Toothbrushing irrigator

Today, oral hygiene is given great attention. From the TV screen we constantly see advertisements of various means for caring for the teeth themselves, gums and, in general, for the oral cavity. In addition to the usual brush, you can use an irrigator to brush your teeth. What kind of device is this, and is it necessary to buy it, or is it just an advertising move by manufacturers of such products? We will deal with this issue in this article.

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What is an irrigator?

An irrigator is a device that forms a thin stream of water, and it flushes away food debris and plaque under pressure. Depending on the model of the device, the water jet may be normal, pulsating, or contain tiny air bubbles.

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What are irrigators for?

It turns out that brushing your teeth with a regular brush, even the highest quality, is not enough. Dental floss partially solves this problem, but contamination still remains in the interdental space.

Irrigator for brushing your teeth allows you to get rid of them completely. It performs two functions at the same time.

  • Cleaning inaccessible places with water under pressure.
  • Removing contaminants with water.
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Who needs an irrigator?

In principle, using such a device will not be superfluous to everyone. Irrigator for brushing teeth is especially relevant for those who wear fixed prostheses. Food, remaining in places inaccessible to the brush, rots, pathogenic bacteria multiply on it. The situation is complicated by factors such as periodontal pockets and increased crowding of the teeth. These places for a traditional toothbrush are practically inaccessible.

Water massage of the gums significantly improves blood circulation in them, since vascular tone improves. This, in particular, applies to patients with diabetes mellitus and people suffering from gum disease (gingivitis, periodontitis), since blood vessels are affected primarily.

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The following types of nozzles are used in devices:

  • Classical
  • Periodontic.
  • With orthodontic bias.
  • A spoon for cleaning the tongue.
  • Nozzle equipped with a mini-turbine.

Important! In addition, there are models with special nasal nozzles for irrigation of the nasal cavity. This event helps in the treatment of sinusitis and rhinitis (including allergic). Devices with different color indicators are very convenient, since each member of the family will be able to use their nozzle without confusing it with strangers.

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Teeth cleaning technology (types of water jet):

  • Monostrue. An irrigator teeth cleaner forms a thin continuous stream of water. This technology is considered obsolete.
  • Throbbing. The irrigator forms a thin stream of water that pulsates at a speed of about 1200 micro pulses per minute. Thus, the ripple is completely invisible. Micro-hydraulic shocks with greater efficiency than with the previous method, clean the most inaccessible parts of the teeth from food debris and soft bacterial plaque.
  • Microbubble technology is an innovative method of brushing teeth based on mixing a water jet with air bubbles. Microbubbles of air not only create micro-hydraulic shocks, but also saturate the water with oxygen, which creates the effect of disinfection. This is especially important for people with periodontal pockets.
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Irrigator toothbrushing: indications for use

Unconditional indications for use include the following.

Treatment and prevention of gingivitis, periodontitis

Gum disease develops on the background of improper care of the oral cavity. Plaque and tartar accumulate on the teeth. Irrigator teeth brushing machine allows you to effectively get rid of food particles and plaque, and cleanliness in the oral cavity is the best prevention of inflammation.

If you suffer from gingivitis, then after you remove the tartar from the dentist, the device will give you the opportunity to prevent this disease.

Periodontitis is a much more serious disease with irreversible consequences. Using the device will allow you to suspend the disease at a certain level. Water and antiseptic solutions wash periodontal pockets, preventing the further progression of the disease.

Tooth decay prevention

This is due to the effective removal of contaminants from hard-to-reach areas (interdental spaces, bridges, area of ​​the last teeth).

Important! When using an irrigator to clean your teeth, be sure to use a toothbrush and floss. An integrated approach gives the best effect.

The use of an irrigator cleaner is a good preventative measure to prevent stomatitis and caries in children.

Important! Experts recommend the use of the device to children, starting from the age of 6. It is recommended to use the device also for pregnant and lactating women. This prevents a disease such as pregnant gingivitis, or at least reduces its symptoms.

Sinusitis, rhinitis

Washing the sinuses with the nasal nozzle helps to cure these diseases more quickly. Regular flushing in chronic sinusitis prevents the occurrence of exacerbations.1341913406_0407227001334261070

Bad breath

The reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor are many.

  • Caries.
  • Dental deposits.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the gums, throat.

Important! The use of chewing gums, flavored toothpastes, rinses - nothing more than a mask of the problem. Irrigator teeth brushing machine eliminates the very cause of bad smell by improving oral hygiene.

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Factors to consider when choosing:

  • The ability to control the pressure of the water jet. This feature is available in all modern models of irrigators for brushing your teeth. This is necessary, since you need to start using irrigators with a small pressure, gradually increasing it.

Important! Low head pressure is useful for children and people with inflammatory gum disease. Excessive pressure can cause bleeding.

  • Portable road irrigators. You can take the device with you on a business trip or trip. This compact device, however, is not without its individual drawbacks: a shorter working life, a small volume of the liquid reservoir, fewer adjustments and settings.
  • The possibility of post-warranty service. But there are some nuances. Many inexpensive models are simply not repairable. But if the warranty period has not yet expired, you simply replace the defective device with a new one.
  • Service center. Such centers are available only in large cities. If your locality does not have such a center, then you will have to send the broken device by mail at your own expense.
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Dentists About Irrigators

According to dentists, this is an effective device that allows you to keep your mouth clean. But only on condition that you do not build unjustified illusions. It is very advisable to use an irrigator, but no one canceled the toothbrush and floss.

With the help of the device, it is possible to wash the tooth-gingival and periodontal pockets no worse than in the dentist's office. Most of the models allow, along with water, the use of disinfectant solutions (for example, chlorhexidine or a special liquid with fluoride and herbal extracts).

Important! Irrigator is an excellent assistant in the treatment of inflammatory gum disease. But not as an independent treatment, but as an integral part of complex therapy. Hygiene is not a substitute for medications.

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Irrigator Dental Brush: A Brief Overview of the Best Models

In today's market there are a large number of different models of irrigators. Here are the most popular and successful models.

Waterpik WP-100 Ultra

A high-quality device for the care of the oral cavity, which can rightly be called the best irrigator:

  • Hard-to-reach areas are cleaned with a pulsating water jet.
  • Water massages the gums, removes plaque. inflammation decreases, bleeding of gums decreases.
  • The device with adjustable power. There are 10 operating modes.
  • The irrigator is powered by 220 V.
  • The capacity of the water tank is 0.6 l.
  • Ripples per minute up to 1200.

Important! The advantages of the device include: aesthetic design, simplicity and reliability of use.

Aquajet LD-A7

A multifunctional device for quick and effective cleaning of the oral cavity with simultaneous hydromassage of the gums:

  • There are several modes of water jet supply.
  • The device is durable and reliable.
  • In addition to water, it is possible to use disinfectant solutions, infusions of medicinal plants and medicinal fluids, which the dentist prescribed.

Important! The irrigator has an optimal ratio of price, workmanship and functionality.

In Well WI-911

Portable compact irrigator for soft and effective oral care. A great example of a travel device that does not take up much space in your bag. Use an irrigator after brushing your teeth with a regular brush.

What can be noted in this model:

  • Indispensable for people with dental crowns, implants and bridges.
  • Battery powered.
  • There are 3 operating modes.

Oral-B Professional Care OxyJet MD20

In terms of functionality, this device does not differ from similar models. The only thing that distinguishes it from its “brothers” is its modern, improved appearance.

Important! It functions only on filtered water. Can be used with drug fluids.

Donfeel or 820

An innovative model equipped with nozzles for effective cleaning of the oral cavity. The model is stationary, works from an electric network. The cord length is 1.35 m. Irrigation of the nasopharynx is possible with a nebulizer.

The device is equipped with nozzles:

  • A spoon for cleaning the tongue.
  • 2 standard nozzles.
  • 3 periodontal nozzles.

Ves vip 003

Stationary, unusually effective model of a device for cleaning teeth (irrigator). It perfectly cleans the oral cavity, even the most difficult areas to access.


  • The device has a regulation of the power of the water jet.
  • Equipped with 9 nozzles.
  • The tank capacity is 0.65 liters.
  • The design is compact and ergonomic.

Panasonic EW 1211

Advanced compact model, powered by a metal hydride battery, designed for a long life:

  • Charging time 8 hours, the maximum duration of full-time work between charges - 2 weeks.
  • The device is convenient to use, compact, equally suitable for both road and stationary versions.
  • The tank capacity is 0.13 liters.
  • The device operates on filtered water.
  • The irrigator is equipped with 2 standard nozzles, a charger.
  • The number of water supply modes - 3.
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We hope that the information obtained from the article will help you with the use of an irrigator for brushing your teeth and the correct choice of device.

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