Kitchen design in Khrushchev 6 sq. M. m

Successful kitchen design in Khrushchev 6 sq. M. m, at first glance, it is simply impossible. How can a kitchen of this size be made functional, practical, beautiful and comfortable at the same time? However, with the help of expert advice, even the impossible can be translated into reality. Moreover, modern technological capabilities for this are more than enough. In this article you will find all the necessary information on how to properly design a kitchen in the Khrushchevka 6 square in order to achieve optimal comfort.
to contents ↑Space expansion
It is a well-known fact that color to a large extent affects visual perception. Designers constantly use this property. Correctly choosing the pattern of finishing materials and their color, you can achieve visual expansion of the space.
In the kitchen of Khrushchev, 6 square meters. m for this purpose the following is recommended:
- Use pastel colors. Bright colors should not be dominant, they are allowed only in the decor.
- If the walls are planned with a pattern, then it should not be catchy and attract excessive attention.
- If you want to use several types of wallpaper, it is recommended to use this approach only for zoning.
- The ceiling should not have longline structures and beams. The best option is a completely smooth ceiling surface.
- For window decoration, it is better to use light translucent fabrics. The length of the curtains should not be lower than the windowsill, the shorter they will be - the better.
- When choosing a set for your kitchen, give preference to models with open shelves and glass doors.
- Visually expand a small space light shade of the floor.
- Against the background of the cornice, baguettes for the ceiling and skirting should not be contrasting.
- It is better to refrain from decor apron, facade and curtains with large patterns and prints. A floral ornament or wave-like motifs will look more harmonious and easier.
to contents ↑Important! With such a quadrature, uniformity is definitely better than variegation. Use drawings in the interior decoration to a minimum. It is better to place in the kitchen no more than two color accents.
Workspace arrangement
Pondering the details of how to arrange furniture in the kitchen of 6 square meters. m, you should definitely pay attention to the layout of the room. In a small room, there are several options for a functional and convenient design of the working area.
Corner wash:
- In the case of placing the sink in the corner, it is best to put the refrigerator closer to the window.
- There will be a space of 30 cm between the refrigerator and the stove, which will be enough for a small cabinet.
- If you deploy the sink on a non-working wall, it will be very convenient.
- A dishwasher can be placed next to the sink. Drawers can be moved to one of the pedestals located near the stove.
Design kitchen Khrushchev 6 sq. m with a sink at the window:
- If the window has a really beautiful view, then such a placement of the sink from an aesthetic point of view is the best option.
- To implement such an idea, it will be necessary to lengthen the water and sewer pipes.
Important! It can be difficult to independently carry out such work, so consider the need to contact specialists.
- In the place where the washing was previously, you can put a refrigerator.
Important! This corner design is the most spacious in terms of layout.
Placement of furniture in the kitchen 6 meters with a sink near the working wall away from the corner:
- One of the rather convenient design options for a small kitchen space is to move the sink along the wall, away from the corner.
- You can place a refrigerator or a refrigerator on the vacant space.
Important! A similar kitchen design is called direct. The number of cabinets and lockers in this case is minimized. This is the best, in terms of economy, option of how to arrange furniture in a small kitchen of 6 square meters. m with a refrigerator.
Furniture placement on a long wall - 3 meters
Typically, the size of the kitchen is 6 square meters. m in Khrushchev is 2x3 meters. Since the room is narrow, one of the best options for placing a headset is to place it along one of the long walls.
Important! There are not too many lockers, so this option is more suitable for small families or single people.
Kitchen design with fridge at the door
By placing the refrigerator in this way, you get a comfortable workspace in the small kitchen. So you will achieve maximum ergonomics during cooking, because all the steps (take the product, wash, cut, cook on the stove) will be carried out sequentially in terms of movements, and not by random movement through a limited space.
Important! It is worth considering that when placing the refrigerator at the door, psychological discomfort may occur due to a violation of the kitchen review.
Kitchen with sill table
An excellent solution in a small kitchen is to combine the window sill with the table, because:
- In this case, the heating battery is masked.
- There is no need to buy and find a place for the dining table, which significantly saves the already limited space.
- The tabletop-window sill can, if desired, be combined with the working surface of the kitchen unit in a single whole. Thus, you can make a bar counter, a rectangular countertop or rounded.
Style of kitchen design in Khrushchev 6 sq m
Even such a small space can be designed in almost any style. Here are some design options for a small kitchenette.
This design area is great for designing a small space:
- For decoration of walls and floors, use light shades: white, gray, beige and others.
- The kitchen should have a minimum of decor. If you wish, you can limit yourself to a relief surface on the facades or imitation of untreated wood.
- Furniture should have more open shelves.
- Windows are decorated with compact and modest roller blinds. They do not take up much space and are very easy to care for.
Important! Making the interior in the style of Minimalism, it is better to use either shades of the same color, or no more than two basic tones.
High tech:
- This style implies the presence of a large number of household appliances of the latest models.
- The design of the kitchen in this direction makes it possible to use contrasting bright colors, to create an original design.
- In the design of the headset, a large number of metal inserts, a minimum of natural wood, a maximum of fashionable details are appropriate.
Classic style
This style always remains fashionable. Most of all it will be appreciated by lovers of vintage and the Victorian era. When you design a small kitchen, it is embodied in the following details:
- Natural wood furniture or made "under it."
- Color scheme in bright colors.
- The use of stucco elements.
- Porcelain decoration details.
Important! It is completely impossible to observe the classical style in a small kitchen, you can only take any elements as a basis.
Elegant and light design in the Provence style in a small kitchenette can be embodied as follows:
- Apron with floral motifs.
- Headset in light colors.
- Mandatory style elements - flowers in pots.
- Rustic curtains with floral patterns.
- Dishes of different colors.
East style:
- Gloss is not typical for this design, so the surfaces should be exclusively matte.
- The decoration should use blue, beige or golden color.
- A curtain or tablecloth can be selected with an ornament characteristic of a particular eastern country. This will give the interior a peculiar flavor.
- You can decorate the wall with a painting of Japanese or Chinese traditional painting.
Baroque and Rococo:
- A distinctive feature of these two styles is the abundance of decor.
- To avoid overloading the interior, use subtle but detailed patterns on furniture upholstery in the style of 17-18 centuries or wallpaper.
The sketch is an important stage in the interior of a room
Before repairing, it is recommended to make several options for sketches. So it will be easier for you to decide on the most suitable kitchen design in Khrushchev 6 sq. M. m
A good sketch should consider:
- Furnishing
- Primary colors and accents;
- The shape of the table, the number of seats;
- Window decoration.
to contents ↑Important! A detailed sketch will greatly help to plan the space correctly and save not only your time, but also money.
Design kitchen Khrushchev 6 sq. m. - Design Tips
Do not be discouraged if your kitchen is too small to embody your design fantasies. Even in such a small space as a kitchen in Khrushchev, you can try to implement any design and adapt it to the available area.
Here are some helpful suggestions for this:
- When working with one direction of design, you should not focus on details - reproduce the style as a whole. For example, when decorating a kitchen in the Provence style, do not clutter up the space with a large number of pillows and do not place a lot of cute little things on the shelves. So you will only reduce the visual room. A simple bouquet of lavender can support this style.
- Use natural materials painted in soft pastel colors - light negligence should slip in the decoration.
- Make accents when designing correctly. In such a small room, the ideal accent would be a curtain or a picture with a pastoral plot in a wooden frame. Photowall-paper with landscapes, large soft sofas - obviously not your option. Catch the characteristic features of the chosen design style and use them in the decor.
The interior of a small kitchen. Prohibited Tricks
Carrying out the design of the kitchen in Khrushchev, 6 square meters. m, there’s nowhere to go for a walk especially, and such small sizes introduce a number of limitations in this process. In a small room, the following methods cannot be used:
- Bright shades are not recommended as a background decoration.
- When decorating walls and floors, it is better to avoid dark colors.
- A massive set is definitely contraindicated for Khrushchev’s cuisines.
- Curtains from the ceiling to the floor, heavy and dense fabrics, curtains and complex draperies will only further reduce the space, so such curtains are not recommended for use in small kitchens.
- Glossy facades will not look beautiful in a small room.
- The colored ceiling will make the small kitchen just ridiculous and sticky.
- Vertical stripes on the wallpaper will extend the walls, from which the room will visually appear even smaller.
Stock footage
As you can see, a small kitchen is not a sentence, and almost all ideas and design styles that are relevant for large rooms can be applied in this case. The main thing is to know how to place furniture in the kitchen 6 meters correctly. Useful recommendations from this article will help to avoid basic mistakes and plan your workspace without problems so that it is not only convenient and practical, but also beautiful.
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