DIY baby blanket

Cold winter nights make us all wrap ourselves up properly to sleep in comfort and warmth, because no one wants to freeze. Therefore, we pay much attention to the choice of high-quality and comfortable blankets. Agree that our mood for the whole next day depends on how we relax at night. Today in the store you can find a huge selection of blankets of various sizes, quality and with various fillers. But also on the modern market, more and more fakes come across, so many needlewomen decide on independent sewing of this bedding. For example, you can sew a chic baby blanket with your own hands, which will fully meet all your requirements. This article will help us understand how to make such a product on our own, because the sewing process is not so simple - you need to individually select the material, manufacturing technique, but it is not so complicated as not to deal with it.

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How to choose the right material for sewing a baby blanket?

Despite the fact that the market has a huge number of models of sleeping accessories of various options and with different internal content, any mother would like to sew a blanket for her baby with her own hands.

Important! Internal filling and material are of great importance, because it is the quality of the product that determines the life of the product, its level of comfort and convenience.

What should I look for when choosing the material purchased for sewing? So, we pay maximum attention to such nuances.

Sewing Method:

  • This can be a quilt, that is, machine-sewn with special stitches in various directions that inhibit the movement of the internal filler.
  • Another option for sewing is cassette, when the blanket is stitched with separate pockets, that is, cassettes, each of them being filled with filler, which is prone to lumps.

Case Material

Remember that it must be durable, environmentally friendly, well ventilated and tight. We definitely have to give preference to natural fabrics such as cotton, not synthetics.

A kind of filler for the blanket itself

The choice here must be made personally "for yourself", taking into account all the pros and cons:

  • Down filler - very light and warm, perfectly breathable. But, unfortunately, it quickly accumulates dust and is able to stray into lumps, in addition, it smells unpleasant.
  • Silk fillers - breathe well and retain heat, but are expensive.
  • Wool - has a high rate of heat conservation, absorbs moisture well, but such products can not be washed in a machine, they prick, and the moth often starts up in them.
  • Cotton blankets are environmentally friendly, but absorb odors and are very heavy too quickly.
  • Syntepon products are hypoallergenic, inexpensive, easy to wash, but poorly absorb moisture.

The form

Products in which babies are taken out of the hospital, as a rule, are made square in shape, which means that all sides are the same. The amount of fabric purchased directly depends on what size blanket you want to sew.

Important! Standard sizes range from 1 to 1.25 meters.

Rectangular blankets for babies are much less common, because wrapping them in them is not very convenient.

Important! As a rule, blankets for newborns are decorated with ruffles to give them festivity and solemnity.

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What do you need for a homemade blanket? - Cooking tools

Next, we will look at how to sew a baby blanket, but first, check to see if you have stocked up on everything you need. So, you definitely need to buy:

  • material of two types, that is, for the inside and outside;
  • ribbon and elastic band in order to decorate the finished product.

You can still purchase:

  • lace;
  • fixing pins and needles;
  • small scissors;
  • tape for measurements;

It is unreasonable to buy a sewing machine for sewing only blankets. But it is better if you still have such a device.

Important! Remember that one side of the blanket should be made of cotton material, that is, the inside, because it is in it that the baby will be wrapped.

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How to sew a do-it-yourself blanket with lush trim?

To sew such a chic blanket for a newborn with your own hands, you will need such materials:

  • synthetic winterizer filler;
  • fabric of one or several types;
  • organza narrow (80 cm) and wide (1-1.5 meters) for the manufacture of lace.

detskoe-odeyalo-svoimi-rukami-1And now we consider each stage of manufacture separately:

  1. Cut two pieces of square-shaped fabric, the same piece of padding polyester. The side of one part should correspond to the length of the blanket and have an allowance of 1 cm.
  2. Sew the lace into place so that they are already sewn into the seam in the finished product.
  3. Take one of the previously cut squares of the material, put it face down on the table.
  4. Then, at the corner where the lace will be attached, attach the organza so that the cut of the lace coincides with the cut of the fabric. The lush part of the lace should lie on the material, and not be located around it.
  5. Manually sew with a simple stitch.
  6. On the other square, on the same principle, attach a narrow lace.
  7. Fold together all the details in the following sequence: synthetic winterizer, two pieces of fabric on top of it so that they are facing each other. Fasten the parts with needles or pins so that they do not lead when sewing.
  8. Sew around the perimeter of the blanket, while backing away from the edge 1 cm.
  9. Leave 20 cm un sewn. Turn out the product through the resulting window and sew it by hand with a hidden seam.
  10. Quilting the blanket up and down. That is, you will get two small squares in the center.
  11. We decorate the blanket with volumetric fabric flowers.
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How to make a baby blanket with a terry center?

To sew a children's blanket from synthetic winterizer with your own hands with a cute terry center, you need to buy two types of fabric and a ribbon for decorating the finished product from the outside.

Important! Such a blanket will be filled with padding polyester, and its inner side will be made of terry cotton fabric. By the way, in stores such material is sold with a special note that it is for children. Then such a blanket can be used as a plaid.

Getting to the sewing process:

  1. From the facial tissue we cut out a strip 12-15 centimeters wide, fold it in half, and sew along the cut edge.
  2. Sew the resulting tape manually to the square parts with the most ordinary seam.
  3. Face up a piece of outer fabric. From above we put the tape around the perimeter so that its seam coincides with the seams of the material.
  4. Gather small or large ruffles while sewing.
  5. Separately, we make the inner part of the blanket. That is, we cut a square from the terry cloth so that it is slightly smaller in size than the future blanket, about 10-12 centimeters on each side.
  6. We sew the second fabric along the perimeter of the terry square with stripes.
  7. Connect two pieces of material and a synthetic winterizer, fasten it all with needles and sew on a typewriter, retreating 1 centimeter from the edge.
  8. We leave the window unstitched, through it we turn out the blanket, stitch it with a blind edge seam.
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Do-it-yourself sewing double-sided blanket

Naturally, the most important nuance that you need to pay attention to any person who decides to sew a baby blanket on their own is size. For newborns, do-it-yourselfers often make the cutest and most importantly - high-quality products.

If you intend to sew a double-sided blanket, then first stock up:

  • high-quality material in two different shades;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • elastic bands for the belt or fixing Velcro.

Important! It is better to choose the opposite colors, that is, red and gray, white and blue.

The process of making such a warm and beautiful blanket is very simple:

  1. Already, according to the well-known pattern, we cut out two identical squares from two fabrics and the same size a piece of synthetic winterizer. Do not forget to add one centimeter to the edge.
  2. We put a synthetic winterizer on a flat surface, on top two squares of fabric, turned to face each other, we sew the seams. We leave 20 centimeters not stitched, and then we turn the product through this hole and sew it by hand.
  3. To give it greater strength, you can quilt it squares or diamonds diagonally.
  4. Sew on Velcro if you are staying with this option of fasteners.
  5. To make a bow, we cut out two strips of 12 centimeters wide - one of each color fabric, sew them together facing each other. We turn and sew the edges.
  6. The belt can be decorated with a volumetric flower or bow.
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Tips for making baby blankets

  • People who are skilled in sewing art say that it’s easy to sew a baby blanket, and it doesn’t matter which fabric you choose for its outer decorative side, because it will not come into contact with the baby’s body. Therefore, it is recommended to give preference to silk or satin.
  • It is better to make an elastic band or a belt for fixing the blanket in folded form from exactly the same fabric. If you do not have such skills or desire, then you can replace this part with a wide satin ribbon.
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So we made sure that you can sew a blanket into your crib with your own hands so quickly, easily and very inexpensively. Moreover, you will never doubt the quality of bedding, made with your own hands. And if the baby also takes part in the choice of fabric for the cover, then he will be even more pleased to go to bed.

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