DIY antique wooden table

Today, at the peak of fashion, various "antique" interior items, and the followers of this trend are trying their best to follow it. But such furniture is not cheap, so not everyone can afford to bring a touch of luxury and special color to their home. Fortunately, you can make the same wooden table "antique" with your own hands. This is a fairly simple process, if you read this article, in which we will tell you how to do everything quickly and efficiently.

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Ways to create an aging effect on wooden furniture

To understand how to transform your furniture “antique” with your own hands, you need to have an idea of ​​what specific aging technologies for wooden products are today.

Currently, the following methods are used in the manufacture of furniture to create the effect of old wood:

  • thermal;
  • chemical;
  • mechanical.

We will consider various options to understand how to make a wooden chair or antique table with your own hands at home.

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Learning how to brush

Wooden furniture "antique" with their own hands in everyday life, as a rule, is done by brushing. Due to its use, you can unobtrusively equip your interior in the style of Provence or Country. Moreover, this method can also be applied to the processing of other wood products:

  • ceiling beams;
  • wall panels;
  • floor covering.

All of these elements, if correctly combined, can create an atmosphere in the style of truly ancient houses.

Important! With the help of brushing, you can easily decorate your country-style interior, in which the aged wooden furniture is effectively combined with forged elements. It combines perfectly with any living plants. This style is excellent to use in order to decorate the terrace, bedroom, veranda. In this way, you can perfectly emphasize your refined taste, as well as show your social status.

Technology Features:

  • Do-it-yourself wooden furniture made in this way, made in this way, can imitate headsets that belong to the most diverse eras. With all this, the surface of the same table remains virtually unaffected, in addition to the top layer.
  • Due to this feature, when necessary, the item can be cleaned, thereby ridding the furniture of this effect.

Ways to create:

  • From a technical point of view, fermentation is the removal of soft wood fibers with a special metal brush and its further coloring in dark or brown. After that, the processed product is varnished in order to protect it from adverse effects, and this is what allows your furniture to serve for your benefit for a long time.
  • In addition to a metal brush, you can depict this effect using a chisel or a metal grinding wheel. Such tools are resorted to only when it is necessary to process a large volume of wood. But this does not affect the final result - the effect will be about the same as when using a metal brush.
  • If you want to make the effect of brushing more pronounced, we recommend combining this method with thermal or chemical. They will add their own characteristics to the shade of your product, creating the effect of being in the basement for a long time or igniting the same table.ovalnyy_raskladnoy_stol_dlya_kuhni_0

We prepare materials for work

To make a wooden table “antique” with your own hands, you will need to use the following materials and tools:

  • sandpaper of various calibers;
  • a metal brush;
  • dark stain;
  • special varnish for furniture.

We make furniture:

  1. At the very beginning, you must complete the brushing process of the labor-intensive parts of the table, and it is best to do this when the table is disassembled.
  2. As soon as you complete the brushing process, cover the prepared surface with a dark stain. To do this, wear a respirator and gloves.
  3. Remove all excess stains from the wood surface immediately with a damp, lint-free cloth or sponge. Layers of stain have a direct effect on the degree of limitation of any part of the table.
  4. The final step in the aging effect is to varnish the furniture to protect the wood and stain from mechanical damage and abrasion. It can be transparent or dark, just the color of the main coating.

Important! If the design of the chair or table was made of various materials, for example, additional fabric was used, they will also need to either be replaced with original old fabric coatings or artificially aged.

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Antique wood painting

Another fairly common way of aging wood is to paint the furniture “antique” with your own hands. At the same time, finishing is done in the style of a contrast-loose color, because the product is able to completely change the appearance.

Important! In this technique, as a rule, the processing of tables, benches and cabinets takes place. But at the same time, chests, shelves, chests of drawers look most unusual.

Technology Features:

  • It also uses roughing wood with sandpaper to clean old paint from the surface. But at the same time, the soft parts of the tree do not chip, because it must be smooth.
  • To make the process go faster, you can use a drill and grinding wheel.
  • Once you finish the entire surface, be sure to dry it.
  • As for the paint itself, for this operation, as a rule, any coloring substance with a matte finish is used. In this case, it is better to choose a blurry shade, not bright.

Important! Professionals argue that for this purpose paint is best suited for painting walls and ceilings.

  • Once you have chosen the paint, get to work. First, try to paint some inconspicuous place to understand all the subtleties of this process. Apply the paint itself in even and wide strokes, which will avoid streaks on the surface of the furniture. Give special attention to corners.
  • As soon as the first coat of paint is completely dry, you can apply the second.
  • When you have already varnished the furniture, you can begin to age it. To do this, use fine emery paper to process the places that are most susceptible to abrasion, namely: protruding parts, places near the fittings, corners.

Important! Another option how to make a wooden table “antique” with your own hands is also staining, but such a game is in contrast. Use for this paint a contrasting shade, which creates a rather interesting effect. Apply paint to the brush so that it looks almost dry. Then apply chaotic strokes. Due to this technology, the effect will appear that this product was already in use.

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Another way to age furniture

There are other aging techniques. So, for example, combining brewing with painting in the style of scuffs.To do this, freshly peeled wood is painted with a faded paint. In the end, the ridges are stained, but the furrows continue to have a natural dark shade.

Important! To decorate furniture "antique", you can put a golden spider web on it. This can be done using a sponge, which must be dipped in golden paint. But in any case, the last step is always varnish, which gives the product completeness.

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Having an idea of ​​what needs to be done in order to design an interior item “antique”, you can decide for yourself whether you are ready to cope with this work. And if so, then we wish you to achieve an excellent result!

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