DIY decoupage stools

Surely, each of us in the house left an old, but practical and functional furniture, with which you have a lot of pleasant memories. But, unfortunately, after the next repair, it simply does not fit into the design of the room, and I really do not want to throw it away. The solution to this issue is very simple. In this article we will tell you how to return your favorite piece of furniture an elegant look and give a unique design, using decoupage stools with your own hands.

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What is decoupage?

At the moment, decoupage is in great demand among designers. With its help it is very easy to create a decor element for any stylistic design of the room.

Important! Decoupage technique has been known since the 17th century and implies a process by which in a short time and at low financial cost it becomes possible to decorate the surface based on the style of the room.

As in the recent past, for finishing use fabric, paper or other materials. Very often, designers use this type of handwork for rooms in the style of Provence, Vintage, Vienna. Furniture made in one of them, in a store or in individual manufacture, has a very high cost, so the decoupage style is a great opportunity to show your design abilities, imagination and give new things a new life.

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Necessary tools

To carry out fast, and most importantly - high-quality furniture finishes, you should take care of the tools necessary for decoupage in advance.

You will need:

  • Sandpaper (small and large);
  • Filling on wood or corresponding to the material of the product;
  • Brush (narrow and wide);
  • Acrylic paints;
  • PVA glue;
  • Lacquer.
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Decoupage furniture at home

Most often, three-layer napkins are used for work. They are quite easy to apply on any type of surface, and a variety of patterns and colors will help to give the necessary style of furniture.

Next, we will tell you how to make decoupage stools. The master class for beginners is described step by step, so you can try to update your favorite furniture yourself without any problems.

Decoupage the surface of the stool with napkins:

  • Clean the surface of old paint, varnish or other coatings.
  • Coat the product with coarse sandpaper.
  • Seal dents and cracks on the stool with putty.
  • Apply acrylic paint to the chair.

Important! When choosing a shade for furniture, give preference to not too dark tones of paint.

  • Cut suitable elements from prepared decoupage napkins.

Important! You can buy them in a specialized store, art shops or order via the Internet.

  • Separate the top bright layer of the napkin from the next two.
  • Glue PVA, process the wrong side of the picture, glue it on the surface of the stool.
  • Leave the product to dry completely.
  • Finally, cover the stool with clearcoat.

Important! The applied ornament or pattern can be further circled with paint and the surface coated with craquelure varnish.


Decoupage photo paper

The technique of decorating is quite simple, however, in the process of carrying out work at all stages, special accuracy and accuracy should be observed.On average, it can take several hours to finish, the only thing is that you need to determine the style and choose the appropriate pattern.

Do-it-yourself decoupage of a stool can be carried out using improvised means. For example, as an alternative to three-layer napkins, you can use photo paper, for this you need to find a suitable image on the Internet, and print it on a printer.

Important! To get a high-quality and clear image, it is better to print it on a laser printer.

Work sequence:

  1. As in the previous version, prepare the surface of the chair, remove the old coating, treat with sandpaper.
  2. Primer the furniture in several layers.
  3. Use acrylic paints to create the main background of the stool.
  4. Carefully peel prepared images from the main sheet.
  5. Apply PVA glue to the back, glue on the desired area of ​​the countertop.
  6. Smooth out irregularities and air bubbles with a roller or brush.
  7. Finally, cover the chair with clearcoat.

Decoupage stools with your own hands using photo paper will allow you to update the look of your furniture in a variety of styles. On the Internet, you can easily find original images and turn your most unusual ideas into reality.

Vintage style stool decoupage

Furniture decorated in vintage style is perfect for a dining room, kitchen or porch of a summer cottage. In this case, the old chairs and stools are precisely those items that organically fit into the overall interior. Three-layer napkins with neat drawings depicted are the best option for decoration. The presence of cracks and chips is necessary to convey the vintage style of furniture, and using the decoupage method, your chair will look more stylized.

Work sequence:

  • Preparation of the surface of the product includes the primer and putty of too rough surfaces and deep chips.
  • Prepare a picture in advance, take into account the color scheme of the room, the general style of the room in which the furniture will be located.

Important! For a harmonious combination of all the interior items, decoupage can be made with wallpaper, which glued the walls in the room.

  • Next, decoupage stools with their own hands is carried out in the same sequence as we described earlier.

Important! Pay attention to the weight of decoupage paper. Too thick a sheet must be delaminated, otherwise - the pattern on the surface will look messy, which will spoil the whole result of your work. Too thick a picture can be slightly treated with sandpaper, and then coated with a layer of varnish.


Decoupage stools in Provence style

Want to know how to make decoupage stools in Provence style? If you design a room in this style, decoupage of a stool or several elements of furniture will harmoniously emphasize the style of the room.

In order to properly arrange the room, follow some recommendations:

  • Choose the main background for furniture - it should not be too different from the color scheme of the walls or the main decorative elements.
  • Print on photo paper or purchase a three-layer napkin with a suitable pattern.

Important! When decorating a room in the Provence style, use images of natural motifs, simple patterns.

  • In the room where the staircase is installed, decoupage stools can be performed in the appropriate shade - this combination will perfectly complement the interior.
  • Provence style combines simplicity and comfort, so you should not choose variegated colors and intricate images.

Important! Perform furniture decor with light and gentle tones, decoupage is best done with minimalistic images, as a result - you get an airy and light interior.

Newspaper Decoupage Furniture

The simplest and most economical decoupage of a stool is to do it using old newspapers. If you like extraordinary solutions, use this method with confidence:

  • Furniture decor in this way will give the product a unique style and charm.
  • The method of work and the necessary tools do not differ from those described above.
  • To reduce time for finishing, newspapers can be torn into small pieces.
  • Before pasting, newspapers should be soaked in warm water for about 1 minute.
  • Paste carefully. Make sure that newspapers do not tear and roll. You can even out the folds with a construction roller.
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Stock footage

As you can see, making decoupage stools at home is quite simple. You just need to be patient, connect your imagination and follow the sequence of pasting. At the end of the decoration, your old furniture will acquire a new design, as well as complement the interior of the room with its personality.

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