Small bathroom design

For most owners of small apartments, the design of a small bathroom becomes a whole problem. How to design a small space so that it is as functional, comfortable, and even beautiful? At first glance, this seems like an impossible task at all. But if you correctly approach the solution of any problem, everything is realizable! The basic techniques of designing a small bathroom will be discussed in this article.

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Design a small bathroom. Basic Rules

Observing the basic rules for the design of small rooms, even the smallest room will visually look much lighter and more spacious:

  • Use light colors for decoration. Bright and excessively dark colors can only be used as accents.
  • Mirrors visually increase the area of ​​a small space. In this case, it is worth avoiding the reception with the placement of mirrors opposite each other so that the effect of the "tunnel" is not created. It is better to mirror one wall or two that are at right angles to each other.
  • For a very small bathroom, use glossy surfaces. They will create a game of reflections, which will complicate the interior and add a little light to it.
  • Good lighting will also help visually expand the space. Be sure to install spotlights in a small bathroom, and additional local lighting fixtures, for example, near a mirror, will also be relevant.
  • They will make the room visually larger than part of the furniture and glass partitions.
  • When choosing furniture, it is worth giving preference only to the most important elements. It should be small and it should be as functional as possible.
  • Consider installing a shower instead of a bath. In this case, the small bathroom will become much more spacious.
  • Make good use of corners. An angular shower or bathtub takes up much less space than its direct counterparts. In the corner you can also put a sink or hang shelves.

Important! Hanging plumbing can facilitate the visual perception of a small room and greatly facilitate cleaning.

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Tile design in a small bathroom

The choice of wall, floor and ceiling cladding plays an important role in the design of the bathroom in the apartment, especially if the room is small. So, what should I look for when choosing tiles in the bathroom?


  • According to the main rules for the design of small rooms, the design of the bathroom in bright colors will visually expand the space.
  • Keep in mind the fact that cool shades (turquoise, blue) visually “push” the walls. As a result - a small room seems larger.
  • Warm colors - on the contrary, visually reduce the room.

The size:

  • The best thing is to give preference to a small tile, as large-format tiles at the moment will make the room even smaller.
  • It is allowed to lay out part of the walls with mosaics.

Important! According to psychological perception, the larger the total number of tiles on the walls and floor, the larger the room seems.


  • In the design of a small bathroom, it is better to refuse large images, 3D-design and shiny rhinestones. In the case of a small space, the best rule is: "the simpler, the better."
  • Ideal if the finishing material will have a classic texture or natural origin.
  • For a compact bathroom, a traditional tile with a calm ornament, marble tiles or natural travertine will be an excellent choice.
  • To refine any room can tile "wood" or a natural wooden surface.
  • A small pattern can also be used in the design of a small bathroom. In this case, it will be better if it is directed vertically.
  • Mirror tiles can add extra volume to the room. It looks gorgeous, but requires more frequent care.
  • Glossy tiles are welcome. Due to some mirror effect, space visually increases.


  • The design of a very small bathroom does not have to divide the walls horizontally.
  • Ornament or colored stripes are best directed from the bottom up, highlighting, for example, the area of ​​the bathroom or toilet.
  • Large patterns visually reduce the already small space, so they should not be laid out.
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Design of a small bathroom with toilet: a choice of furniture

For rooms with small dimensions for this purpose, it is better to choose furniture that would perform several functions simultaneously.

Cabinet furniture:

  • Conventional column cabinets should give way to compact built-in storage systems, niches or racks.
  • Storage systems may be closed by doors or open.
  • Furniture design for small rooms, it is advisable to choose light colors or natural wood.
  • A small room will seem more spacious if storage systems have mirrored or glass doors.

Important! The use of small glass and mirror surfaces in the design of a bathroom increases the labor costs for cleaning. Consider this fact before starting repairs.

Laundry basket

This detail of the interior is very important for the bathroom. With its help, the order in the room is maintained. Also, the basket plays a significant role as a decorative element in the design. However, in small rooms, it can take up too much space and attract too much attention to itself.

  • It would be better to transfer the laundry basket to the pantry.
  • It is possible to provide a place for a small laundry basket in the integrated storage system.

Important! For the washing machine, the built-in niche will also be appropriate. Thus, the washer will not clutter up the space.


As already mentioned more than once, this element of decor in small bathrooms plays a very important role. It not only ensures the comfort of hygiene procedures, but also affects the visual perception of the room as a whole:

  • In the design of a bathroom in an apartment of small dimensions, it is better to use simple mirrors of large sizes.
  • Standard small cabinets with mirrored doors above the sink in such bathrooms will be completely inappropriate, as they will make the room even smaller.
  • A radical option for the design of the bathroom is to finish the entire wall with a mirror.
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Modern design of a small bathroom: lighting and lighting

A comfortable environment in a small bathroom area creates lighting. Properly selected lighting devices will create an atmosphere of spaciousness and comfort in the room, help skillfully mask a small floor area or the border of a low ceiling:

  • It is better to choose lamps that scatter light and emphasize naturalness.
  • Often used in small bathrooms, spotlights and recessed lighting.
  • Motion sensors, which include lighting when entering a room, are gaining more and more popularity. They emphasize the modern design style and help save on electricity.
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Bathroom design without bath

To save the limited space of the room, you can consider the option of replacing the bath with a shower. This can increase the room not only visually, but also realistically.

Important! The size of a standard bath bowl starts from 170 cm, while the minimum size of a shower cabin is only 70 cm.

What to choose:

  • In a very small room, the best solution would be to install a shower with transparent doors. A similar approach will increase the visual space.
  • It is worth giving preference to small corner cabins. They with the same dimensions and the same functionality take up significantly less space.

Important! You should not turn the bathroom into a warehouse and clutter up the space that has become vacant after installing the shower. Better to leave it free. So a small room will be more spacious and comfortable.

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The design of the bathroom is small in size. Style Concepts

Even though the bathtub is very small, you can choose a different style of its design. And here it all depends on your preferences. For example, such directions would be appropriate.


The most correct design of a small bathroom is a Minimalism style design:

  • Its main principles are: light colors, a minimum of decor, the use of only the most necessary furniture and appliances.
  • The dimensions of all interior items should be small, with clear, strict lines.
  • Small items such as a holder for toilet paper, soap dishes, bottles with liquid soap should be in perfect harmony with the overall color scheme.

Important! If you want to decorate your bath, this style allows you to do this with the help of small paintings, sea shells or living plants.


Retro Style:

  • They use soft colors, playful patterns, vibrant accessories and an interesting texture for decoration.
  • In a small room, you can recreate retro motifs by combining pastel or light shades with richer and warmer tones.
  • Geometric patterns or bright stripes on the walls will come in handy for decorating a bathroom in Retro style.

Important! Before using various bright patterns, you should make sure that they will not burden the space of the room, because in it you will spend a lot of time.

  • The selected style and chrome lamps, and chrome taps are emphasized.
  • Patterned rug on the floor, old perfume bottles, glass vases will complement the atmosphere of the last century.

Modern style

The modern design of the small bathroom is utilitarian. This style provides for the presence of various cabinets, drawers, cabinets, shelves, which not only play the role of practicality of the room, but also decorate it.

Asian style

The design of the bathroom in the Asian style looks original. It will create a pleasant, calm relaxing atmosphere in the room:

  • Design in this style involves the use of natural materials such as wood, river and natural stone, leather.
  • The main features of this style are neutral colors, simplicity and elegance, handmade furniture, soft relaxing lighting.

Classic style

Using this style, even small rooms can be filled with chic, aristocracy and beauty:

  • Features of the style are contrast shades, conciseness and sophistication, the use of stucco and gilding, crystal lighting, mirror ceilings and natural decoration materials.
  • As a rule, in classic bathrooms, light shades with minor ornaments or patterns are used for decoration.
  • Mosaic designs with marble inserts look stylish.

Country Style

Even very small bathrooms can be easily decorated in a rustic style.A country-style bathroom will look cute and soulful:

  • The main features of the style are simplicity, lack of pomposity and comfort.
  • For facing use natural materials.
  • A competent combination of contrasting shades will revitalize the room and create a harmonious picture of rustic motifs and modernity.
  • Textile curtains with floral patterns, linen napkins on shelves with toiletries are the hallmark of this style.
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Carefully thought out stylish and elegant design of a small bathroom will make the room convenient, comfortable and functional. You should think carefully about the interior, choose the right color, material, furniture, lighting, place accents in the right places. Using the helpful recommendations from this article, you can find the solutions you need. Properly arranging the space, you will not notice its small dimensions, as a result - you will get everything that you can expect from a large bathroom.

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