Design studio apartment with a bed

Design studio apartment with a bed It causes difficulties for many, because it is required to place all the necessary furniture, including the bedroom, in a very limited space, and so that all this does not clutter up the apartment, but looks beautiful, harmonious and comfortable. How to do this in order to achieve maximum comfort of the interior? Some of the best options for placing a bed in a one-room apartment are presented in this article. Having studied the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, you can decide on the best option specifically for yourself.
to contents ↑Sofa bed
Accommodation in a one-room apartment with a sofa bed is considered the simplest and cheapest solution in terms of financial investments.
- Such a universal place to relax will allow you to relax at night and meet guests during the day, while not taking up a lot of space when folded.
- An ideal option would be a sofa equipped with deep drawers in which you can store home textiles and bedding.
- It is best to arrange this type of bedroom furniture near a solid wall or one of the longest walls facing the entrance to the room.
Important! The arrangement of furniture follows the principle: "the largest pieces of furniture are located in the farthest corner from the door."
- If the room does not have a window in a short wall, then the sofa bed can be placed along it. It will look creative and custom.
- Thus, you get enough space to move around the apartment during the day and a comfortable bed at night.
Design studio apartment with a bed in a niche
Solving the issue how to put a bed in a studio apartment, try to consider the option of an in-depth niche. If you don’t have a similar one, then making it yourself will not be difficult. To design a niche for a berth, it is enough to work with drywall, self-tapping screws and a hacksaw. A couple of hours of work, and a comfortable, favorable area for relaxing in an apartment with one room is ready.
Important! According to Feng Shui teachings, a berth in a niche will allow you to feel more protected while relaxing.
What to consider with this design of a studio apartment with a bed?
- The main thing in arranging a niche is to correctly determine the place for it. The ideal option is to place it near one of the short walls of a rectangular-shaped room.
- You can make a takeaway from drywall. From the outside, it can be decorated in the form of original shelves, by placing various decorative elements on it, you will distract the attention of guests from the sleeping area.
- In the finished niche, you can put a bed or sofa, made in the same style with the design of the room.
Separate bed area
Designers offer the perimeter of a one-room apartment to be zoned so that the most attractive and functional room is obtained. Often, if the budget allows, in small apartments they tear down the wall, connecting the kitchen space with the room. Thanks to such actions, you can get almost a full running meter of the room area:
- As a result of the demolition, you will get a studio apartment where you can competently zone the space.To do this, visually divide the apartment into equal 4 sectors, one of which will be occupied by the kitchen.
- The zone for the bedroom you need to choose the one that is located as far as possible from the kitchen part diagonally.
- The sleeping area can be separated from the rest of the apartment by some interesting partition, for example, an original drywall shelf for decor, books or documents.
- If you decorate the partition with indoor flowers, then the sleeping place can be completely hidden from the eyes of visitors.
to contents ↑Important! It is possible to divide a one-room apartment into zones without demolishing an adjacent wall. It is necessary to make the partition more elegant and thin, and the bed should be chosen not the most massive.
Design of a studio apartment with a double bed under the ceiling
The most creative way to answer the question is where to put a bed in a studio apartment, there will be a berth in the upper part of the room space, namely, under the ceiling. In the world of modern technology and innovative equipment, this is entirely possible. This arrangement has both advantages and disadvantages. Consider the main ones.
- The optimal use of the entire living space allows you to freely receive guests in a one-room apartment, and if necessary, turn a single room into a comfortable bedroom.
- An unusual design approach to the design of a limited space will certainly cause enthusiastic exclamations from your family and friends.
- In the case of such placement there is no need to constantly lay out and fold the mechanism of the sofa bed.
- The presence in a single room of a personal place on which no guest will sit during the day.
- Making and installing a bed will be very expensive.
- Suspended bed visually reduces the height of the room and slightly lower the ceiling in the area where it is located.
- There is always, albeit small, but nevertheless, the probability of failure of the mechanism, which puts everyone in the room at risk of being injured.
If you took into account all the positive and negative sides of this kind of arrangement of a berth and still decided on it, then it is worth considering options for its installation.
Installation of a hanging bed
A bed under the ceiling can be fixed in several ways:
- Installation using special brackets attached to the wall of the room. As a rule, a vertical staircase relies on such a bed to go up to the bedroom. The space under the bed can be used as a work area or for installing a comfortable sofa for guests. Thus, you can issue without any problems design of a studio apartment with a bed and a sofa.
Important! Before installing the bed on the wall, make sure that the wall is not load-bearing. According to the safety regulations for the operation of a residential building, any work with a load-bearing wall is strictly prohibited.
- It is possible to place a bed under the ceiling on the principle of a bunk bed for children, only the first tier can be a work table, a wardrobe for clothes or a convenient bookcase for books and other household items. This type of bed will stand firmly thanks to the base or lower supports.
- More expensive is the option of fixing the bed on special rails with a lifting mechanism, with which you can raise and lower the bed if necessary.
Important! Such a mechanism has been improved with the help of modern technologies and there are models that can be controlled using the remote control.
- With a sufficient height of the ceilings, you can install an electronic piston mechanism with which you can drive the bed into a specially designed niche, bringing it in one plane with the ceiling.
to contents ↑Important! If the ceilings are low, you should not install such a mechanism, as this will make the room even smaller.
How to arrange 2 beds in a studio apartment?
In some situations, it is necessary to place two beds in a room at the same time. The best option in this situation would be to install a bunk bed. Thus, it is possible to provide family members with a separate comfortable sleeping place, while not occupying much space.
to contents ↑Stock footage
A comfortable bed is an important part of a comfortable life, so you should not concern yourself with its choice and placement in the apartment is negligent. As you can see design studio apartment with a bed can be varied - it all depends on your preferences and financial capabilities. The article discusses the basic and most successful concepts for placing a berth in small apartments. Given all the nuances and knowing the possible options, you can easily think through the design of your home to the smallest detail and provide comfortable living conditions even with a small room.
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