.
Cloth Decor
A door decorated with fabric looks very unusual.
Important! In addition to preparing the door for decor, it is necessary to find out the degree of shrinkage of the fabric. To do this, take a small piece of tissue, measure its size, wet it in water and dry it. Then we measure it again. If the piece has greatly decreased in size, then it is desirable to wet and dry the entire canvas.
You can use not only a solid canvas, but fragments of different colors and textures. This is the so-called patchwork technique.
We act:
- Casein glue or a composition based on CMC is suitable for gluing fabric. Apply glue to the fabric and glue to the surface, smoothing with a spatula.
- If you decorate the door using the patchwork technique, watch for the geometry of the fragments, otherwise the overall picture will be unsightly.
- For decoration, you can choose beautiful furniture carnations, leather or nylon laces or baguette frames.
Decorating with liquid wallpaper
Liquid wallpapers are universal - they are suitable for both walls and doors. But they can not be glued in a humid room, so they are not suitable for decorating the door to the bathroom or kitchen.
For work, we need:
- Dry wallpaper mixture;
- Spatulas;
- Roller;
- Clear nail polish;
- Tinting mixture.
Instructions for decorating glass:
- Before decorating, we cover the surface with a layer of alkyd primer, and then a white oil filler.
- We plant the wallpaper according to the instructions, stirring them with your hands. They are completely safe for the skin.
- After 15 minutes, mix the solution and add the tinting mixture there. The more dye you add, the richer the color of the wallpaper will be.
Important! If you want to make a drawing, you need to soak the wallpaper in different containers, adding a dye to each of them.
- The wallpaper mixture should be infused for 12 hours, then you can begin to work:
- Take a few wallpapers on the spatula and apply them to the surface, while stretching in different directions.
- Make sure the layer is even in thickness.
- If you want the surface to be embossed, purchase a textured roller.
- After a couple of days, everything will dry out and you will need to apply a layer of varnish to fix the composition.
Important! If the result of your efforts is unsatisfactory, do not despair. Wallpaper can be washed off with water, then applied again.
Door mirror decor
Using mirrors, you can make a very unusual door trim, which, moreover, will visually expand the space of the room.
Important! As a mirror coating, you can use acrylic panels with amalgam.
Acrylic panels come in many different colors. You can choose a panel of the same color, or you can make a panel of colorful fragments. Such plastic panels are easily attached to the doors, do not break, but are not very cheap.
- Before gluing mirror plastic, you need to smooth the surface well, sand and putty all the bumps.
- A primer is applied to the door surface and the back of the acrylic plastic.
- When it dries, the panels are attached to the doors using double-sided tape and mounting glue.
- You can use mounting suction cups.
We decorate doors with buckwheat
Oddly enough it sounds, but sometimes the doors are decorated with buckwheat husk. The costs are minimal, but the service life, unfortunately, will not be very long.
Important! The door is best removed from the hinges and laid out on a flat surface, you can even on the floor or on the table.
- Lubricate the pre-treated surface with thick PVA glue, distribute buckwheat husk.
- You can add gold sparkles for beauty.
- When the glue dries, cover everything with a clear or dull varnish.
Important! It is best to apply at least three layers - for reliability.
Vintage door decor
Vintage involves the artificial aging of things, which ultimately gives a special charm, chic and color to the room where such items are located.
Materials for work:
- White acrylic paint;
- Sandpaper;
- Mounting glue;
- PVA glue;
- Old newspapers;
- Baguette in black;
- Clear nail polish.
Glass decoration master class:
- Before starting work, the door must be removed from the hinges, sanded and putty applied.
- We paint the door surface with white acrylic paint with a wide brush. Paint should be applied in a thin layer in one direction.
- When the paint dries, you need to process it with sandpaper, giving it the effect of antiquity.
- Outline with a pencil the areas that we will decorate, lubricate them with PVA glue.
- We tear old newspapers into pieces and lay them randomly in areas with glue, smoothing them with our hands.
- Apply transparent adhesive on top with several layers.
- We glue a black baguette around the perimeter of the sections pasted with newspapers using mounting glue.
to contents ↑Important! The door can be decorated with a beautiful wreath, a lush bow, beads or artificial pearls.
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There are a lot of options for decorating glass on a door with your own hands. Connect your imagination and you will amaze your friends with real masterpieces!
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