How to sew a hole on jeans between legs 🥝 how to repair worn pants

Jeans are comfortable clothes that can be easily combined with many things and various shoes. For the majority, this is the most beloved and often used part of the wardrobe. In the process of prolonged wear, the bottom of the leg, which is not so difficult to restore, fails. Probably every third person gets into trouble when jeans are rubbed between their legs, what should I do in such a situation? Does the duration of jeans wear depend on their cost, brand, style? Is there anything you can do to ensure that these worn places between the legs do not appear so quickly? These questions are often heard on the forums. In response, someone advises not to skimp and buy jeans more expensive, someone advises to put a leather patch in advance, like cowboys, and someone recommends losing weight. We will try to figure out the reasons for this unpleasant situation and offer you different solutions to the problem of how to fix or restore jeans that are between your legs.

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Why are jeans worn between the legs, what should I do?

Why jeans are torn between legs, what to do? There can be several reasons for this problem:

  1. According to most experts, holes between the legs are wiped due to the features of the figure, and first of all - the upper part of the legs. If closer to the crotch your legs do not close (like a cavalryman), then your pants will remain intact.

Important! The fuller the hips, the more often you go to the store for a new pair of jeans.

  1. Overweight is very important, especially if it affects the volume of the hips. When the fabric is stretched, it is wiped much faster. In some places between the legs folds of tissue form, which when walking constantly rub against each other.

Important! This happens with people who, through exercise, have developed bulky muscles in this area of ​​the thigh.

  1. Often the cause of this problem is gait features. When, while walking, the leg rubs strongly against the other leg, holes are produced between the legs. Although in this situation, the first step is to wipe the step seam, and not folds.
  2. The quality of the fabric also matters. Thin denim will quickly become unusable, especially jeans models that already have scuffs. As practice shows, jeans with an additive will be a little stronger polyester and elastane. Although this, of course, is not a panacea for thinning tissue in certain places.
  3. The habit of fidgeting while sitting also means a lot. If for most of the working day your fifth point is merged with an office chair (which is most often covered with a rigid textured fabric), then when you change the pose, you simply rub against its surface.
  4. Also affects the wear rate of jeans fabric and the correct washing.

Before you try to fix the defect, think well. If the damage is solid, it may not make sense to spend your time on it. Better - find outhow to make fashionable shorts out of trousers.

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What to do so that the pants do not rub between the legs?

What to do to prolong the life of your favorite jeans? There are several secrets that can prevent the appearance of unpleasant scuffs.

Tip 1

When you buy a new pair of pants, knowing about your ongoing problem, choose the right size.Trousers should not be too tight. Better get jeans a little larger.

Tip 2

If you yourself feel that excess weight is present - try to lose it, this will benefit not only new jeans, but also your health. With excessive fullness in the lower part of the body, no pants will not stretch for a long time.


Tip 3

As practice shows, pants with a normal or even slightly oversized fit are less wiped. When the jeans are well pulled up and fixed, then in the crotch the fabric is not going to fold, respectively - there will not be these shabby stripes and holes. So when choosing a new pair, try to avoid models with a low waist.

Tip 4

When seated, try to control your movements. If you want to extend the life of your jeans, then when you change the position of the lower body, you need to lift a little, change your pose and sit down again. So the friction intensity will decrease slightly.

Tip 5

Take care of your jeans properly. They are not recommended to be washed too often. The wash itself is recommended manual or delicate. Before her pants need to be turned inside out and button all buttons and zippers.

Important! To extend the life of the fabric, use less additives to the powder (conditioners, rinses, stain removers and bleaches). Spots should be treated locally, trying to dispense with washing with laundry soap.


Tip 6

Knowing your problem with the fact that jeans are rubbed between the legs, monitor the condition of the tissue in the crotch area. Once it has become thin, carry it in the studio, do not wait until holes appear. You can, of course, strengthen the fabric yourself, a little later in the article we will tell you how to do it right. And in another post on our site you will find many interesting ideas,what can be made of jeanswhich can no longer be restored to a decent state.

Tip 7

If jeans are your regular companion, buy yourself a few pairs and wear them in turn. Some people buy 2 pairs of inexpensive models for daily wear and 1 pair “on the way out”. Then not so often you will have to fix the problem of worn holes in the pants.


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What to do if jeans are worn between the legs?

A method that allows you to camouflage a well-worn problematic place and extend the life of jeans for a month, or even more, is to patch the inside and stitch the lines densely, simulating the weaving of fabric threads. There are several ways you can patch a damaged spot on your trousers. We consider each of them in detail.

We put a patch. Method number 1

To implement this method, you will need the following materials and tools:

  1. A patch made of soft, non-flowing fabric (for example, adhesive backing on a fabric basis).

Important! Sometimes it is recommended to take pieces of denim, but they can create discomfort when worn, especially if the jeans are tight.

  1. Strong threads for sewing.

Important! Select the threads exactly to match the denim, otherwise - the place of repair will be noticeable.

  1. Needle, scissors, crayon or bar of soap for marking.



  1. Wash, dry and iron the jeans, especially the upper part, so that there are no wrinkles and wrinkles.
  2. Turn out the pants.
  3. If there is a hole, carefully sew its edges manually.
  4. From the patch fabric, cut the flap of the required size and shape so that it completely covers the problem area. Add 1-2 cm more along the edges.
  5. If you are using adhesive doubler, fix the patch on the fabric with an iron. If it is a simple cloth, fasten it in the right place with a basting so that it does not move when stitching.
  6. Next, you need to unscrew the jeans and lay the stitches parallel to the denim threads.

Important! It is easier and faster to do this on a sewing machine.

  1. Start scribbling from where the fabric is still whole.

Important! Stitches are very close to each other.

  1. When the stitches are laid in one direction, turn the fabric and sew perpendicularly until you close the entire damaged part.
  2. Similarly apply a patch on the second leg.2-1

Important! You can do the same thing manually, with a needle and thread, but it will take a lot longer and may not look so neat.

If the sewing machine is not at home, and you are reluctant to work manually, carry pants in the atelier. Everything will be done there quickly and professionally, but you will have to spend a little money, but the master will be able to repair your jeans in a quality and professional manner. In any case, it will cost much cheaper than buying new jeans, and you will have time in stock to save up for a new thing.

We put a patch. Method number 2

Jeans are torn between legs, what should I do? This problem can be solved by inserting the worn fabric into place.


You will need:

  1. A piece of denim very similar in color and texture to your jeans.
  2. Threads: 1 - to match the jeans, 2 - to match the seam (usually it is yellow or orange).
  3. A needle, a crayon or a piece of soap, a ruler.
  4. Scissors, sprayer.
  5. Paper for a pattern (a small piece) and a pencil.



  1. Wash and iron your jeans and patch fabric so that there are no wrinkles.
  2. Take a sprayer (you can use nail scissors), spread the stepping seam and the middle seam to the middle or a little less.
  3. Chalk out the markings to determine which part you will cut (the damaged part should be completely beyond the line).
  4. Using a ruler, draw straight lines on both legs symmetrically. Draw another line 1 cm further - seam allowance.
  5. Cut along the first line. Cut the same piece on the second leg. Check that everything is the same, correct.
  6. Attach the cut flaps to the paper, circle with a pencil and make an insert pattern.
  7. Where the patch will be sewn to the jeans, make an allowance of 1 cm per seam.
  8. Attach this pattern to the denim flap, circle with chalk and cut.
  9. Detail for the second leg position to the fabric mirror.

Important! The edges of the inserts should be processed in a zigzag so that the threads do not pour in.

  1. Now gently bite evenly, and then sew the inserts to the edges of the jeans with blue threads, and the step and middle seam with the thread of the corresponding tone (yellow, orange).

Important! If you want, you can also stitch the edges of the inserts with a finishing thread. It will also be beautiful.

If all else fails, you will have to buy new pants, and use the old material to sew other things or useful things for the home. When buying, you can look for the same model, or you can slightly diversify your image by choosing a more suitable option for the figure from the review fashionable jeans this year.

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This article describes the most common options for what to do if jeans are worn. In such simple ways, you can slightly extend the life of worn clothes. But if the pants are torn significantly or you do not want to go with patches, you will have to fork out for a new pair. And from the spoiled, you can make a lot of useful things - kitchen gloves, a jeans bag, a skirt or an apron for a child’s labors, slippers for home, or even stylish jewelry.


