DIY highchair - drawings size chart

Parents are always trying to make the baby's life more comfortable, so furniture for various situations is always relevant. While your child is small, he needs a highchair, games and creativity. Of course, such a stool can also be bought at the store, but a good quality product will cost a lot of money. And besides, sometimes you really want to do something for your baby with your own hands. Let's figure it out, is it difficult to make a highchair with your own hands - drawings, sizes, schemes can be taken as standard on the Internet or made by yourself, taking into account the tips from this article.

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Choose material

The choice of material is of paramount importance, because the health of your child directly depends on this.


A tree is best suited for such a thing. The advantages of this material are obvious:

  • Wood is easy to process.
  • The cost of individual breeds is quite affordable.
  • The product has a beautiful view.
  • Wood is an environmentally friendly material.

For the manufacture of children's furniture most often use hardwood, such as beech, linden, birch. If you use pine or spruce, then before starting work, the wood must be tarred.

Important! When choosing wood, pay attention that there are no knots on the material. Such areas are difficult to process and subsequently the stool can quickly break.


Plywood is also very popular. It is inexpensive and easy to process. Plywood products are lightweight, which is also important for a small child. And thanks to the elasticity of the material, you can get very original carved designs.


Another material from which such things are most often made is chipboard. Flat parts are made of it: seats, backs, countertops.

Important! Its main disadvantage is fragility. It is also necessary to carefully approach the choice when buying, paying great attention to the environmental friendliness of the material and the availability of certificates for it.


Additional materials

In addition to the basic materials, for the manufacture of a highchair, you will also need additional materials. These include:

  • To strengthen structures, corners are often used. They can be metal or plastic.
  • Parts are fastened together with glue, nails, screws.
  • Sometimes the seats and backrest are upholstered with foam, and on top they are covered with fabric.
  • To prevent the feet from scratching the floor, there are rubber or plastic linings.

Important! If the product is made of wood, then it is pre-treated with varnish, stain, or painted with paint.

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Drawings and schemes

Before you ask yourself how to make a highchair with your own hands, you need to understand the drawings. Ready-made can be found on construction sites or forums. Or you can develop them yourself. But before you start manufacturing, make sure that these sizes are suitable for your baby.

Important! The best option is to test the chair by making a model from cardboard drawings. Thus, all the shortcomings will come out and you can correct them without spoiling the main material.

Usually children's chairs are made according to two main schemes.

Feeding chair

This is a product that usually folds up and has a feeding table in the kit. The baby has its own regime and it is better for him to have a meal individually.

Important! Popular sizes of such a highchair according to many drawings and diagrams have the following meanings:

  • height - 840-900 mm;
  • height to seat - 500 mm;
  • to the back - 700 mm;
  • back width - 455 mm;
  • the width of the armrests is 405 mm.

Regular high chair

The name speaks for itself. This is just a small chair made to fit your baby's size, which your child needs to play and feed.

Important! Here, the dimensions depend directly on the age of the child, so focus on the drawings of a particular suitable model.

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What parts need to be made?

If you have prepared a drawing and even tested it, now you need to grind the details from the selected material. To make the chair strong, you need to make the following main details:

  • Upper, lower, front, middle and side bars.
  • Legs.
  • Seat.

Important! If any of the parts is missing, the stool will turn out to be unreliable, which can lead to a traumatic situation.

How to make a chair for a child with their own hands? Remember that children's furniture, first of all, must be safe for the health of your child. Therefore:

  • There should be no sharp corners, cracks, gaps.
  • The surface should be smooth.
  • The product itself must be durable and reliable.

Important! If you make a wooden stool, then carefully choose a varnish or paint to process the material.

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Make a high chair

How to make a chair for a child with their own hands? Let's take a closer look at the whole process:

  • First you need to cut 4 legs and 4 connecting strips. They will bear the function of ribs.
  • Use the spikes to connect the left legs. Drill holes in the right places with a drill, grease with glue and tighten the spike.
  • Now connect the front and rear legs in the same way.
  • In those places where the legs of the chair are connected to the crossbars, it would be nice to plant metal corners for greater reliability and fix them on self-tapping screws.

Important! These two structures must be identical, otherwise - the chair will be uneven, and your baby will be uncomfortable to sit on it.

  • Fasten both halves with bars.
  • Now you need to make the back. The back should be nailed with small nails to the legs.
  • At the last stage, you need to fix the seat, and your chair is ready.
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Plywood construction

Making a highchair with your own hands from plywood is much easier. In this case, the material will cost you less, and the processing effort will need less:

  1. Prepare the drawings, determine the size.
  2. Make a stool base, and then attach the remaining parts to it according to a thoughtful drawing.

Important! Cut the plywood carefully since it is a brittle material. The edges must be carefully treated so that the child is not injured during operation. The finished product must be well processed and tested.

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How to decorate a chair?

No matter what quality chair you make, it is unlikely that your child will like this product without proper design. There are many ways to easily decorate a highchair. The easiest option - you can offer your child to color the stool together to his taste. You definitely won’t lose - a chair painted with your own hands will become your favorite item in your child’s room.

If he cannot offer the idea for coloring himself, then you can offer your own:

  • Draw a rainbow.
  • Favorite cartoon character.
  • Apply patterns with a stencil.
  • Just paint the chair in its favorite color.
  • Draw letters and numbers.

In addition to staining, you can sew a special cover on the stool. There are many variations on the Internet on this subject. Your baby will be comfortable sitting, and a beautiful cover will delight him for a long time.

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Now you can safely begin to manufacture such an important, but simple furniture for your child.Be sure to consider the recommendations from this article, and the result will not disappoint either you or your child.

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