Do-it-yourself path to the table

The track (runner, runner) is a piece of fabric decorated with lace, embroidery, applique, fringe and other decor, which is half narrower than the table and usually hangs a little along the edges. Housewives-needlewomen can have just a couple of tablecloths, but there are many paths lovingly created for different occasions of a family feast: New Year, Christmas, Easter, birthday, wedding anniversary, for children's parties and just for a Sunday family dinner.

Do-it-yourself track to the table - creative, fast and inexpensive. This is, on the one hand, the decoration and zest of the laid table, and on the other, the protection of the tablecloth from pollution. We will talk about how to create such products on your own in this article.

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What kind of “runners” can be?

  • The easiest option for such a desktop decor is a long strip of fabric trimmed around the perimeter with lace.
  • This can be a section of flax, decorated with a broach or richelieu. You can crochet the main part around the edges, that is, create knitted lace. And you can even crochet the entire slider. Such tracks are an example of simple chic.
  • If you masterfully master the skills of sewing on a typewriter, you can sew the tracks on the table with your own hands in the style of “patchwork” (patchwork). After all, the house is always full of different fabric scraps that can be put into business and create an original little thing.
  • You can decorate the track with applications on different topics: flowers, peas, geometric patterns and more. For example, for the New Year it will be actual to sew a runner with an application in the form of Christmas balls, crackers, Christmas trees. By Easter - in the form of cakes, baskets with colorful eggs, rabbits.
  • If you can cross stitch, you can decorate the track with all kinds of motives to your taste - around the edges, or - on the contrary, in the center.
  • If you don’t really like to sew and embroider, but deep down you have a hidden artist, you can draw anything you want on the cut.

Important! For such actions, there are special markers and paints. You can even draw “whiteness” on dark fabric.

  • On the basis of fabric, there are no restrictions either. It could be cotton, linen, polyester, burlap, felt.

Important! Some even make disposable runners from paper or cardboard squares, circles, fastened together in strips with a stapler or glue gun.

Color palette

In the color scheme, you can also not limit yourself:

  1. Usually, for everyday use, they sew tracks of calm colors.
  2. For children's and New Year's holidays - a riot of colors is permissible.
  3. For gatherings with guests you need to know some tricks:
    • bright warm shades - red, orange, yellow, stimulate appetite, revitalize the mood, activate.
    • but cold tones - blue, lilac, blue, on the contrary, reduce appetite, soothe.
  4. For a secular dinner, plain-colored runners will be appropriate, which should be combined with the interior, tablecloth, and even dishes.
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Are tracks suitable for all tables?

Of course, all people have different tastes, and no one can tell anyone how to decorate his house. As the saying goes: “I am an artist, I see so!”. But there are certain generally accepted design rules.What do they dictate to us about the correspondence of the tablecloth and the path with the shape of the table?

  • For a rectangular table, which is in almost every home, of course, a rectangular tablecloth is suitable. It should cover the entire surface and hang 20-30 cm along the edges. In this case, the track will be more than appropriate. It protects the main tablecloth from stains, gives it personality and charm.
  • For square tables, mainly square tablecloths are suitable. An interesting option would be to lay two square tablecloths on top of each other crosswise. In this case, their colors should be harmoniously combined. Tracks in this case would not be a very suitable option.
  • Round tables are suitable for both square tablecloths and round ones, they can even be combined: lay a round tablecloth over a square one, of course, provided that the square table is clearly visible from under the round table and their colors will be compatible. The tracks are also not quite suitable for this form of table.
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We make a decorated lace path to the table with our own hands from a natural fabric

Sewing tracks on the table with your own hands is quite simple. For example, take a simple slider made of natural fabric, decorated with lace.

Materials and tools:

  • A piece of cotton fabric of the right size and color (usually 120x40 cm).
  • Lace of a suitable color, you can white or cream (3.5 m will be with a margin for the track of the above size).
  • Sewing threads (select the fabric color).
  • Chalk tailor (can be a thin remnant) for marking.
  • Sewing pins.

Miscalculation size slider

Above is the size of fabric and lace for a standard table. But you may have other options. Therefore, before starting work, you need to determine the size of the finished product and the parameters of the required working cut.


  1. To get started, measure your table.
  2. The width of the slider should be no more than half the width of the table itself. And the length should be equal to the length of the table plus 20-30 cm, because the path should hang at the edges.
  3. The hanging edges should not extend beyond the tablecloth and should not interfere with sitting people. This also applies to tablecloths.
  4. If you doubt how much it should be longer than the table, grab a chair and look: the maximum length should be a couple of centimeters above the seat, otherwise it will interfere.

Important! Some people like tablecloths on the floor, but they are more appropriate for receptions, when guests move around the hall, drinking drinks and light snacks while standing.

Sewing sequence:

  1. Using a crayon and ruler, make a marking and cut a piece of fabric of the desired size, not forgetting to add a couple of centimeters of allowance for bending.
  2. Mark with chalk what line you will be bending the edges along which you plan to sew the lace.

Important! Some craftswomen simply draw the thread from the fabric for clear marking. Such a mark will not be accidentally erased and will be smoother than under the ruler.

  1. To process the edge of the track, it is better to use double hem. Then the fabric will not crumble, and the raw edge will hide in a crease. When you bend 1-1.5 cm, fasten immediately with pins (you can use a basting seam). Once fixed - walk along the edge of the iron.

Important! An ironed fold is much easier to flash on a typewriter.

  1. After you have bent and stitched once, bend the edge again, but 1-2 cm more, also stab, iron and lay the seam.
  2. When the edges are ready, start sewing on the lace. Attach the lace along the marked line with a basting, and then sew on the typewriter with the line “zigzag”.

Important! It is advisable to wash the lace and iron it first, otherwise it can sit down and pull off the fabric during the first wash. At the same time, you can iron fabric seam allowances if they are on the lace.

  1. If you don’t have a sewing machine, but really want to have a track with lace, buy a fabric that does not roll in, cut a rectangle of the right size out of it, and attach the lace to the edge of the fabric along the line with the glue gun.
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Burlap tablecloth with lace

Creating this track also does not take much time and does not require large expenses.

Materials and tools:

  • Sackcloth.
  • Linen or cotton lace.
  • Threads in tone.
  • Tailoring scissors.

Important! For such a runner to look decent, the lace must be made of natural thread, white or milky. If your lace is white, but I would like to give it a shade - you can dye it with a decoction of black tea.


Sewing sequence:

  1. First, determine the desired length and width of the track based on the size of your table (see above for how to do this correctly).
  2. The length of the lace will be calculated as follows: three track lengths + two track widths + lace width (insert in the center) + margin reserves.
  3. Cut out the desired piece from burlap.

Important! It is advisable to use tailor's scissors, as the fabric is dense, and simple scissors will not be cut evenly.

  1. Cut this piece lengthwise into two equal parts.
  2. Process the edges on an overlock or zigzag.

Important! Overlock for this type of fabric is preferable.

  1. Now with a small overlap (approximately 1 cm), lay the lace, bind it with a thread to one half of the track, and then sew it on the machine.
  2. Similarly sew this lace to the second part.
  3. Attach the trim around the perimeter with a basting, starting from the corner and moving along the entire track.
  4. In the corners, make a fold so that the lace does not curl down.
  5. It remains to sew it on a typewriter and everything is ready.
  6. Now iron everything thoroughly.

As you can see, the path to the table with your own hands is very simple.

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Flap Runner

If you have good sewing skills, you can give a second life to the remnants of fabric or old clothes that you no longer wear by creating the thing you need in your household.

Materials and tools:

  • Shreds of fabric of different colors, but the same thickness and texture.
  • Threads.
  • Scissors.
  • Sewing machine.

Sewing sequence:

  1. From a thick paper, make a template on which to mark the details with a pencil and ruler. It can be triangles, stripes or a more complex geometric pattern.
  2. Lay out the parts of the template on flaps of fabric, circle, cut, adding 0.5 cm to the seams.
  3. Now connect the parts from the inside in pairs, smoothing the seams so that they become flat.

Important! As a result, you should get a rectangular track.

  1. Now make a backing out of cotton or knitwear. Attach it with pins to the product and sew on the typewriter.
  2. Iron the path with an iron and decorate it with a table for an evening family tea party.
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How to lay a track on the table?

As we already mentioned, the slider (runner, track) serves not only as decoration, but also as a certain protection for the tablecloth during lunch. Therefore, most often they are laid along the table on top of the tablecloth in this way:

  • The track can be equal to the length of the table, and can be hung from two sides by 20-30 cm.
  • Runners can also spread directly to the countertop. But then during a feast under the cutlery, napkins should be put on to protect the countertops from scratches and stains. Thus, there are common dishes on the track, and individual dishes on napkins.
  • Paths can also spread across the table, 2-3 pieces, parallel to each other at a certain distance. Then they put individual dishes in pairs, if the feast is designed for 2-4 people.

Important! This table setting with runners visually shortens the table, and the guests get the impression of being close to each other.

  • Just to decorate the table, you can originally lay the slider on the diagonal. It will look very interesting.
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The made path to the table with your own hands will not only protect your tablecloth or table from the consequences of inaccurate food intake, but also bring a touch of home comfort, warmth and care to the atmosphere of the dinner. The correct use of such decor will greatly decorate the interior of the room and indicate the tastes, character and talent of the hostess. Sewing such a thing, as you see, is not difficult. Following the simple and understandable recommendations from the article, you will definitely get an unrivaled decoration for your table.


