DIY bed

All parents know how important it is to choose the right bed for a child aged from one to four years, since it is on this that the correct formation of the spine depends, as well as the fullness of rest and comfort during sleep. If the apartment is not too big, then a well-chosen bed can even replace the playpen. But often it happens that in stores there are no finished products of the required size, so this article will be useful to many, in which we will tell you how to make a baby bed with your own hands. In addition, who, like a non-loving dad, will be able to take into account all the nuances and subtleties so that his baby gets the best bed in the world.

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What are the essential elements of a crib?

In order for the children's bed, made in accordance with personal taste preferences and wishes, to also meet the basic safety requirements, you should figure out what it should consist of.

Mandatory elements of any crib are:

  • Mattress. You should choose it based on the age and weight of the child, so it is better to buy it in a store. Finished products are developed together with qualified orthopedists, so even the smallest needs of the child's body are taken into account for the correct formation of the spine and comfortable sleep. There are mattresses without springs and on the spring block.

Important! Very young children are advised to sleep on products without springs, but for a child over five years old, you can safely buy a spring mattress.

  • Wireframe. The dimensions of this element directly depend on the dimensions of the berth. As the main material for the manufacture of the frame, a planed board is more preferred.
  • Lamels. They are used in a crib to support the bottom of the mattress. In other words, these are slats that are inserted into the furniture frame. With their help, a lattice is formed, while the distance between the slats is at least 5 cm in order to create comfortable conditions for ventilation of the mattress.
  • Sidewalls. This is a kind of fence that protects the child from accidental falling during sleep. Their height, as a rule, is determined by the parents, and externally they are both carved and solid.
  • Pollen. There are two such details in any crib: one is located at the head of the bed, the second is at the feet. In this case, the first is slightly higher in height than the second.
  • Legs. These items can be purchased at the store ready-made or made by hand. They can be screwed separately to the bed or be an integral part of the sidewalls.

To qualitatively make a bed for a child with your own hands, remember this list of integral parts, since without them nothing will work, that is, the product will not be able to fulfill its main functional purpose.

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Varieties of modern cribs

Modern children's rooms are often equipped with beds of the following varieties:

  • Loft bed. This option is more suitable for children over 5 years old who are already attending school or kindergarten and need to equip a convenient place for drawing, homework.So, below is a desk, and above is a bed, which can be climbed with the help of stairs.
  • With drawers. Such a children's bed is ideal for rooms with limited free space, as you can use drawers to store linen, children's things and even toys.
  • Two-tier models. This option is ideal for families where two children grow up at once, for example, twins or the weather. It will be interesting for children to periodically change beds, and parents will be able to rationally use every free meter of the children's room.
  • Transforming bed. It will save usable space, because in the daytime it turns into a table or just hides. Such a bed is made for a child with his own hands by mounting a special frame to the wall, in fact, in which the sleeping place is put. The facade, which always remains in sight, is usually originally decorated.
  • Rocking bed. Ideal for the smallest kids. With one hand, you can freely swing the baby, providing him a sweet calm sleep.

Important! The only negative is that such a bed will last no more than a year.

  • Sliding model. This crib will grow with the baby. That is, it has been used for a very long time, consists of two main parts, and has security sides. From the bottom, it has wheels that allow you to push its lower part under the upper.
  • A crib in the form of a house or a typewriter. This is the dream of any boy or girl. Such products are not cheap, so it’s better to make something like this with your own hands.
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What materials are needed for the independent manufacture of a crib?

Have you decided to make a rocking bed, a transformer, with drawers, a bunk model or a do-it-yourself house bed? Then, first of all, take care of choosing environmentally friendly material that is safe for children's health. Follow these guidelines for this question:

  • Visible elements are often made from MDF. It all depends on your budget, perhaps you can afford to buy wood and any other texture. Depending on the type of product, you can determine how often it will be carried. Based on this, we choose the most light or moderate material.

Important! The ideal option is blanks of 16 mm.

  • Parts located inside can be made of wood or plywood with a thickness of not more than 20 mm. It lends itself perfectly to MDF processing, which cannot be laminated. Therefore, in such cases, the parts are simply glued together with PVA glue, which is absolutely safe for children. But the laminated surfaces are glued with nitrate glue, which, in turn, is dangerous.
  • Will be required for work and lumber. In particular, the boards are 2 by 10 cm, and the beam is 5 by 5 cm. The length of the beam should be at least 8 m. If you can not buy the whole beam, then take separate pieces. You need no more than 10 pieces of boards. Here you can even use ordinary plywood. Carefully select all sizes so that they meet the dimensions of the future berth. All purchased materials must be planed and trimmed, and you can cut them yourself.

Important! It is better to order MDF in a furniture workshop, rather than buying in a store. It is much more convenient and cheaper, in addition, furniture makers will immediately cut you into pieces of the required size. Particleboard should not be used as lamellas, since it is not elastic, which means it will give the child discomfort during sleep.

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The process of creating a standard do-it-yourself crib

Do-it-yourself crib made of wood begins with the purchase of a mattress, the most important and necessary element:

  • The dimensions of a standard children's mattress are 600 by 1200 mm.
  • It is better to give preference to a model of a mattress filled with coconut fibers and impregnated with latex.
  • Then the size of the future product is determined.The height of the lower surface is determined in accordance with the age of the child, that is, so that he can climb on it independently. If the baby is 4 to 6 years old, then the optimal size is 35 cm.
  • Between the rods and the walls of the crib should be a distance of not more than 12 cm to ensure the proper level of security.

After purchasing the necessary materials and carrying out all the calculations, you can start its production by following the recommendations and tips below:

  • At the first stage, all boards are processed on the machine. Check that their thickness is 35 mm and their width is 7 mm. The beam will play the role of the frame. To make it, you need to take 6 bars and lay them across, thus forming the base for laying the mattress. Moreover, it is important to make holes in the size of 25 mm in each beam.

Important! Marking boards should be done simultaneously to save time and reduce the likelihood of errors. You can make nests using a milling machine or a special machine.

  • At the second stage, we calculate the base of the back. To do this, fold 600 mm with a thickness of the side walls in double size. To this figure we add another 25mm.
  • At the third stage, we prepare the rods. You can use 20 x 20 mm slats for this.
  • At the fourth stage, we connect the backs and poles to the side walls with the help of blind spikes.
  • At the fifth stage, we connect the sidewalls and glue the back. All parts of the crib should be bolted.
  • We cover the finished bed with three layers of varnish.

That's it! In principle, this is a good option not only for infants, since such a cot can be used from 3 years. With her own hands, the mother-needlewoman can decorate her with protective sides, pillows and a canopy.

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How to make an original bed-house yourself?

You wanted to please your baby with something unusual, but at the same time useful? Why do not you make a house-bed for him with your own hands? Drawings for its creation can be found on the Internet or even do without them, based on your own calculations.

First, visit the hardware store and buy everything you need for work, and some tools can be borrowed from friends. You will need:

  • The main materials are plywood, wood. Finished boards with a rounded chamfer and bars. The amount of material depends on the selected drawing option and the dimensions of the bed.
  • Water based acrylic paint.
  • Putty.
  • Confirmats.
  • PVA glue.
  • Color tones.
  • Tortsovka.
  • Grinder machine.
  • Hand saw.
  • Manual frezer.
  • Clamps.
  • Drill.

The manufacturing process consists of several stages:

  1. Using trimming, we chamfer the bars.
  2. We grind all the lumber with a machine.
  3. We begin the assembly of the frame with a beam of size 50 by 50 and confirmations.
  4. We fasten facades to furniture bolts.
  5. We paint our design in the desired color in three layers.
  6. Remove 4 boards from above and cut out a window.
  7. The size of the berth from the bottom is 90 by 200 cm, another 20 cm should be added near the wall for the location of pillows. From the lower to the upper base, the distance will be 110 cm.
  8. In order to have more free space in the room, it is better to make a staircase from the inside. This will require a block, a round profile and a feather, which are interconnected with PVA glue.
  9. The upper berth will be about 90 x 160 cm in size.
  10. We putty the hats of self-tapping screws and paint separately.
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So ready is such a wonderful children's bed made of plywood. Do it yourself with your own hands is very exciting and interesting. Each parent can make some ready-made adjustments, original details, additions, taking into account their own views on what should be a high-quality and beautiful crib.

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