Kitchen design 9 sq. m

There are not so many housewives in the world who would not dream of a large bright kitchen, where you can not only cook, but also sit with friends. And finally, the dream came true, you have not “Khrushchev's” four meters, but nine or more. But then other problems arise - it turns out that the furniture from the old kitchen does not look at all in the new one, and the decoration is not needed like that, and the curtains are brighter. Kitchen design 9 sq. m - what can it be? There are many options, and some of them you will find in our article.

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Nine Squares - Features and Benefits

A kitchen area of ​​9 square meters. m can be attributed to the average, and with the skillful arrangement of furniture, it will look even spacious. It will fit a lot of different things, only you need to immediately determine what exactly should be necessary, and without which you can do.

In the kitchen should be:

  • plate;
  • washing;
  • fridge;
  • extractor hood;
  • one or two tables;
  • seating;
  • place for dishes and necessary household appliances.

Important! The things that are sometimes located in the kitchen, but can stand in other rooms, include a washing machine, sofa, equipment for the "home workshop".

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Simple rules

In order not to put anything superfluous in the kitchen, think about what requirements this room should meet.

  1. Furniture and household appliances must stand so that each item can be approached unhindered.
  2. Nothing should interfere with the hostess when she is cooking.
  3. All doors, whether it be an oven, a refrigerator, or cupboards, should open freely.
  4. The stove, refrigerator and sink should become the corners of the triangle - this is the most ergonomic option.
  5. It is better to put the dish dryer closer to the sink, but at the same time it is necessary to ensure good ventilation.

Zoning pattern

Before arranging the furniture in the kitchen 9 meters, select the zones. There can be several, but the main ones are two:

  • working;
  • dining room.

A work area is part of the kitchen where food is prepared. The dining room is where everyone has lunch or drinks tea. The closest guests are welcome here.

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Choose a style

A correctly chosen style can greatly facilitate the life of the hostess. There are a lot of furniture, utensils and everything else on sale. This or that style will make your searches more focused. So, what styles do designers recommend for modern kitchens? There are a lot of them:

  • Classic;
  • Modern;
  • Minimalism;
  • High tech;
  • Country
  • Provence
  • Vintage
  • Eclecticism.

This is not the whole list of possible options, but the most popular ones.


Style for practical people. Classic is something that is time-tested and never goes out of style. Materials for finishing with this design kitchen 9 square meters. m must be natural:

  • a rock;
  • tile;
  • wood.

As for furniture, the cabinets must be necessarily vertical, except for the one combined with the table. There may be a lot of household appliances, but everything except the refrigerator should be hidden in cabinets. It is not only beautiful, but also convenient because it allows you to save space.


Adherents of this style always have a lot of furniture and equipment, but not a single item interferes with another, since everything is extremely functional.Art Nouveau is characterized by materials such as metal and plastic. The forms are simple but sophisticated.


Very popular style now. No extra details. Strict lines, and as materials for furniture and household appliances, metal and glass are preferable. There are no excesses in the design of the kitchen decoration 9 meters - modest color combinations with a predominance of white, gray, black or beige. Bright accents are acceptable.



Simple and cheap kitchen decoration option. The main material, of course, is wood. It makes a table, seats, cabinets. But what about household appliances? In the same way - you need to choose an option for a tree.


Actually, this is not a style, but a mixture of styles. Oddly enough, this is a rather difficult option, since a wide variety of objects should work well together.


A lot of light, a lot of space, floral ornaments and fresh flowers - these are the characteristic features of the Provencal style. All items must be in perfect condition, but at the same time look as if they have been used by many generations of apartment residents.

Important! No plastic, just stone, wood and metal. Large windows or simulated windows.


Fancy shapes, an abundance of decorations that seem to be unnecessary in the kitchen, but at the same time, give it a unique charm. Materials - any:

  • noble breeds of a tree;
  • forged metal;
  • stone with an interesting texture.
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Kitchen layout

When deciding how to arrange furniture in the kitchen 9 meters, do not forget to evaluate the layout of the apartment. Kitchen geometry is also different:

  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • with a niche;
  • with a “tail” - a small corridor connected to the hallway.
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Furniture arrangement

Any kitchen set consists of many items. Usually they are easily combined with each other, they can be set as you like. But in order for your kitchen to be the most functional and at the same time cozy, it is better to adhere to one of the following principles of arrangement:

  • in one row;
  • in two rows;
  • L-shaped arrangement;
  • kitchen with an island.

In one row

This option is good for long kitchens. On one side of the rectangular room is everything you need for cooking, on the other - there is a dining room. The room is naturally divided into two zones, which may not even be specifically designated.

In two rows

A very good option for a room with a rectangular geometry, if the walls do not vary much in length. Several arrangement options are possible:

  • on one side there are cupboards and a refrigerator, on the other side there is a sink and stove, in the middle there is a dining area;
  • a sink, stove, refrigerator and cupboard for dishes - against one wall, a dining table and seats - at the opposite;
  • near one wall there is a sink, stove and refrigerator, part of the opposite is occupied by a cupboard, the dining area is in the corner.


L-shaped arrangement

Not a bad idea for a 9 sq. Kitchen design. m square or rectangular. The working area with a table is at the window:

  • under the window is a cooking table;
  • on one side of the table there is a stove and refrigerator, on the other, a sink and cabinet;
  • along the imaginary midline perpendicular to the window is the dining area.

U-shaped arrangement

One of the most ergonomic options. Three walls and all corners are involved. The dining area is located along one wall, and near adjacent - furniture and equipment necessary for cooking.


If you have a large area, you prefer the L-shaped or U-shaped arrangement of furniture in the kitchen, and you still have a lot of space, you can arrange an island. This will give you an extra work surface.

Important! This option is also suitable for studios.

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Principles of placement

Despite the fact that you can’t name a kitchen of 9 meters small, you shouldn’t steal the space anyway - just the opposite, it’s better to visually increase it. There are several ways to do this:

  1. Choose a U-shaped or C-shaped arrangement to arrange furniture in a 9 sq. M kitchen. m
  2. If there is access to a balcony or a loggia, use a balcony where you can arrange an additional dining area, or, on the contrary, move a part of the working room there.
  3. Choose not too dark tones for decoration and furniture.
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Color combinations

Pastel colors in the kitchen look better than others. The room seems lighter and larger. But do not do everything white, it is better to choose 2-3 colors that organically combine with each other according to the following principles:

  • the walls, floor and ceiling are bright;
  • the walls and ceiling are light, the floor is dark;
  • the floor and ceiling are dark, the walls are light,
  • the walls and floor are dark, the ceiling is light.

Important! The second option is most suitable. The fact is that the dark floor makes a person feel confident and comfortable. A good option - when the whole room is finished in bright colors, only the floor is still better to make a few shades darker than the rest.

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Furniture in the design of the kitchen 9 meters

A headset made of natural wood or other wood-trimmed materials always looks good. Beige, light brown and even dark brown colors create a feeling of strength and stability, while the walls, floor and ceiling can be any color.


Traditional kitchen units with a light plastic coating are hygienic and comfortable. But they do not always look good. For example, for styles such as Vintage or Provence, such furniture is not suitable.


Bright plastic tables and cabinets must be chosen very carefully. They are easy to care for, they are able to please the eye and create high spirits, but they can also act in a different way - annoy or annoy. In addition, such furniture is more suitable for a summer residence, and not for a city apartment.


For the manufacture of kitchen cabinets, chairs and tables, metal is increasingly used. It is an almost indispensable affiliation of the Hi-tech and Minimalism styles. Instead of heavy cabinets - light metal shelves without doors, when everything is in sight and everything is at hand. Elegant tables on thin but strong metal legs, chairs that seem airy look great in a modern kitchen.

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Kitchen design 9 sq m with sofa

A sofa in the kitchen is quite common. Of course, in a room the size of 9 square meters it hardly makes sense to put a sofa bed, even if guests often come to you, who have nowhere else to stay for the night. But now there are many models of kitchen sofas on sale:

  • modular;
  • corner;
  • direct wall;
  • sofa with side drawers.

Modular furniture

Soft modular sofa in the kitchen is very comfortable. You can sit on individual elements, and if an unexpected guest arrives, you can put him to bed, making all the modules together.

Important! Very useful quality - each module is a box. It can store a lot of useful things for which there is no place on the shelves.


Sofa corner

A good option for any kitchen. It has the shape of the letter G, which allows you to use the corner. The seats recline, and under them are boxes. Models may vary in length and width. As a rule, 4-5 people can accommodate at the same time, but there are also longer models.

Direct wall

It is placed along the wall. Such models can have from 2 to 6 places. This option is suitable if all corners are involved (for example, for household appliances, and the dining area is near the wall, in the middle part).

Direct sofa with drawers

One of the options for modular furniture. The middle part is designed for 2-3 places, but there are several more sectors of the same height, which can be arranged in random order.

Important! A universal model that at the right time can become a corner, and a direct sofa, and a bed.

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The traditional variant of kitchen lighting is a large lamp in the center of the ceiling. For a small kitchenette more is not necessary - well, unless you can hang it on the table.

It is another matter if the room is large enough and it is possible to distinguish separate zones. Then one of the following options will be preferable:

  • at the top there is a built-in lamp, in the corners there is additional illumination;
  • at the top - a lamp, LED strip - around the perimeter;
  • on the ceiling - 1 or 2 lamps, additional lighting - in the area that you want to highlight.

Important! As for the requirements for lamps, they are simple - the device itself and the lamps must withstand high humidity and temperature extremes. LED lamps are preferred.

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We decorate the kitchen 9 meters

The kitchen, of course, must be functional. But what's the point if a good repair is made and new furniture is installed, but you don’t want to go in there? The room should also be beautiful and cozy.

There are a lot of ways to make this room pleasant for everyone:

  • open shelves with beautiful dishes;
  • spectacular accessories;
  • thematic panels and paintings;
  • figurines on the shelves.


An apron, napkins, potholders, boards, knives should also correspond to the general style. But more importantly, you like them. Do not hide them in a closet. It is better to hang it on beautiful hooks somewhere in the working area, and for napkins choose a spectacular glass, ceramic or even plastic napkin holder.

Cutting boards in the kitchen are a must. They can be from different materials:

  • a tree;
  • plastic;
  • ceramics;
  • tempered glass;
  • metal.

Several spectacular cutting boards on the wall, and your kitchen takes on an elegant and unique look.


Themed panels

Still life with fruit, a pastoral scene with diners in the clearing, a beautiful landscape wonderfully adorn one of the walls. The main thing is that there should not be too many panels and paintings. One color panel on the wall, inserted into a beautiful frame, and even an occasional guest will understand that people with a delicate taste live in this apartment.

It is hardly worth hanging the originals of the paintings - the paintings are very poorly tolerated by humidity and high temperature. But fit:

  • Reproductions. Reproductions are very important to design beautifully. Do not get involved in lurid heavy frames. Thin slats will look much better, no matter what style you choose. Photowall-paper can be both in a frame, and without it.
  • Chasing and casting. In almost all kitchens, metal panels look good. The only thing to take care of is that the stories are not too disturbing. Battle scenes are unlikely to improve appetite. But the images of the gods of fertility and still lifes with fruits are the most suitable that you can think of for the kitchen.
  • Wooden carved or scorched panels. Wood is the most kitchen material. Carved panels are especially well suited for Provencal and rustic styles. It can be still lifes, fantasy compositions, plot paintings. Try to avoid outright abstractions - in the kitchen they do not look very good.
  • Straws, floristry. Excellent opportunities provide the designer with natural materials. Straw panels and paintings made using the floristic technique are, in principle, suitable for any room. But their surface must be protected by glass or film.
  • Pottery and porcelain. Traditional kitchen materials also include ceramics, porcelain and glass. A beautiful porcelain plate on the wall, a stained glass window on the window or the front door, ceramic relief will decorate even the simplest kitchen, not to mention the fact that they fit perfectly into the vintage style. Figurines made of these materials are also suitable, as well as decorative objects like jugs and other miniature kitchen utensils.
  • Panel on the tile. An interesting modern design option is a tile panel. True, there are not so many sets of tiles with traditional kitchen themes in stores, more often such panels are made for bathrooms. But a tropical garden with fruit trees, bright fish, fabulous birds, and your kitchen will be filled with light and joy.
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In this article, we examined many points regarding the design of a 9 sq. M kitchen. mNow you have to carefully think over all this information, select the most interesting ideas, and implement them, focusing on specific photo layouts and color combinations.

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