Phone battery capacity - which is better?

The modern market is teeming with a huge variety of smartphones that you can buy. Different price categories, colors, models of characteristics, with each new day there are more and more different designs and manufacturers. However, the most important feature that unites all models is the battery power. Today we’ll talk with you about which phone’s battery capacity is better and what nuances you should pay attention to when buying a new gadget. How many hours does a popular battery have? How to choose how many hours are enough and what the phone’s battery is measured in.

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Power Supply Technical Feature

When buying a mobile device, everyone thinks about what size of the phone’s battery is better, which battery and why is one of the main characteristics of any gadget?

Important! In its design features, the smartphone is very similar to a tablet. Their battery capacity may be the same, and therefore may be different. This is due to the fact that during operation our mobile device is used for cellular communications. That is why the battery consumption is spent, first of all, on this nuance, and only then on Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and similar services.

All of the above nuances should be attributed to the fact that from a mobile device an increasing number of people are on social networks and regularly views the feed. As a result of the long work of the screen, the Internet and cellular communications, which can operate in the data transfer mode, the consumption of the power supply increases several times.

Based on all of the above facts, you should buy a phone that is characterized by a good battery capacity for a smartphone.

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Choosing the best capacity for your smartphone

In today's market you will find mobile communication devices with different indicators of battery capacity. It should range from 1.5 to 5000 milliamps.

Important! This indicator is conditional. So, modern mobile devices may have a low battery capacity, but at the same time work very quickly. This is due to the fact that all models are equipped with powerful processes, and the software is perfectly optimized. When deciding on which battery capacity is better for a smartphone, it should be borne in mind that even with a small indicator, autonomy can be large. However, this rule applies to extremely expensive models.

On the other hand, you need to look at gadgets with the Android operating system. The fact is that with such a base budget models are produced. As a result, the battery charge may end in half a day, or at night the phone is unclear for what reason, at first glance, it will turn off.

d44068f0e07877acb6fdd2359e2c0ffeIn any case, regardless of the operating system, it is better to purchase the models with the highest rate. It's pretty simple to decide:

  • If the box says that the power source contains 200-2500 mAh, then the gadget will be able to work for a day.
  • The indicator equal to 300-4000 mAh symbolizes that you will charge the gadget once every two days.
  • If you are thinking about buying a mobile device with an indicator of 5000 milliamps, then you can charge the phone once every six to seven days.

Important! Before you buy a modern gadget and think which battery is best for your smartphone, you need to take into account the factor for which purpose you get it:

  • If you need to read a book and only talk on the phone - a minimum amount may be enough.
  • For constant listening to MP3 Player, games, watching movies, you should purchase devices with a battery capacity of at least 3000 - 4000 mAh (mah).

Important! If you use different gadgets too intensively, often spend time outside the house or travel, it makes sense to have an additional autonomous charging source. Check out our review. “External battery for the phone - how to choose?”.

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Choose the best smartphone by manufacturer:

  • Among a variety of manufacturers, Samsung has a good smartphone battery capacity.
  • Also worth noting is the excellent work of the Microsoft brand. Please note that the volume indicators on these devices are true. So, if a volume of 2500 milliamps is indicated, then you will charge the gadget once every two to three days.
  • Good battery models include HTC, Lenovo, Asus, and Acer.

Important! If you want to buy a Chinese “sophisticated” phone, then take models that cost at least $ 200. Remember that you can rely on high-quality components only if the manufacturer of the equipment has really proved himself worthy in the market. Therefore, looking at the new gadget on the characteristics of the battery, click on the link so that you no longer have any doubts about which manufacturer is better to choose a smartphone.

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How to reduce battery consumption?

If you are still thinking about which battery capacity is better for a smartphone, then you should know what nuances the main battery charge is spent on.

The main consumers of charge:

  • display;
  • data transfer;
  • cellular.

Tips for reducing energy consumption on modern models:

  • Turn on data only when you need it. After use - turn off.
  • Decrease display brightness.
  • Remove unused apps. It can be either open at the moment, or downloaded, but rarely used.
  • Turn off the phone at night or use the “On Airplane” function.
  • With the phone’s permissive settings, turn on battery saver mode.

Also on our portal you will find many useful tips, how to increase phone battery life.

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Extend battery life

Despite the fact that we figured out the issue of the battery, it is necessary to monitor the charge and extend its life.

Recommendations for long battery life:

  • It is necessary to charge up to 100%.
  • Do not waste battery power. Connect the charger to it when the energy indicator is 40-50%.
  • In no case do not put the phone plugged in for the night.
  • Once the phone has announced a full charge, turn off the power.
  • Use only original chargers.
  • Do not charge the phones and put them near heating appliances, heating elements and under the influence of sunlight. All devices do not like heat.
  • Once a month for the prevention of the controller it is necessary to completely discharge the battery and charge up to 100%.

Important! Read separately about how to charge a smartphoneso that its battery lasts longer.

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We have determined which battery capacity is better for a smartphone. Get yourself high-quality devices, properly and charge, and they will last you a very long time!


