Design sofas and many other nuances

The modern pace of life requires functionality and compactness in everything. This requirement also applies if you need to choose a sofa design. The times when they sat only on a chair or couch, and slept only on the bed, are over. Modern sofas should fulfill all these functions, at the same time, combine strength, comfort and fit into the style of interior design you created.

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How to choose a sofa?

Despite the large assortment of this piece of furniture, choosing it is a rather complicated process. In order for the model you purchased was not only stylish, but functional and durable, you should follow a few recommendations:

  • The first thing you should pay attention to is the frame. Most often it is made of wood. Such frames are very strong and durable. In the manufacture of upholstered furniture, frames from chipboard are allowed. Boxes for linen should be plywood.

Important! The wood used in the manufacture of the frame must be well dried, otherwise the sofa will creak.

  • The next thing you should pay attention to is filling. It is best to choose the most ordinary foam rubber. It is a dust-free hypoallergenic material and, most importantly, cheap. Unfortunately, this filling is short-lived. After a while, it begins to crumble and lose shape. Latex mesh does not wear out so quickly.

Important! To make your sofa durable, you should choose models with metal springs that are mounted in vertical cells. It is they that prevent the displacement and rapid wear of the sofa filling.

  • It is very important to consider the mechanism of this piece of furniture. Modern sofas are divided into three main types of mechanisms:
    1. Cot. In this embodiment, the berth is doubled or tripled and is located under the seat. Such a mechanism is equipped with additional legs that strengthen the structure. The main disadvantage of this type of mechanism is the complexity of their deployment.
    2. Book. One of the simplest designs. Its essence lies in reclining the back. Unfortunately, a sofa with such a mechanism is not suitable for sleeping, because with its frequent use, the mechanism very quickly fails, and the folding occurs spontaneously.
    3. Roll-out. Its essence is that an additional plane, designed to form a berth, extends from under the seat. The difference in levels is compensated by the presence of additional pillows. This is a very convenient kind of mechanism. Its only minus is that the rollers can scratch the surface of the floor.
  • The coloring and upholstery material are the final stages in choosing the design of a modern sofa.
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Choosing a quality upholstery material

Upholstery is one of the most important criteria when choosing a sofa design. In addition to the fact that it must fit into the general interior of the room, it must also be wear-resistant, meet operating conditions.

Important! If you choose a sofa for a bedroom, the upholstery should be exclusively from natural fabrics.Synthetic fibers are also suitable for use in office premises.

Upholstery should be selected according to the following criteria:

  • presentability of appearance;
  • strength;
  • operational properties.

Important! The strength of the upholstery is of great importance. The stronger the fabric, the better its quality, and less wear. Therefore, when choosing a sofa upholstery, always pay attention to its category:

  • 0 - light and not durable fabric (cotton, thermal shrink, light chenille);
  • 1 - more dense fabric (velveteen, chenille, flock);
  • 2 - the tissues are similar in appearance to the first category, but their density is much higher (chenille, jacquard);
  • 3 - more dense and “complex” texture (tapestry, suede);
  • 4 - very dense and heavy fabrics (chenille, tapestry,);
  • 5 - very dense fabrics having natural fibers;
  • 6 - dense artificial leather is included in this category;
  • 7 - a budget version of genuine leather;
  • 8- expensive genuine leather with a good finish.

The most popular types of fabrics for upholstering sofas are:

  • Cotton. It is a natural and non-toxic material. It is recommended to use for upholstery of children's furniture because of its environmental friendliness and harmlessness. This type of fabric passes air well. The only negative is the fragility of such an upholstery coating.

Important! If the budget does not allow you to purchase new furniture, and the cotton upholstery of the sofa is already worn out, you can return it for restoration.

  • Jacquard. This type of fabric has found its popularity due to its strength and elegance. The wear resistance of the jacquard is due to the weaving of the threads and their appearance.

Important! Jacquard fabrics do not fade in the sun.

  • Tapestry. At its core, it resembles a jacquard fabric, only with the use of more threads. If there are about 10 in the jacquard, then in the tapestry - more than 100. The tapestry, despite its strength, is presented in a wide variety of colors and with the presence of various patterns and patterns.
  • Flock. This type of fabric conquers not only with its beauty, but also with functionality. This fabric is environmentally friendly, has high strength and fire safety. In appearance, the flock resembles velvet. This fabric is hypoallergenic and very easy to clean.

Important! Due to the impurities of synthetic materials that accumulate static electricity, the fabric may crack slightly.

  • Shenill Very common upholstery fabric. Due to the combination of natural and synthetic fibers in it, it has high strength. Chenille is very pleasant to the touch and is represented by a rich assortment of various shades.
  • Velveteen. This fabric has soft overflows and a scar texture. The density of the coating depends on the manufacturing method. High density velveteen has two warp threads.
  • Microfiber. It is a very soft and pleasant to the touch fabric. It is made using modern technology so that imitation suede is very realistic. This type of fabric is very practical and safe.
  • Genuine leather is the most expensive material. Leather upholstered sofas are very valuable and expensive pieces of furniture. This upholstery is made from cattle skin. Genuine leather is breathable and very durable.
  • Leatherette. Such material is produced thanks to modern technology. It is absolutely similar to a natural "relative". Leatherette is safe for health and has high strength.
  • Eco leather. A synthetic material that is very similar in appearance to the skin. Even in spite of its synthetics, eco-leather “breathes”. It is very resistant to abrasion and tearing, durable, not afraid of low temperatures.
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Choose color

The modern design of the sofas includes a huge assortment of using the most incredible colors and shades for exterior design. When choosing the color of your furniture, you should consider the general style of interior design and floor space.Also, do not forget that the purchase will last you more than one year. Therefore, the most important criterion for choosing a color is purely your taste preferences.

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We choose a sofa taking into account the style:

  1. Blue and red colors are most appropriate to use for decoration of offices and living rooms. Furniture of such tones is inherent in such styles as Baroque and Classic.
  2. Gray, white and black furniture is used for interior decoration in the style of Minimalism and Gothic.
  3. Golden, all shades of blue and brown are used in the styles of Baroque, Classic, Empire, Renaissance, Rococo.
  4. For Country, it is most appropriate to use natural colors such as brown, white, green, beige, muted yellow and pink.
  5. Sofas decorated in yellow, black, blue, beige and red colors are most suitable for the Art Deco style.
  6. For hi-tech style, acid shades will advantageously look.

Important! For rooms with a small area it is best to use neutral tones. Dark colors and large patterns should be discarded.

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General rules for choosing the right sofa:

  1. Consider external virtues. If the sofa is durable and of good quality, you will not be prevented from testing it: you can sit down or lie down on it.
  2. If the sofa has a convenient support for the head, a large angle between the back and the seat for a seat with a slight slope, then you will be comfortable on it.
  3. Check if the mechanism is stuck. To do this, you need to fold and unfold the sofa several times.
  4. Pay attention to the back side. It must be upholstered with fabric. Thanks to this, you can install it not only near the wall. If the fabric is not durable and of poor quality, then such a sofa is not worth buying.

Important! Very often in furniture stores you can order an additional patch service on the back of the pocket sofa. It is very convenient for folding various trifles, newspapers and magazines.

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Modern designs of a regular sofa

Today, the design of sofas is conventionally divided into two categories: modern and classic. They have various shapes, upholstery materials and colors.

Classic models:

  • Chesterfield. It has deep historical roots, since it was invented about 240 years ago. Currently, it is purchased to emphasize luxury and prosperity in the interior. Main characteristics: has a rhombic stitch for even distribution of the filler, the armrests and back are made in the form of a curled scroll, massive and low legs.

Important! It got its name from the English Earl of Chesterfield, who himself developed the design and ordered its production.

  • Duchess. The classic version of the representatives of upholstered furniture. This model has a high headboard and low seat. Over time, it was modernized and turned into two chairs with a banquet located between them. Main characteristics: light weight, takes up little space in the room, large and curved legs.
  • “The little box”. These sofas have come to us since the time of the 18th century. Previously, they were used for daytime relaxation or conversations. Today, such a model has changed and turned into a convenient addition to corner sofas. Main characteristics: truncated back, curved shape of the armrests, wide seat, short length (an adult can not lie in full growth).
  • Sofas with scrolls. They have a very ancient history. They could not establish the exact date of occurrence. It is assumed that such pieces of furniture belong to the rustic style. Despite the lack of “nobility” in it, this model fits perfectly into the modern interior. Main characteristics: simple shape, comfort and softness, low massive legs, soft armrests in the form of twisted scrolls.


Modern models:

  • "Book".The most popular model that came to us from the Soviet Union. Such a sofa is very versatile, as it can easily be transformed into a berth. Main characteristics: the presence of a sliding mechanism, takes up little space when folded, under the seat there is a linen box, the absence of armrests.
  • Mixotual. It is in great demand, as it takes up little space and has a very convenient design. Main characteristics: equipped with orthopedic armor, the design allows folding along the wall, the mattress has a removable cover.
  • "Accordion". It got its name from the folding mechanism, since it very much resembles an accordion. Such sofas are most profitable to purchase in small apartments. Main characteristics: the berth consists of the same parts, the possible presence of a linen box, the design style of the armrests is not tied to the design.
  • "Dolphin". The most popular models. Such a demand is based on the simplicity of the folding mechanism: for this, you just need to push the block, which is located above the main seat. Main characteristics: the lower block is equipped with a special handle, the presence of a linen box, the berth has a high landing.
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Top of the most unusual and interesting sofa designs:

  1. Egg sofa. Soft sofa with 3D image of egg trays.
  2. Diamond. This design is designed to express the aesthetic values ​​of its owner. Designers tried to create an object that lost its functions and acquired a different meaning. It was created in order to inspire with its luxury and to be a bright accent of the room.
  3. Wooden sofa. It is created from strips of wood that are split, curved, and then assembled into a single whole. The manufacturing process of such a sofa is the most complicated technology, so it is equated with an object of art.
  4. Steel. It was created by Ron Arad. It is divided horizontally, and the truncated cone serves as a seat and back. Although this sofa is large-sized, it is very lightweight, as it is made of nickel-plated steel sheet.
  5. Canvas. The essence of this model is that its upholstery is completely white. And the coloring and drawings are created by the consumer himself.
  6. Cloud. The most interesting and high-tech model. This sofa has the appearance of a cloud hovering above the ground. Its essence lies in the magnetic base and the presence of the same magnets in the sofa itself. The only drawback of this design is that magnets attract metal objects that are located in their radius of action.
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Choosing functionality: corner sofa

Corner sofas fit into the characteristics of minimalism and functionality, because thanks to the modern design, the sofa is not just a piece of furniture, but also a bright accent in the design of the room.

Corner models have several advantages, thanks to which they have gained their popularity:

  • Space saving. This is very important if the room has a small area.
  • Ease of transformation into a berth.
  • Perhaps modeling and creating additional designs.
  • Universality in accordance with various styles of interior decoration.

If you decide to purchase a corner sofa, you need to consider its design and fullness:

  • If the model provides for the transformation into a berth, it should have a frame, fasteners and supporting elements, the transformation mechanism itself.
  • Pay attention to static. They can be very light, or they can simply be heavy.
  • Type of construction. They can be monolithic, modular and transformers. Pay attention to this, since the folding speed depends on this parameter.

Important! The presence of drawers, armrests and folding tables - this is an additional financial investment. When forming a complete set, always take this point into account.

  • Try to make the mattress orthopedic and have a hypoallergenic filler.
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Choosing a sofa in the living room

The living room provides for the whole family to stay in it. Therefore, the acquisition of a sofa should carry not only decorative properties, but also have high strength and have good capacity:

  • If the area of ​​the room is large, you can purchase large modular designs of different colors. If the room is small, the universal option is corner sofas.

Important! If the floor area is generally tiny, you should find models with an asymmetric back and false armrests.

  • Try to choose transformers. This is very convenient when you need to arrange guests somewhere.
  • Pay attention to the quality of the construction mechanism.
  • For ease of cleaning and keeping fit, purchase legged models.
  • Choose upholstery for a sofa of high durability. Microfiber is best for the living room.

Important! When choosing a color palette, you should follow only two rules:

  • to the calm tone of the walls, choose bright colors, and vice versa;
  • exclude the color palette that causes you stress.

We install correctly and tastefully

Correctly arranged furniture in the living room is a sign of good taste and the ability to divide the space of the room correctly:

  1. Back to the window. This method is suitable for rooms with a small area.
  2. Back to the bay window. Suitable for large rooms. Such a move provides a solution to the problem of a living room through passage.
  3. Back to the wall. The most popular method. To diversify it, it is possible to create a bright accent in the interior due to wallpaper paintings selected in the style.
  4. Back to the doorway. This option is categorically unacceptable for small rooms. But for a large area with wide doorways - the best option.
  5. In the center of the room. This installation method involves dividing the room into functional zones. Most often, it is installed “face” to a wall or window. Suitable for large rooms.
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The modern market for upholstered furniture is so large that sometimes even the most experienced consumers are lost in its brightness of colors. Therefore, it is obvious that when purchasing such a piece of furniture as a sofa, many make mistakes. So that this does not happen, you should adhere to the above rules and recommendations. Thanks to them, you can purchase a sofa that will meet all your criteria and needs.

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