DIY denim dress

Any denim product is a real event, be it thin jeans or soft denim. It is impossible to imagine modern fashion without denim items. This year, dresses won the pinnacle of popularity among jeans. Unusual and stylish models fit perfectly into any women's wardrobe, since all jeans are universal, they are suitable for slim girls and plump women. A worn, comfortable and effective fabric can turn into a masterpiece if you sew a denim dress with your own hands. Today we will tell you how to cut a denim dress with your own hands from a man’s shirt, introduce you to the boot cut, using which you can sew a light dress with a floral print.

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We sew a denim dress from a man’s cocktail

If your husband has a denim rub in his student years, then do not throw it away. A beautiful summer dress can be sewn from a man’s shirt. If the shirt is large, then there is still enough fabric for accessories, for example, a handbag. You can use the sleeves to pattern additional pockets for the dress.

If you decide to sew a denim dress (sundress) in a free sports style, then use any suitable pattern from the magazine.

Production Instruction:

  1. Cut off the sleeves from the shirt, as we will sew a sundress.
  2. Spread the seams on the product. If the shirt is too big, then the seams can be cut.
  3. From the front of the shirt, cut out the front of the dress, aligning the waist line (on the future product) with the mid-height of the pockets of the shirt. It is advisable to keep all available parts of the front part, since on the denim fabric the torn elements are very noticeable.
  4. One layer of the coquette can be cut off, since on men's shirts the coquette is usually double.
  5. From the back, cut out the lower part of the back of the sundress, combining the upper cut with the seam along which the shirt coquette is sewn.
  6. From the sleeves, cut out the upper parts of the front and back.
  7. From the remnants of the sleeves, cut out the burlap for the side pockets (in the side seams).
  8. Connect all the parts and start sewing.


  1. If you do not make pockets in a sundress, then the algorithm for manufacturing a sundress is much simpler: connect the darts and the upper part of the front with the lower part. Do the same for the back. Process the shoulder and side seams - the dress is ready.
  2. To hide the difference between the new seams from the factory ones, close the new seams and sections with a leather edging.
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We sew a dress of a boot cut

An off-shoulder dress is extra-popular this season. We suggest stitching such a model using a minimum of measurements. In addition, the pattern itself can be built directly on the fabric, after making some of the simplest calculations.

To sew a dress you will need:

  • Thin denim with embroidery (length - about 1.3 m, width - 145 cm).
  • Elastic tape 5 cm (0.8 m) wide.
  • Elastic tape 1 cm wide (about 3 m).

From denim you will need to carve:

  • Backrest (1 piece) with a fold.
  • Before (1 piece) with a fold.
  • 2 sleeves.
  • 4 burlap pockets.
  • Strip for processing drawstring at the waist (6 cm in width and length to measure).

And now we will introduce you to the boot cut, which has been known since the 17th century.

Feature boot cut

Its name, as well as its origins, is due to the city of Sapozhok. Basic principles of boot cut:

  • Simplicity.
  • Wasteless fabric.

Important! Products of this cut are sewn literally in a couple of hours, while the fit is always perfect.High fashion has long turned its attention to this truly unique and ingenious cut.

Features of the cut:

  • The armhole is lowered by 3-4 cm. This technique emphasizes the elegance of the hands and gives freedom of movement.
  • The raglan line with a slight slope adds femininity - both to the shoulders and to the figure as a whole.
  • The sleeve width in the widest part is 36-40 cm. If the hands are very full, then increase the sleeve width by 3-4 cm.
  • Using such a cut, you can simulate a variety of styles of blouses and dresses.
  • No complicated details.
  • The simplicity of the cut allows even beginners to cope with sewing.


Measurements for building a dress pattern

To draw a dress pattern, you need to take several measurements:

  • Chest girth (OG).
  • Product length to the waist.
  • Dress length from the waist.
  • Sleeve length (arm length minus 20 cm).

In order to build a pattern, perform simple calculations:

  • Back width: ⅛ Exhaust gas + 5.5 cm.
  • Transmission width: ¼ Exhaust gas - 4 cm.
  • Armhole width: ⅛ Exhaust gas - 1.5 cm.
  • Armhole depth: 1/10 exhaust gas + 10.5 cm.

Important! To make the dress more elegant and have an adjacent silhouette, use the following measurement: hips + 8-10 cm for freedom of fitting.

Instructions for constructing a pattern:

  1. Put a dot (A) in the upper corner of the paper.
  2. Down along the vertical line from this mark set aside the depth of the armhole (estimated minus 4 cm). Put a point (G).
  3. From the initial mark (A), lay down the length of the product to the waist minus 10 cm. Put a point (A1).
  4. From mark A1, set the length of the dress off the waist. Put a point (C).
  5. Down and up from A1 mark put 3 cm on the drawstring for the elastic.
  6. Draw horizontal lines to the right of the set points (A, G, A1, C).
  7. From point A, set the following measurement to the right along the horizontal line: ½ design width of the back x 1.4. Put a point (P).
  8. Set aside the following measurement from this point (P): estimated armhole width x 1.8. Mark (P2).
  9. From mark P2 to the right, set aside 1/2 of the front width (estimated) x 1.4. Put a point (B).
  10. From mark В, draw a vertical line until it intersects with a horizontal line drawn from point C. Mark the point of intersection of the lines with the letter D. The pattern will be a rectangle ABDC.
  11. From points P and P2 draw vertical lines. At the intersection with the horizontal line drawn from the mark G, put points P5 and P6.
  12. Divide the segment P5P6 in half, mark the point P4.
  13. From point P4, lower the perpendicular to segment CD. This will be the side line.
  14. From points P5 and P6 up, put aside 7 cm.
  15. Build the armhole line: PP1P4 (for the back) and P2P3P4 (for the front).
  16. Cut the front and back details along the side line.
  17. Cut parts separately with folds on the fabric.

Sleeve pattern construction:

  1. Draw a rectangle with a width equal to the width of the sleeve (about 40 cm) and a length equal to the length of the sleeve (about 41 cm). Name it A2A3A4A5.
  2. Set aside from the A2 mark to the right, and from the A3 mark to the left by 7 cm. Mark the points P and P2.
  3. Measure the distance from the mark P to point P4 using the pattern of the back. PP4 = PP1 + P1P4.
  4. Transfer pieces of PP1 and P1P4 to the pattern of the sleeve from the back of the product.
  5. Similarly, transfer the length of the armhole of the front to the sleeve (P2P3 and P3P4).


  1. Model the pocket burlap in the side seam. On the pattern, note the location of the pocket.
  2. Make an increase on the one-piece casing of the drawstring under the elastic band for each detail: back, front, sleeves (6 cm each).

Important! After building the pattern, check the size of the thigh circumference.

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How to sew a denim dress?

Cut out the details from jeans material: back, front, sleeves, burlap pockets. On the fabric, lay out in two folds. When cutting fabric, leave 1.5 cm seam allowances and 6 cm seam allowances at the bottom of the product and sleeves.

Sewing process:

  1. Overlock all allowances with an overlock seam.
  2. Create pockets at the side seams.
  3. Stitch the strip along the markings along the pockets.
  4. Stitch side seams.
  5. Stitch seams on the sleeves.
  6. Stitch the sleeves to the dress, combining them at the designated points.
  7. Stitch strip for drawstring on short sides. Iron allowances.
  8. Fold the strip along the longitudinal sides.
  9. Stitch the strip to the waist line according to the marking, but leave an open area for drawing in the elastic.
  10. Put the elastic in the drawstring.
  11. Adjust the length of the gum, grind its ends of the zigzag seams.
  12. Stitch open area.
  13. In the center of the elastic, lay the fixing stitch by stretching the fabric.
  14. Bend the drawstring to the wrong side.
  15. Bend the drawstring according to the allowance, stitch. Do not forget to leave an open area for sticking in gum.
  16. Lay 3 drawstrings 1.5 cm wide each.
  17. Stretch the elastic bands of the same length.
  18. Stitch each gum on the short sides.
  19. Stitch open area.
  20. Oversize the bottom of the dress and sleeves.
  21. Postpone the bottom of the dress and sleeves.
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We hope you enjoyed our ideas. Now you can proudly put on a denim dress on a sunny spring day and conquer everyone around. Good luck

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