Cockroach disinfection

The usual way of life can break the most unpleasant neighbor - a cockroach. Living under the same roof with cockroaches is not only unpleasant, but also unsafe. These mustachioed invaders creep on tables, dishes, foodstuffs and are carriers of several tens of dangerous diseases. Since ancient times, all people have been worried about the question: how to deal with cockroaches? It will help to cope with this problem - disinfection from cockroaches.

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Types of Cockroaches

Cockroach disinfectionMost often, the following types of these pests settle next to a person:

  • Kitchen cockroach. Represents an insect of black or dark brown color.
  • Prusaki. These mustachioed invaders are usually red in color.

Insects live and usually breed where there is food, water and enough heat. Therefore, we often meet them in the kitchen, behind skirting boards, doorposts. Pest control is carried out primarily in these places.

Important! If you ignore this procedure, the habitat of cockroaches in the house lasts quite a long time, then insect larvae will appear in the cracks of the walls, behind the furniture, as well as in many other places inaccessible to humans.

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How to get rid of cockroaches?

Destroying cockroaches is not so easy, because they can migrate from one living quarters to another. A very long time can exist without food, so you should not think that removing food, household waste, you will get rid of them. They will not die of hunger. They can only go to the neighbors. But what cockroaches really can’t do without is water. Therefore, at night they can be found in bathrooms or on kitchen sinks.

The fight against cockroaches folk remedies

Even if you systematically carry out wet cleaning of the premises and unsanitary conditions - this is not about your home, then this will not save you from the appearance of cockroaches. The use of folk remedies in the fight against cockroaches is practically ineffective. The reason for this is the quick adaptation of cockroaches to the environment and they are not afraid of many chemicals.

Important! By spraying aerosols, diclofos, you will not achieve the desired result. Many high-rise buildings have garbage chutes that clog and cause cockroaches to spread throughout the house, so apartment owners in these high-rise buildings cannot avoid the appearance of pests.

If, nevertheless, you decide that you can do the disinsection of cockroaches with your own hands, connect the roommates to this fight. The effect will be greater. Before you poison the cockroaches in the apartment, cut off the path of their retreat. For this:

  1. Identify the places where they come from.
  2. Gauze the vent shafts.
  3. Seal the gaps on the floor using putty with polymer additives.
  4. Seal the outlets of the plumbing and sewer pipes that lead to the common shafts.

Important! Cockroach disinfection is the treatment of an apartment with special means that are poisonous to insects. In addition to ready-made chemicals, boric acid can be used. It is toxic, but if used correctly, it is not harmful to human health and pets. Sprinkle it along the baseboard and near the bin. Restrict access to water for cockroaches during the fight.

Household chemicals from cockroaches

For disinfecting from cockroaches, you can use the following tools, which have established themselves as the most effective.


  • “Raptor”;
  • "Raid";
  • “Combat”;
  • "Clean house".


  • “Raptor”;
  • “Clean House Trap”;
  • “Combat Superbyte”.


  • “Gel Clean House”;
  • “Gel Raptor”.

Other means:

  • “Brownie”;
  • “LS 500”;
  • Dohlox;
  • "Clean house".

Important! Chemical products should be used carefully, clearly following the instructions on the package. Keep poison away from skin and mucous membranes. Be sure to use a protective tool.

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Cockroach Disinfestation Procedure

Cockroach disinfectionThe destruction of any insects takes a huge amount of time, which is already lacking in a modern business person. Therefore, we recommend the most optimal way - disinfection of an apartment from cockroaches by professionals.

The complex of works that are carried out by special services for the disinfection of the apartment will help not only to destroy these vile insects, but also various pathogens: bacteria, viruses, fungi.

Important! Work on the disinfection of apartments involved in many companies. Professionals for the destruction of cockroaches in the house use the most proven, safe and effective drugs that are harmless to people, animals, domestic plants. All products are certified and do not leave spots and odors on carpets, walls, furniture, while depriving any chance of surviving any insects.

The very disinfection of cockroaches in residential premises, apartments is without any inconvenience to people. From the owners only need to free up space so that you can get to all the habitats of cockroaches in the apartment. Before the procedure, you must:

  1. Take away food.
  2. Close the aquarium with the fish by turning off the air supply.
  3. Remove the dishes.
  4. Remove drinking water.

Important! Leave the apartment for processing. It is impossible to stay in the apartment without special protective equipment. The processing of cockroaches can last from half an hour to several hours. It all depends on the number of rooms in the room.

After the procedure, the apartment must be thoroughly ventilated, and only after that you can return to your usual affairs.

Important! In order to be sure of a high-quality result, contact proven companies for the destruction of cockroaches, which will provide you with a guarantee for their services. The warranty period should correspond to the validity period of a particular drug.

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Professional cockroach control methods

The main methods of disinfection of premises include:

  • physical;
  • chemical;
  • the use of toxic smoke.

Physical method

The essence of this method is the use of ultraviolet radiation to disinfect and maintain sanitation. The entire perimeter of the treated room is affected by ionized rays. More often this method is used to prevent the emergence of cockroach embryos and to destroy them at an early stage.

Another type of physical effect on insects is the effect of high temperatures when using special equipment. In order not to damage the wallpaper, paint, decoration of the apartment, the event is carried out only on the “bare” walls.

Hot and cold fog generation method

This method uses cold and hot fog generators. By spraying caustic smoke, it is possible to penetrate into each crack in the walls, window openings and in other places inaccessible to humans. Smoke affects the airways of these insects, killing them.

Important! This procedure is carried out in a carefully sealed room without drafts.

Chemical method

This method is the most popular - it is they who most often carry out disinfection from cockroaches. It is carried out not only in apartments, offices, but also in warehouses and granaries. The chemical method uses various insecticides. All of them are certified. Chemicals are sprayed using aerosol preparations and special spray guns.

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Prevention of insects in the house

If you disinfected the room, then this does not exclude the likelihood of these unbearable scurrying around the corners of the Prussians again. For example, from the neighbors on the floor, they again can come to you and stay for a long time. Prevention is less troublesome than disinfection from cockroaches. Therefore, take the necessary preventive measures:

  • Clean regularly, especially in the kitchen.
  • In winter, ventilate all rooms 2-3 times a day.
  • In the spring-summer period, treat the house with special means from cockroaches.
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In this article, we talked not only about the dangers of cockroaches, but also about methods of dealing with them. We hope that you will choose the safest, most modern methods for killing pests and get rid of them forever!

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