Drosophila - how to get rid?

Summer is the most desirable and enjoyable time of the year for adults, as well as children. And how many healthy and tasty fruits can you try while relaxing? But other insects like to eat the same fruits, namely fruit flies of Drosophila - you will learn how to get rid of them from this article.

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Where does the fruit fly of Drosophila come from?

Drosophila - how to get rid?Before deciding how to deal with the fly of Drosophila, you should find out where they come from. If you eliminate the cause of their appearance, then the fight against Drosophila will be more effective.

Drosophila fly has the second name “fruit fly” or “wine fly”. Therefore, their appearance is associated with the presence in the house of fruits, berries, and especially those that have already deteriorated, because wine flies and their larvae are very fond of rotten fruits and vegetables. Another delicacy of flies is sugar-free water or any moisture in which sugar has got. Also, the area where Drosophila can live is indoor plants. Drosophila beckons moist soil, rotting leaves, fumes.

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How to get rid of Drosophila?

If you know where Drosophila came from, then the best way to get rid of them is to deprive them of a fertile environment for their reproduction and, of course, nutrition.

Steps to get rid of Drosophila midges:

  1. Find and destroy their habitat.
  2. Set traps on those that you did not manage to destroy.
  3. Regularly take measures to prevent the appearance of midges.
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How to get rid of Drosophila in the apartment?

In a city apartment, there is usually no way to take fruits and vegetables out of its borders, therefore, in order to get rid of Drosophila flies, put simple traps near the storage with vegetables and fruits.

We offer the simplest midge traps that are easy to prepare at home.

  1. For this trap you will need: a glass jar, pieces of fruit, compote or juice, paper, scotch tape. Place any of the lures in a glass jar, roll a funnel out of paper, make a small hole on the tip of the funnel and insert the funnel with the tip down into the neck of the jar. Glue tape at the junction. The scheme of the trap is very simple: if you fly into the jar with the smell of bait, the midges will not get out.
  2. For the next trap you need: a plastic disposable cup, a bait from any fruit, juice, compote, etc., cling film, a thick needle. In a plastic cup, place the bait for midges, pull the plastic wrap on top. Make holes with a thick needle in the film so that the midge could get into them, but not too large so that the midge could not climb out. Place the glass in the midge habitat. As soon as the number of midges reaches about 15 pieces, throw out the glass. Repeat this procedure until the midges disappear.
  3. For this trap, you only need a plastic bag and fruit bits, preferably acidic. Moths love everything sour, spoiled, so be sure to climb into the package to get comfortable there and feed. As soon as the fruit flies appear in the bag, carefully tie the bag and discard it.
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How to get rid of Drosophila in the kitchen?

There are ready-made remedies and traps for fruit flies on sale. They are very effective, especially in the kitchen.

Remedy for Drosophila Raptor glue trap

The principle of operation of the trap is simple: flying to the smell, insects stick to the inside of the trap, not having the opportunity to get out of it. At the same time, the trap will remain clean and attractive, so nothing will hinder the feeling of cleanliness and comfort in the kitchen. The consumption rate of this trap is an average of 10-12 m2.

Step-by-step instructions for using the Raptor trap

  1. Open the box.
  2. Remove the can of liquid.
  3. Unscrew the cap on the can.
  4. Take out the cardboard tape with a sticky layer.
  5. Remove the protective paper with a sharp movement
  6. Fold the trap in the form of a “house” - the sticky side with the picture should be inside.
  7. Connect the lock with the words “Insert into the slots” in the direction of the arrows.
  8. Insert a trap on the neck of the can.
  9. Set a trap in the habitats of insects. It can be pantries, cabinets for food storage.

Important! Do not place the trap in drafts, as the trap must retain its property for up to 30 days.

Drosophila Remedy - “Aeroxon” Trap

Drosophila - how to get rid?Such a trap is designed to get rid of fruit flies. It is arranged in the same way as the Raptor. Only in the package 2 pieces at once. This trap will destroy tiny flies flying over rotting fruits 2 times faster.

Prevention of the appearance of Drosophila in the kitchen

The best way to deal with flies is to prevent their appearance. The first thing you need to do is to remove everything that this thin-winged army flies to:

  1. Wash the bin.
  2. Remove all food debris.
  3. Clean your pet bowls regularly, if you have any.
  4. Regularly check packages of fruits and vegetables, while always discarding rotten ones.
  5. Check for food debris under the sink.
  6. Throw away used tea or coffee brewing.
  7. More often check the storage of potatoes, onions, pumpkins, so that there is no nursery of midges.
  8. Clear out the kitchen.
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How to get rid of Drosophila midges with plants?

In the fight against midges in the apartment, as well as in the kitchen, you can use predator plants, which, having set their fragrant traps, will catch all insects. These plants are safe for humans, it is very easy to care for them, they are small in size, but they will very effectively save you from Drosophila.

The flower of these plants opens and closes as soon as the inside is prey. An example of such a plant is the “Venus flytrap”.

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How to get rid of midges in flower pots?

Often the house of Drosophila in an apartment becomes indoor plants. They are attracted to raw soil in pots, as well as rotting leaves. Land sold in stores often turns out to be a grub infected with a maggot.

Important! If in doubt about the quality of the soil you have obtained, use it in the oven before using it.

To get rid of midges in plants, try not to overfill water when watering, and also throw away fallen flowers and leaves. If, however, Drosophila midges appeared in your flowers, then first you need to transplant them. Use a substrate that is specially treated against these parasites.

If this is not possible, then:

  1. Place the soil in any metal dish.
  2. For 2-3 hours, fry it in the oven.

Before transplanting, be sure to process the plants themselves. For this:

  1. Cut off rotten roots.
  2. Immerse the flower in a warm solution of potassium permanganate of low concentration for several minutes.
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Chemicals against Drosophila

To get rid of Drosophila in the room and in the kitchen, you can use chemicals. Before resorting to them, try thoroughly washing the room and kitchen with water with the addition of chlorine. You will achieve not only excellent disinfection, but also kill all insects.

Chemicals need to be disposed of carefully.Make sure that they do not get on food and utensils.

Important! Do not breathe air while spraying chemicals and be sure to ventilate the rooms after the procedure.

In the fight against house flies, they will help you:

  • "Dichlorvos";
  • “Chlorophos”;
  • “Hexachloran”;

Important! Treat the premises with one of these tools and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Then ventilate the room well. If you often ventilate the room, then the flies retreat. They are very afraid of drafts.

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Folk remedies to combat Drosophila

If you are not a supporter of chemicals, then use folk remedies in pest control. These include:

  • Tansy, elderberry, fern. Arrange the leaves of these plants in rooms, and the midges will fly away. The only caveat - tansy is not recommended for people with weak vessels of the brain. This plant can cause headaches in this category of people.
  • Turpentine, kerosene. To scare off midges from your home, add a small amount of turpentine or kerosene to the water with which you wash the floor or windows.
  • Tomato seedlings. The pungent smell of tomatoes will not like midges.
  • Geranium, myrtle tree, eucalyptus. The smell of these plants is unpleasant to flower flies.
  • Bay oil. Rub bayonets and window frames with laurel oil. This should save you from domestic pests.
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In this article, we have recommended a huge number of ways to get rid of Drosophila flies. Choose the types of wrestling to your taste. We wish you success!

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