How much can you make noise in an apartment?

Each person dreams of relaxing at the end of the day and having a good rest, in particular, this applies to people who work hard, are very physically or mentally stressed. But unfortunately, quite often our peace and silence is disturbed by sounds coming from the street, music from an entertainment institution nearby, or just too noisy neighbors. In order to somehow act on them and solve this problem within the framework of the law, you need to know exactly how much you can make noise in the apartment, what punitive measures can be applied to them.

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General rules for living in a multi-storey building

In our country, new homes appear very quickly, and this is due to the solution of the housing problem, in order to enable anyone who decides to start a family to get their own housing. Since we all live in apartment buildings, we must reckon with the wishes, opinions and mood of our beloved neighbors.

The most important rule that must always be observed is related to mutual respect and maintaining friendly relations. But the key rules for living in apartment buildings include:

  1. Use your home only for its intended purpose.
  2. Keep clean and tidy not only your own apartment, but also other common areas.
  3. Pay on time for the maintenance of housing, take part in the payment of repair work and other maintenance of common property in equal shares with neighbors.
  4. Use the living space taking into account legal rights, interests of neighbors, mandatory legislative requirements and fire safety standards.
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How to solve the situation if the neighbors make a lot of noise?

If people living with you cannot be called respectable citizens, and they don’t know how much you can make noise and up to what time, and they create problems for you regularly, then you don’t have to endure it for too long. You can try to talk to them first, but if that doesn't help, then go straight to the police.

You can either independently contact the police stronghold or call an outfit.

Important! It is advisable to gather evidence of swearing, fights of a regular nature, so that your statement can be supported by something.

The last resort is, of course, a court, where it is better to appeal collectively, together with other neighbors. If the court is on your side, the noisy neighbors will simply be forced to move out of your home.

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What are the constantly noisy neighbors breaking?

According to the law, actions that violate the peace of citizens are:

  • The use of radios, televisions, tape recorders, as well as sound amplifiers installed in the car and at small business facilities, such as pavilions, kiosks, trays.
  • Screaming, singing, playing various musical instruments, accompanied by too loud sound.
  • Using car alarms.
  • Carrying out repair and construction work, loading and unloading something.
  • The use of pyrotechnics.

Important! It should be borne in mind that the above actions can be considered violations only if they really prevented someone from resting and sleeping in their own home.The word “housing” means not only a house or apartment, but also a sanatorium or hospital, a boarding house and a rest house, a kindergarten or a boarding school, a house for the disabled or hotel rooms. That is, the neighbors are not only people living in the same house, but also those who are somewhere nearby.

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What hours is allowed to make noise under the law on weekdays and weekends?

In different regions of the CIS countries, these figures may differ slightly, but this difference is not significant. It is forbidden to make noise more often from 22: 00-23: 00 to 07: 00-08: 00 in the morning. Absolute silence should be maintained at the indicated hours. This applies to weekdays.

Important! At this time, turning on the TV or music is allowed at a volume of no more than 42 decibels. This sound can be compared with the noise of a working computer.

iYou need to know when it is impossible to make noise on days considered to be holidays and weekends, because the period of silence lasts a little longer from 22: 00-23: 00 to 10:00 in the morning. The main words in the “Law on silence at night” are “peace and quiet of citizens”. It is necessary to make everyone comfortable living in the same house.

Important! It is also necessary to take into account other situations concerning the time period when, it would seem, it is allowed to make noise. For example, a young mother having a small child has the right to complain to her district police officer that her neighbors disturb peace and silence throughout the day. For such violations an administrative punishment is provided, namely a fine. But if complaints are received regularly, then you can get into the isolation ward for 15 days.

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When is noise not considered an offense?

You need to understand that not all actions involve serious violations of silence at night, even if they are indicated in the law as administrative offenses. These exceptions include:

  • Actions related to the prevention of a crime or an offense. For example, an alarm may suddenly sound due to the fact that someone is trying to hack a car. In this case, of course, its owner cannot be held accountable.
  • Disaster management, major accidents and other emergencies.
  • Implementation of urgent work in order to ensure public or personal safety of citizens.
  • Commitment of religious rites and cults authorized by local authorities.
  • Actions that cause loud noise during the commission of a criminal or administrative offense are not considered offenses.
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What hours is the law allowed to carry out repairs?

Repair itself is a rather lengthy and noisy process, so the question of how much noise can be made in an apartment when performing repair work is of interest to many law-abiding citizens. Moreover, the answer to this question is of interest to both the owners of the new housing and their newly made neighbors who are forced to put up with such temporary inconveniences.

Unfortunately, there are people who generally forget about others and drill walls even at night. So, in order to punish them, you need to understand this issue well. General provisions include the following:

  1. It is forbidden to carry out construction and repair work on holidays and weekends, as well as days declared officially non-working.
  2. Repair work is started on weekdays no earlier than 9:00 in the morning, and completed no later than 19:00.
  3. Continuous noise is allowed no more than six hours a day. If you still need to finish the work, then you need to take an hour break.
  4. The total duration of repairs in the apartment should not exceed three months.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to use tools or equipment that cause unacceptable levels of noise and vibration.
  6. Repair work should in no case be repaired to other rooms adjacent to the apartment where the repair is taking place.
  7. The law prohibits cluttering building materials or rubbish with exits for evacuating people and common areas.
  8. It is forbidden to use a passenger elevator to transport garbage or building materials without packaging.
  9. Only with the written permission of the neighbors can repair work be done at other times.
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If you clearly know how much you can make noise and not violate the permissible limits of the noise level, then you will never encounter the indignation of the neighbors about this. It is advisable to agree with the neighbors in a human way, and treats their calm and rest with respect, and then you will receive the same friendly attitude in return.

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