DIY loggia

Many residents of apartment buildings try to maximize the usable area of balconies, creating a comfortable relaxation area on them. An important role in the arrangement of the furniture is furniture, which should be as functional, ergonomic and compact as possible. In this article we will tell you how to make a sofa on the loggia with your own hands, which will not only save money, but also make a headset that best suits your wishes.
to contents ↑Varieties of balcony sofas
Before you make a sofa on the balcony yourself, you need to carefully assess the area of the room and carefully select a model of furniture that will fit as harmoniously as possible into the interior of the loggia. If you are the proud owner of a huge balcony room, which are found mainly in new buildings, then it is quite possible to purchase a place to relax in one of the furniture stores.
However, if your room does not have such advantages, then the most rational solution is to make a sofa on the balcony with your own hands, drawings and schemes of furniture designs of various types and purposes can be found in specialized literary publications or on the Internet.
Important! Own creation of furniture will help owners of one-room housing to expand the useful area of the apartment to the balcony, which can be used as a children's room or office.
There are several main varieties of soft or cabinet sofas for a loggia, the most popular of which are the following designs:
- chair bed;
- corner sofa;
- sofa eurobook;
- transformer;
- trestle bed.
To choose the most suitable model of upholstered furniture for your balcony, you need to consider each of the presented varieties of sofas in more detail.
Chair bed
This model of upholstered furniture is an excellent alternative to classic sofas, and is also great for arranging the interior on a narrow balcony with a small amount of usable area.
It is distinguished by a rather simple design, which, combined with functionality and compactness, makes such products indispensable for creating comfort and coziness.
Important! A few people will not be able to put such a chair, but it is great for relaxing after a hard day at work and reading your favorite book.
Corner sofa
One of the currently popular options for furniture for the loggia is a corner sofa, which is distinguished by its original appearance and comfort. This type of furniture is convenient not only for sitting, but also for a good rest. Creating a corner sofa for a balcony will emphasize your practicality and good aesthetic taste.
Sofa Eurobook
Another of the most popular and simple designs of upholstered furniture is the sofa-eurobook, which in the assembled position has a standing backrest, providing user comfort when resting in a sitting position. To transform the furniture design into a berth, it is enough to move the seat a little forward, and install backrest cushions on the vacant seat.
If you need to be careful about saving every square meter of usable area, then a transforming sofa will be a rational decision, which due to its design features can be transformed into a table and vice versa.
Important! The design of such a piece of furniture can be completely diverse - it all depends mainly on the wishes and needs of the user.
Topchan is one of the most multifunctional elements of the interior, which is perfect for arranging any balcony or loggia.Small furniture will look great indoors modest parameters.
Important! To increase the functionality and usefulness of the trestle bed in its lower facade, you can place capacious boxes for linen.
With a little effort and perseverance, you can make any type of sofa with your own hands. Furniture produced by yourself will not only meet your basic requirements and please the eye, but will also help save the family budget.
to contents ↑How to make a sofa on the balcony?
For independent creation of furniture on the balcony, it is not necessary to be an upscale carpenter. Tackling this problem, it is necessary to gradually carry out construction work, not to rush and have a good idea of the design of the future product.
A bed on the balcony with your own hands is performed according to the following algorithm:
- Study the blueprints and plans for future furniture designs.
- Develop a step-by-step plan for upcoming work.
- Prepare the necessary tools and materials to create furniture.
- Decide on the location of the future sofa.
Having decided on the design and type of recreational space to be created, you can safely proceed to the main stage - the implementation of carpentry.
Materials required to create a sofa
Before proceeding to the independent creation of furniture on the balcony, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:
- durable wooden bars that will be needed to create the frame and the base of the back of the sofa;
Important! To protect the wood from the negative effects of natural factors and pests, open its surface with moisture resistant and antifungal impregnation.
- corners made of metal - for fixing the base of the sofa with its back;
- plywood for fastening to the backrest frame and the main structure;
- foam rubber - to create a soft base and give the sofa a pleasantly rounded shape;
- special glue for durable bonding of foam rubber with plywood sheets;
- textile material for upholstery.
Important! As an upholstery material for a future sofa, you can use a tapestry or faux leather that will meet your aesthetic preferences and give comfort during touch.
Tools necessary for creating furniture
In addition to the material, for the direct manufacture of furniture products you will also need the following set of tools:
- screwdriver;
- self-tapping screws;
- furniture stapler;
- washers and bolts;
- hammer;
- drill;
- drill;
- jigsaw;
- pliers;
- furniture nails;
- nippers.
Making a loggia sofa
Having carefully studied the drawings, having calculated the sizes and having prepared the materials for the future sofa, you can safely proceed to the implementation of the main works. All upcoming work must be performed according to the following instructions:
- Saw the wooden blocks according to the required dimensions.
- Using a special adhesive and metal corners, connect the frame for the back and seat.
- Complete the resulting frames with a plywood board.
- Secure the seat and back with each other using connecting bolts.
Important! You should not save on self-tapping screws and fixing bolts, replacing them with ordinary nails, because this will significantly reduce the durability of your sofa.
- Glue the foam to the back and seat, give the furniture a rounded shape.
Important! First you need to use a more dense type of foam, and then upholstery with a soft layer.
- Secure all roundness with a furniture stapler.
- After the sofa acquired an almost finished appearance, the most crucial stage remained - its upholstery with textile material.
- Coat the tapestry or leatherette according to basic dimensions.
- Squeeze the skin onto the frame and secure it with a stapler.
to contents ↑Important! If you still have textile materials, then they can be used to make decorative pillows.They can be decorated with ribbons or buttons, which will give the interior an additional feeling of comfort and coziness.
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We hope that the tips in the article will help you create your own sofa of your dreams and maximize the interior of your balcony or loggia.
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