Bathroom tile design

The leading position among the many finishing materials for the bathroom is universal and practical ceramic tiles. Such popularity is due to the large number of advantages of the tile and its excellent decorative qualities. Tiles can be faced both walls and the floor of the room. Strengthen the effect of decoration, and its originality will help the design of laying tiles in the bathroom.
to contents ↑Ceramic Tiles - Features and Material Choice
Bathroom - a specific room, due to the conditions of high humidity and temperature changes. If you decide to wall the walls with tiles, then when choosing it, consider the following characteristics:
- Wear resistance. The tile should be maximally immune to various kinds of mechanical influences.
- High degree of moisture resistance of the material.
- Resistance to processing by various chemicals during the cleaning and maintenance of the ceramic surface.
- Resistance to vaporization conditions.
- Tile for the floor must be especially resistant to abrasion, and have resistance to deformation.
The quality of the tile is indicated by a certain color when marking, so in the store pay attention to this:
- Red color indicates the first grade and high quality of tiles.
- Blue color is the second grade in which marriage is possible within 10%.
- The green designation indicates the third class of material and possible deviations of more than 10%.
In addition to operational parameters, the aesthetic appearance of the cladding is also important, because the design of laying tiles in the bathroom depends on this. Manufacturers can offer you a wide range of ceramics depending on its color, texture, ornament, sizes and shapes.
Important! The design of the bathroom will determine the choice of this or that tile.
The options for laying tiles in the bathroom, tile design and color palette can be very diverse. But the process should begin with measurements and calculation of the volume of material.
to contents ↑Important! The size of the tile also plays a role: large parts are suitable for large rooms, small ones - for modest rooms.
Ceramic tile in bathroom design
Currently, the interior of the bathroom is not customary to lose sight of, and simply decorate the walls with the standard method, monotonously and faceless, as it was several decades ago. The wealth of choice of cladding gives you a great opportunity to make the bathroom original and stylish. It is not difficult to achieve such an effect. Firstly, you can make the installation of tiles in an interesting way, and secondly, you can decorate some kind of ornament with tiles.
The following are ideas on how to lay tiles in the bathroom and the design of its design.
Important! Before choosing any of the following methods, evaluate the capabilities of your bathroom: its size, ceiling height and shape.
Wall panel
This method is one of the traditional when tiling walls. Its principle is as follows:
- approximately a third of the wall is decorated with dark-tone ceramics;
- the rest to the ceiling - a light shade.
In a room with a high ceiling, the contrasting part of the tile can be installed from the middle of the wall, and not from the floor.How to arrange the decor of the tiles in the bathroom with this method of installation? The most decorative border will look in the area of contact of two colors.
Important! For a narrow room, this design is better not to apply, as it visually reduces the room. An excellent solution would be a more fashionable interpretation of the wall panel, the essence of which is in the opposite arrangement of shades: light at the bottom and dark at the top.
Horizontal strip
The design of laying tiles in the bathroom is thus formed by continuous stripes horizontally on the walls. Their number and height can be very diverse. The color performance of the lines can be contrasting, or it can be a related color with the background, but several tones darker or brighter.
Important! Stripes of the same color, but different in width, look very interesting.
Vertical strip
Such an idea in decorating a wall of tiles is ideal to visually make a room higher. Variations of performance are multifaceted: it can be one accent wide strip in the center of the room, several lines, their length can be from the ceiling to the floor, or break off.
Accent plots
This design of laying tiles in the bathroom involves the creation of a ceramic background, on which functional zones are indicated with contrasting shades. In addition, these areas can be distinguished by decorative elements.
Important! With such zoning of the space in the bathroom, it is not recommended to make more than three such accents. And you should abandon this idea in general if your bathroom is small in size with a low ceiling.
The Neighborhood of Flowers
The essence of this method is the harmonious combination of two or three basic shades of tiles in almost the same proportions. This is another option for zoning space. For example, a wall adjacent to a bathtub or shower can be denoted in one tone, and the planes adjacent to it in another. On the floor you can apply the same colors, but lay the tiles “checkerboard” or connect in the center.
Important! Colors should not mix with each other.
An original option for a spacious bathroom. How to lay tiles in the bathroom, the design of which is this approach? The main part of the walls is faced with ceramics of the same color, best of pastel shades. And during the installation process, the background is diluted with contrasting elements, which are located randomly on the walls.
Important! Such a bright creative mess looks very exclusive.
A rather extravagant and bold version of wall decoration. It is particularly colorful because it uses ceramics of several shades, which are constantly alternating between themselves.
Important! With this design, tile installation can be staggered or chaotic.
Dark floor
The modern method of decorating the space of the bathroom. The meaning of the design is to finish the floor with dark tiles, while the walls are decorated with light tones. And the main nuance - in the lower part of the wall around the perimeter there is a wide strip, the color of which coincides with the floor covering.
to contents ↑Tile Laying Methods
The interior of the room depends not only on the color palette of the tile, its texture. In this matter, tile laying options in the bathroom are also important, the design of which we will consider further. Allocate such surface cladding methods using ceramics.
The method of laying “seam in seam”
The simplest and most standard tile installation. You can apply tiles in different shapes: both square and rectangular. Ceramic elements are laid in compliance with the geometry of the room.
Important! The horizontal placement of the tiles is controlled using the building level, and the vertical - plumb.
Run-up styling
Visually, this type of cladding looks like brickwork: ceramics are laid in rows so that the middle of the tiles of the next level is located at the junction of two elements of the previous row.Installation is carried out horizontally, and it is best to use rectangular tiles.
Important! This is a very good cladding method if you decide to install the tiles yourself for the first time. If the tile does not lie quite evenly, it will be inconspicuous due to the T-shaped joints.
The installation process is more complex and time-consuming compared to other installation methods. However, these efforts are fully justified:
- Firstly, a very original and beautiful pattern is formed from the tiles.
- Secondly, such a scheme visually expands the space of the bathroom.
- Thirdly, the unevenness of the walls is hidden.
Important! In the process, part of the tile will have to be customized to a single picture, in connection with which trimming of elements will be required. Therefore, purchase finishing material with a margin of 10-15%.
Chess scheme
Optimally suitable for this method is ceramic of a square shape, best in two contrasting shades. Registration is carried out on the principle of a chessboard. How to arrange tile decor in the bathroom? You can alternate colors by laying “seam in seam” or diagonally.
Important! Especially popular is such a scheme for flooring.
Modular styling
A rather unusual and beautiful way of facing, which also differs in some complexity of the process. Modular installation involves the use of tiles of three different sizes and more. When choosing shades for elements, be guided by your taste. The main thing is that in general everything should look harmonious.
Before you start, lay out the tile pattern to clearly understand how the surface will ultimately look.
Important! The dimensions of the sides of the tiles must be multiples of each other.
The design of laying tiles in the bathroom in the form of an ornament is one of the most expensive methods of lining. Designing the surface of the walls or floor with a geometric pattern will make your interior unusually individual and luxurious.
to contents ↑Important! For this type of installation, purchase ceramic tiles with some margin.
Color schemes and tile laying
If you want the interior of the bathroom to look the most attractive, just beautifully tiled is not enough. Do not forget about the color scheme of ceramic finishes. To do this, first of all, you need to evaluate the space of your room.
A small bathroom is most often equipped in light and warm colors: white, cream, ivory, beige, milk. If you want to add dark shades to the general background, then you can do it this way:
- The lower part of the wall with the floor is faced with dark color, and the upper part and the ceiling are light. Dark tone tiles can be installed no higher than the bathtub.
- Lay out horizontal lines of tile, the shade of which will be darker than the basic background of the walls.
The design of laying tiles in a large bathroom is unlimited. You can use any shades and colors, intelligently combining them with each other.
to contents ↑Important! In the interior, it is best to use no more than three shades at a time.
How can I visually change the space using tile laying?
If your bathroom is spacious and impressive in size, then you will not need visual techniques. But for owners of small rooms, this information will be very useful. An incorrectly chosen cladding method can negatively affect the room as a whole, and without that a modest bathroom will become even smaller.
Useful Tips:
- In a small bathroom, it is recommended to finish the tiles with a rectangular shape. And the optimal methods of facing are the seam-to-seam scheme or laying-up.
- It is best to mount the tile with a long edge towards the door.
- Diagonal styling, contrary to its visual expansion effect, is not suitable for a bathroom that is too small. It is better to resort to laying out bright and contrasting lines to lengthen the room.
Low ceilings can also be visually adjusted.We offer options for laying tiles in the bathroom - design for rooms with a low ceiling:
- Decorate the walls and floor with plain light-colored tiles. Decorate the ceiling in the same palette. The combination of all surfaces in one shade will create the illusion of a single space, as a result - visually the room will become larger and higher.
- Visually increase the height of the room vertical stripes. Bright lines will look spectacular on light walls and floors.
to contents ↑Important! When determining the color of a tile, do not choose too dark shades, as they will block the space.
Methods for laying floor tiles
The design of laying tiles in the bathroom on the floor is also diverse. There are several ideas for design:
- Ornaments in the form of a square. A geometric figure can be laid out by various methods, and its diagonal can be either across or along the floor. Such a pattern, consisting of two colors that alternate in a checkerboard pattern, looks spectacular. If in the process of laying tiles are placed diagonally at an angle of 45 degrees, then the pattern will turn out in the form of a rhombus.
- Brickwork or “take-off”. We have considered this method above; its installation principle for the floor remains the same.
- The wicker pattern is made of rectangular tiles. The laying process is as follows: install a pair of elements horizontally to each other, under them lay the next pair vertically. And then we continue to alternate the horizontal and vertical positions of the tiles throughout the finish area.
- Herringbone pattern. This way of laying is more complicated, since the tiles need to be laid in the form of a V-shaped pattern. To simplify installation, designate the vertical and horizontal lines along which you will be guided during installation. Following the level, arrange the previous elements of the ornament. Try the diagonal styling of this pattern, it will not look so chaotic. The tile is laid in one row of rectangular tiles diagonally. Subsequent rows are set and aligned according to the first.
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Modern ceramic tiles serve as an excellent finishing material for the bathroom, while the cladding makes the interior incredibly stylish and cozy. Existing styling methods and tile decorating ideas are suitable for modest rooms and spacious rooms. You can always choose for yourself the best option for finishing in color, shape, size and texture of the elements. We have listed just the basis for design ideas for laying tiles in the bathroom. By adding your original ideas and creative delights to them, you will achieve a unique author's interior.
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