DIY handbags - patterns

Nothing can bring so much pleasure and joy to modern women, like shopping, where you can buy a brand new handbag or shoes. Even very young ladies will enjoy such an acquisition. But if a mother has at least some sewing skills and has a desire to create real masterpieces for her child, then she will be able to sew baby bags with her own hands. It is not difficult to find patterns on the Internet, especially since they are represented in large numbers on the global network. If you wish, you can watch a few simple workshops on this topic. And in this article we will find out what is needed for independent sewing of the original bags, and consider an example of the most simple and affordable work.
to contents ↑Useful tips for sewing handbags with your own hands
To sew a fabric handbag yourself, a lot of skill and special skills will not be needed. The main thing is to have a real desire, and a very small amount of knowledge. For example:
- Thick material or durable leather can make a wonderful DIY tool bag. Patterns of the desired product can be printed and transferred to the fabric.
- You can make a wonderful handbag from a dense cotton, rough linen or wool.
Important! To keep the product in the desired shape, as a rule, use felt.
Even old coats and jackets, jeans and skirts can turn into amazing bags. But before you start work, first think carefully about what specific purposes it will be used for, in combination with what things you plan to wear it, the same applies to models for young ladies.
to contents ↑We sew a baby bag for everyday use
It’s not difficult to sew a baby bag, and it’s best to give preference to a model in the shape of a bag, because then it can be used daily. For such a model, a pattern is not needed at all.
Important! You can sew it from fleece, cotton or linen material. It is better if the child decides, because in the future he will have to exploit it.
Following this instruction, you will quickly and without problems sew such a wonderful bag:
- First, take the material for the front side of the product, cut out two completely identical parts from it. Their sizes will directly depend on what size the bag you plan to sew.
- Now we cut out two more pieces of fabric that will serve as a lining, and in size they should fully correspond to the two previous details.
- Cut two long strips from which the handles will then be made.
- Fold the front parts with the front side inwards, sew them on three sides. We do the same with the lining details.
- We take a long strip and sew it. We perform similar actions with the second part. Then we turn out the handles with the front side and iron them so that the seam is in the center.
- We put the lining in the bag and insert the handles between the two layers. We fix all this with pins or needles.
- We concentrate all the elements together, be sure to leave a hole so that the product can be easily turned out. We twist and sew up the hole. On this our foundation is ready.
- You can decorate the bag with paints, by the way, even a child can help you with this. You just need to let him dream up.
Important! Special paints for drawing on fabric are completely safe for health, so you can draw with them not only with brushes, but also with your fingers.
- Using the most ordinary wine cork, you can decorate a bag with colorful circles. You just need to dip the lid in the paint of the desired shade and make an imprint on the fabric.
Your child will be delighted with such a wonderful little bowl, especially since he will be able to participate in the process of its manufacture and decoration.
to contents ↑DIY baby bag in the shape of a rabbit
Having mastered the basic skills of sewing at home, you can easily make various children's bags for the girl with your own hands. Patterns for creating products in the form of bizarre animals, cartoon characters are incredibly simple and understandable. Now we will learn how to sew a practical, fashionable baby bag in the shape of a rabbit with long ears for your child.
To get started, prepare all the necessary materials and tools:
- Fabric for the manufacture of the front side not less than half a meter long, not less than 1.2 meters wide.
- Lining material, at least 0.3 meters in size.
- Fleecy contrast fabric for sewing the inside of the tail, ears. It can be plush, velor, velveteen, faux fur. The length of the piece should be at least 0.2 meters.
- For embroidery black floss thread, at least one skein.
- Plastic eyes or buttons in the amount of two pieces.
- Sintepon for filling the tail.
- Sharp scissors.
- Sewing threads, needle.
A step-by-step instruction for manufacturing a rabbit bag is as follows:
- We print the finished pattern or draw it ourselves. It is recommended to draw on thick paper, and there is no need to make allowances on it. As a rule, an allowance is made not less than 0.5 centimeters already on the fabric.
- Cut out all the details. Fold in two layers the main fabric inside with the front side, with pins we attach a template to it, gently circle with a pencil.
- We cut out the details for the bag itself - two handles. Already here we retreat along the circled contour of 0.5 centimeters. According to the same pattern, we cut two parts from the lining material. Then two parts for the ears of fleecy and main fabric.
- We draw a rabbit face. Draw the contours of the muzzle on the front side of the fabric for the base, embroider it with the right seam with thread floss manually or on a sewing machine.
- Sew the bag. We fold the parts face to face, sew them together, then process the allowances. We do the same with other parts intended for lining, be sure to process each section with a trimming seam. Then all the seams are carefully steamed with an iron.
- We sew ears. Sew the parts for the ears together. That is, we fold them face-to-face in pairs: first we take one piece of fleecy material and one of the main fabric and sweep, while leaving a small hole at the top. We sew the details on a typewriter, steam off the seams and turn them over the remaining edge to the front side. We do the same with the second ear.
- Sew on the ears. On the front side of the bag we sweep the ears - where the rabbit's face is embroidered.
- We sew pens. The bag must have handles. To do this, fold the cut strips in half in length, wrap the edges and sweep the parts, and then sew with decorative stitching on the front side.
- We sew all the elements. We sew straps and ears at the base of the bag.
- Make the tail. From a fleecy fabric, we cut a round part and collect it along the edge of the thread using a large stitch, while backing out 3 millimeters from the edge. We tighten the thread - you will get a great ball, which will need to be filled with sintepon. The resulting form must be tightened tightly and the ends attached.
- Sew on the tail. Sew the tail to the bag with hidden stitches.
- Sew the lining. We take the base and the lining and insert them one into the other face to face. We fasten the edges with pins, align and connect the side seams.If everything is done correctly, you can safely stitch them together, but you need to leave an unstitched section on the back of the product.
- Turn out the bag. You need to do this through an unwired section, the contours of which will then need to be stitched with a blind seam.
- Now you need to sew a baby bag around the entire perimeter, processing all the remaining unstitched sections, carefully check all the seams.
The work is ready!
to contents ↑Stock footage
So we learned how to sew a baby bag for a girl with our own hands. This cute and stylish accessory is guaranteed to be the favorite for your baby.
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