Stair design

The design of the stairs in a private house largely depends on the layout of the building, as well as the financial capabilities of the owner. Modern designs are characterized by functionality and are a special decorative element in the room, decorating it and visually expanding the space. However, in order to achieve this completely, it is necessary to wisely approach the choice of material and type of design of the stairs in the house. This article provides all the basic information about this.

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How to design a staircase in a house?

  • It is necessary to determine in advance the choice of style and material of the stairs for the house, make a sketch. It is not recommended to postpone this task until the last moment, so that later you do not have to disrupt the layout of the building.
  • The location of the staircase and its configuration should be specified at the design stage of the house, although its installation occurs after all finishing work in the room is completed.
  • First of all, it is determined where the steps will begin and where to end, whether the supporting beams will be, at what angle they should be placed. The width is calculated. It should be comfortable for using the stairs in both directions at the same time, but it is not worth it to take the extra area under the structure.

Important! The minimum width in the living room for a normal lifting kit is 1 meter, and the maximum is 3 meters.

  • At bends and above your head there should be enough space for free and safe movement during descent and ascent. Thought out the height and width of the steps, side rails.

Important! The optimal step width is the length of the foot of an adult with an addition of 3 cm. The height should be at least 15 cm, but not more than 25 cm.

  • In case of high ceilings, it is recommended to install a two-flight staircase in the house.
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Design stairs in the house. Design options

In fact, all staircases can be divided into two main types: marching and screw.

Marching stairs

Marching construction is a series of continuous steps from one platform to another. As a rule, two- or three-flight stairs are installed, which consist of several spans. However, if the area in the house is limited, then you can do with a single-march staircase without an intermediate platform.

Important! To overcome a march (span), consisting of more than 10 steps, is uncomfortable.

There are several varieties of marching designs. We will consider them in more detail in order to understand which staircase design will be more appropriate in your case.

Kosoura stairs

Kosour is a support located under the steps. The design of such a ladder implies the presence of beams fixed separately to the base.

Externally, such stairs look airy and light. In fact, they are able to withstand heavy loads.

Important! The material for the manufacture of such structures can be chosen at your discretion: concrete, metal, wood. That is, the design of the stairs in a private house completely depends on the chosen style of the interior as a whole.

Stairs to the bowstrings

The bowstring is a support located to the side of the steps. Such a staircase is a complex structure with steps fixed to the inside of the support beam.


This type of staircase is a frameless type construction. The steps in it are fastened with bolts - large special bolts. Visually, the staircase looks light and airy.

Important! Sometimes it seems outwardly that the staircase on the slabs is not reliable, but in fact, the design can easily withstand a load of 1500 kg.

Spiral staircases

This design does not imply the presence of marches, since it is, in fact, a single span. This option opens up a wider field for the designer’s imagination, being the center of the interior, revitalizing it and adding weightlessness and lightness to it.

Important! Professionals recommend giving preference to screw designs in case of small space in the room.

The design of such a staircase is a supporting pillar around which a tape of steps is twisted. Variations of curls can be varied: from the traditional round, to the more original - octagonal. Therefore, the design of the stairs in a private house depends only on the flight of your imagination, the style of the room and its quadrature.

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Material for the manufacture of stairs

It is very difficult to talk about the design of the stairs in a private house without discussing the most optimal materials for its manufacture.

Design of wooden stairs

One of the most popular materials for the manufacture of staircases is wood. She proved to be a reliable and durable raw material. Regarding the design features of wooden stairs, they are no different from products from other materials.

Wooden stairs to the second floor can consist of a maximum of three spans, but in most cases it is recommended to limit yourself to two marches.

Important! In private homes, according to the rules of fire safety, it is forbidden to install stairs with more than two marches.

The function of load-bearing elements is often performed by braids or bowstring. Depending on their number, these types of stairs are distinguished:

  • Odnokosounye - one end of the steps is fixed to the kosour, and the other is mounted on the wall.
  • Double-crowned - both ends of the steps are mounted on bowstrings or braids.
  • Silentless - one end of the steps is attached to the wall, and the second remains without support. Choosing this option of stairs, it should be borne in mind that the wall to ensure reliable fastening of the steps must have a thickness of at least 1.5 bricks.

Important! The design of the stairs in terms of aesthetics is most advantageous when the structure is fixed on the braces. For greater safety, experts recommend using a bar with a large cross section.


Such stairs, unlike wooden ones, are considered more durable. As a rule, copper, aluminum alloys and cast iron are used for the manufacture of staircases. Having bought a finished metal staircase, you can easily customize it in accordance with individual requests.

Important! Today it is difficult to find a staircase that is completely made of metal. Most often, metal is combined with stone, plastic, wood or glass. Thus facilitate the design and increase its aesthetic characteristics.

Advantages of metal stairs:

  • Long service life and high strength.
  • The ability to combine curved and straight lines, a wide variety of shapes.
  • The acceptable cost of the finished product.
  • Opportunity to purchase a ready-made assembly kit.


  • The main disadvantage of this product is the time-consuming process of coating the stairs with a protective coating.
  • The installation of the stairs should be entrusted to professionals, since welding works provide a guarantee of strength and safety of the structure.

Important! Wizards during installation will minimize the risk of damage and damage to the aesthetic appeal of the stairs.


Design forged staircase

This design of the stairs is one of the most original ways:

  • Such structures, despite the presence of metal, do not seem bulky. On the contrary, forging visually facilitates the interior, making it more graceful and elegant.
  • Art forging includes original floral ornaments, floral sockets with fancy curls, classic motifs. Using the patching technique, the forged elements are shaded with a gilded sheen.
  • Features of forged metal make it possible to use it for decoration of any configuration of stairs: round, spiral, angular, structures of any complexity and height.
  • A diverse view of decorative elements allows you to complement the design of any room style.

Important! As a rule, the massiveness and complexity of the forging ornament is determined by the area of ​​the room.

Natural or artificial stone

This material as a raw material for the manufacture of stairs is more durable than metal. However, it has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • The texture of the stone elements is pronounced. This adds a special appeal to the interior of the room.
  • Large selection of textures and colors.
  • Strength.
  • Hygiene Caring for such steps is very simple.

Important! The high cost of the material does not allow most people with average incomes to use it, which is the main drawback.


Such stairs are able to bring individuality to any home, they are unusually bright and are most combined with a high-tech-style living room. How did they gain such great popularity? - Everything is simple here:

  • Fences and glass stairs visually increase the space.
  • Colored glass is able to give the atmosphere an extraordinary charm.
  • Optimum design weight.

Important! The disadvantage of this choice of material is the high cost, because for the design of the glass must be particularly strong and have other high performance characteristics.


Durable and durable material, which requires a mandatory subsequent decorative design. However, such a nuance should not be attributed to its shortcomings, because in this case, everyone can choose any coating for the style of their premises.

Important! Concrete structures must be necessarily developed and laid down at the stage of building construction. Since the average weight of such a staircase is about 2 tons, the design represents an additional load on the supporting structures. They should be further strengthened in advance.

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How to arrange a staircase in the house on the second floor?

Certain stylistic decisions are characteristic for staircases to no lesser extent than for other interior elements. To design the stairs, several design directions are used.

Classic style

This style is distinguished by its versatility:

  • This design involves laconicism, restrained and elegant forms, original texture and muted tones.
  • The material of the stairs in the house, designed in the classical style, can be anything: concrete, stone, wood, metal.
  • The classic version of the design is a single-march staircase, which is mounted on bowstrings or braces.

Important! In the process of decorating stairs and walls in the classical style, it is very important not to go too far with the decor, so as not to cross the thin line between elegance and pretentiousness. Otherwise, the aristocracy of style will be replaced by bad taste and cheapness.

Neutral style

This direction of interior decoration is recognized as the only one where the staircase is not the central object of the room’s interior and gives way to the interior of the living room or hall where it is located:

  • The main ladder in this case is not to attract too much attention and not to create dissonance in the room.
  • The design can have any shape and color, and be made of any material.However, it should be characterized by restraint of lines and the absence of frills.


This style claims to be ultramodern, shocking and categorical:

  • Differs in brightness and expressiveness.
  • To design the stairs in a private house in this style, you can choose carved wooden elements, curved lines.


  • This style does not tolerate unnecessary details, so the staircase in such a design should be as inconspicuous as possible.
  • Transparent plexiglass handrails will be an excellent solution to maintain the style.

High tech:

  • In this case, the most appropriate is the use of a large amount of nickel and chrome, which slip in the design of the stairs and continue in other elements of the room decor.
  • For this style, a construction made of stone or tempered glass combined with powder spraying or polished metal is suitable.
  • The design should have notes of originality, luxury and brutality.
  • The most suitable colors: gray, black, brown and their shades.
  • Most often in this case they use spiral staircases.

Art Deco:

  • It suggests the presence of additional elements, such as ivory or reptile skin, as well as ethnic patterns.
  • The design should be light and elegant, have thin steps.
  • Externally, the staircase should create the impression of an expensive product, confirm the status of the owner of the house.
  • The preferred shades in the design are mother of pearl, light beige, silver gray.


This stylistic decision assumes the presence of rural life elements in the decor:

  • Naturalness and spontaneity are features of this style. This is achieved through the use of a large number of textiles and wood.
  • The textile theme is reflected in the form of a carpet on the steps.
  • The most suitable material for the execution of the stairs is considered to be pine, alder or birch in natural shades. Oak will be completely inappropriate.
  • One of the Country-style design options is to use an uncouth stone. The stone floor and a woven rug of bright color will fit perfectly into this type of room design.

Important! Country style pots with living plants located on the intermediate floors of the staircase are emphasized.

Victorian style:

  • A mandatory element of staircase design in this style is the presence of carved balusters.
  • Decoration with stucco molding, spherical shapes in the finish are in every possible way welcomed. Turned balls will be an excellent decoration of support pillars.

Important! Such a staircase will be appropriate only in the appropriate interior.

Ethnic style:

  • The best material for the stairs for the interior in the Ethno style will be a natural tree, namely ash or oak.
  • The design of the stairs itself depends on the color of a particular nation. For example, the African style suggests an unusual form of staircase construction - a curved branch. Tropican style - dark colors. Indian - raspberry and turquoise shades.

Loft Style:

  • The combination of glass steps and metal chrome handrails perfectly symbolizes this direction of interior design.
  • Style is against all kinds of piles, so the stairs should be compact.
  • Structural elements must be deliberately coarse and strict.
  • Cantilevered staircases will ideally fit into this style.

Important! The design of the stairs in a private house in the Loft style can have the appearance of an ordinary external staircase, which is installed on the facade of the building.

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How to decorate the stairs in the house?

  • The under-breast space is easy to turn into usable. There are many options for its design. You can make a small room out of it, arrange bookshelves there, equip a fireplace, make lockers for storing things.
  • The staircase in the house can be used as a source of lighting. The backlight can be located under the railing, on a nearby wall, between the steps. This solution is just perfect for high-tech and modern styles.
  • The colors of the stairs should be chosen so that it harmonizes with the colors in the room. Light constructions visually increase and expand the space of the room. Unrecognizable, you can transform the room if you repaint the stairs in several different colors. A similar approach is relevant for Ethno-style.
  • An excellent design technique is the zoning of the room using a staircase. For example, the staircase located in the center of the room of the studio apartment will help to separate the living room and kitchen.
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Not sure how to arrange the stairs? The main principle in this important matter is to respect the integrity of the interior of the house. It does not matter what design you choose, the main thing is that all the elements of the room are designed in the same style. Therefore, first of all, decide on it. Then it will be easy for you to choose the suitable option for the staircase construction, its material of manufacture and color. Do not forget about the safety of the stairs, especially if the house has elderly people and small children. Useful information from the article will help you make the right choice and avoid the main mistakes in the decor of the room.

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