Black feces after alcohol 🥝 in an adult, black stool in men

- Black feces: causes and possible diseases
- Black feces during pregnancy
- If the disease appeared in adults?
- How to deal with such a problem in children?
- What is fraught with this symptom for the elderly?
- In what cases do I need medical help?
- What diseases does black feces indicate?
- What medications can cause black feces?
- Normal stool color
- Stock footage
The presence of black stool indicates the presence of a serious disease or bleeding in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. That is why you should not ignore this problem, and you should not lose sight of other symptoms that have appeared. Food can also create a black color, but in any case, a visit to a specialist is necessary, since he will be able to understand in detail the situation that has arisen. It is better to play it safe and go for an examination than to convince yourself that everything is normal and to run problems. In this article, we will understand the question: if the feces (poop) is black, what does this mean? Does this mean that you need to treat yourself?
to contents ↑Black feces: causes and possible diseases
The work of the gastrointestinal tract is interconnected with the color of feces, texture, frequency of stool. For these indicators, there is a norm. So, the chair is normal in color from tan to dark brown. If the feces are black, this indicates a problem. Is it so dangerous?
Faced with a similar phenomenon, many begin to worry. But first, it’s better to remember which foods were consumed the day before, since it is entirely possible that the reason for the black color of feces is the use of certain foods.
So, we will analyze the possible causes, if the feces are black, what does this mean and what does it mean.
Reason 1
The black shade of feces is associated with the use of a large amount of dark and black products, which can contribute to a change in the color of feces, but not the consistency and frequency of the stool. If you stop using these products, then after a couple of days there will be a restoration of normal color.
Important! Sometimes feces of liquid consistency are observed, for example, the use of prunes not only causes staining, but also helps to weaken.
Reason 2
The use of certain drugs also contributes to discoloration:
- When using an activated carbon tablet, stool is stained in a dark color.
- Using iron preparations, oxidation occurs in the stomach and intestines, which contributes to a dark color.
- Preparations that have bismuth in their composition also cause stool staining.
Important! Drug withdrawal contributes to the normalization of color.
Reason 3
Black feces characterize bleeding in the esophagus or stomach. In the stomach there is a process of blood oxidation, mixing with bile, which is located in the duodenum, and stool is stained black. This is an alarming bell that needs immediate hospitalization.
Also bleeding cause:
- varicose veins of the esophagus;
- esophageal injuries;
- malignant tumors;
- ulcer.
Important! In addition to the black color of feces, the bleeding process is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness.
Reason 4
Chronic constipation causes a discoloration of feces, which can be black in color. Constipation occurs as a result of malnutrition or medication. Very often constipation accompanies bedridden patients.
to contents ↑Black feces during pregnancy
What does black feces mean during pregnancy?
Important! Any assumptions about bleeding during pregnancy are a threat to the expectant mother and baby. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion, you must immediately contact a specialist for expert advice and a solution to an important problem.
The presence of black feces does not always indicate bleeding and serious illness. A woman who carries a child is examined for prevention, since very often the cause of the black color of feces is hormonal adjustment:
- In the first trimester of pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother is rebuilt, and it is for this reason that there are all kinds of disorders of the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Pregnancy of a woman contributes to an increased level of progesterone. The presence of this hormone provokes frequent urination, affects mood swings, almost always causes nausea.
When bleeding, the black color of the feces indicates an initial symptom, the next step will be anemia and other disorders that are instantly visible with regular examination and analysis of blood.
Important! If the black color of feces is accompanied by an increase in temperature, the presence of severe weakness, a pale complexion, the presence of nausea and vomiting, then you should immediately contact a specialist.
There are cases when the black color of feces occurs during the treatment of a pregnant woman from constipation. The reduced tone of smooth muscles contributes to constipation, which causes discomfort to the expectant mother from the first months of pregnancy, which causes discomfort.
Hemorrhoids and other problems arise from constipation, so pregnant women actively consume prunes, grapes, currants, blueberries, drink many dried fruit compotes and include a large number of fruits and vegetables in the diet. As a result, constipation disappears, but a colored black feces occurs. If you reduce the use of dark fruits and vegetables, then when going to the toilet, the stool color normalizes.
to contents ↑If the disease appeared in adults?
Changing the color of feces in healthy adults, unless other symptoms are present, should not cause panic and anxiety. In this case, black feces may indicate the use of dyeing products.
There is a list of dye products that can change the color of feces:
- dishes that contain a large number of calories;
- dry red or fortified wine;
- sausage made from blood;
- meat with blood, liver, which is especially popular with men;
- currants, blueberries and blackberries, as well as juices from these berries;
- dark grapes, aronia, the use of juices from them;
- prunes
- iron-containing substances such as bananas, apples, persimmons, pomegranates;
- tomatoes, beets;
- drinking a lot of strong coffee or black tea.
You need to analyze your own diet for the last couple of days:
- If you exclude, in your opinion, suspicious vegetables and fruits, then the color of excrement will return to normal within a day.
- If about three days there is no change in the color of feces, then food preferences are not the cause of black.
Sometimes in the feces long black fibrous inclusions are visible. These can be undigested remnants of a banana, and you need to be sure that this is not a helminthic invasion.
Important! When using anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs for heartburn, it is also possible to change the color of the stool, which acquire a black color.This is not a reason to stop taking medications, because after the completion of the course of treatment, the temporary effect passes.
In addition to color, you need to pay attention to the consistency of feces. The cause of liquid black bowel movements may include:
- improper digestion;
- intoxication of the body;
- the presence of diseases.
to contents ↑Important! The appearance of liquid black bowel movements should be the reason for contacting specialists - and the sooner the better.
How to deal with such a problem in children?
The presence of black feces in children causes great anxiety and anxiety in parents. If this happened, then you must definitely observe the condition of the child.
Important! If the baby is active, has a normal body temperature and is not worried about anything, then the black color of the feces is caused by food intake, so do not worry too much.
Black feces in children means one of the following factors is present:
- The first days of a child's life are accompanied by black feces. This is a normal physiological process. When in the womb, the baby had to constantly contact with amniotic fluid, mucus and other substances, constantly swallow them. After birth, the baby’s stomach is cleansed and all of this is released along with black feces.
- The black color of feces appears when the baby passes from breastfeeding to artificial. This situation is normal, in a few days everything will return to normal.
- Bananas can also cause black stool. At the first acquaintance of a child with such a fruit, a similar reaction may occur, but after a few days the body gets used and the stool returns to normal.
- In children's mixtures, there is a lot of iron. The use of such nutrition can provoke the appearance of black stool, so do not worry, because after a few weeks the stool normalizes.
- The use of iron-containing vitamins can cause the appearance of black stool. Knowing the reason, do not stop using this drug.
- The most common cause of black feces is eating food. It is necessary to remember what the child was eating. Black stool can occur from apples, bananas, grapes, red or black currants, blueberries, blackberries, tomatoes, beets, or liver dishes.
Important! If the baby has a high temperature, there are complaints of poor health, there are signs of nausea, while the feces are black, then you need to immediately contact a qualified specialist.
There are many factors that can contribute to discoloration of feces:
- Using conventional foods, children experience the usual dark brown color of excrement.
- If a child eats vegetarian food, then the color of feces becomes light brown.
- When applying a milk diet, a pale brown or pale yellow shade of feces is observed.
- The use of meat products characterizes the black-brown color of the stool.
- The use of sorrel and spinach causes a greenish tint of feces.
- Excessive consumption of pork is characterized by a reddish hue of feces.
- The use of various berries - blueberries, blackberries, black currants, contributes to the black and black-brown color of excrement.
- The use of iron-containing drugs contributes to black with a greenish tint of feces.
- The use of bismuth characterizes the presence of black feces.
It is necessary to very carefully introduce complementary foods for infants, while adhering to general recommendations. The use of too acidic, sweet or heavy food can harm the forming intestines and cause serious pathologies. It is better to refrain from the temptation to give your child a new food product ahead of time, and prevent the development of liver and stomach problems.
to contents ↑Important! You should never self-medicate.Taking, at first glance, harmless drugs, you can harm the whole body. It is better to entrust the care of the baby to qualified specialists.
What is fraught with this symptom for the elderly?
What does black feces in older people indicate? Feces in older people are darker than in the younger generation. This is normal and does not require any treatment.
However, the following points must be considered:
- Bedridden patients have a slowed metabolic process, in connection with this, a color change of feces can also occur.
- The appearance of black feces in the elderly is characterized by a very likely sign of gastrointestinal bleeding or a “disconnection” of vital organs occurs, and an inability to consume food products is manifested.
to contents ↑Important! If an elderly person has black feces, diarrhea or feeling unwell, then it is necessary to call a doctor, as this indicates a health problem.
In what cases do I need medical help?
Consider the symptoms in which you need to urgently contact a qualified specialist or call an ambulance:
- the vomiting process suddenly began;
- dizzy and loss of consciousness;
- the temperature rose sharply, which cannot be brought down by anything;
- blood pressure drops occur;
- the patient has a chronic bowel disease;
- the patient has chronic anemia;
- the patient is predisposed to chronic liver disease;
- numbness of the extremities occurs;
- there are suspicions of cancer, cirrhosis or such diseases are present in relatives;
- there was an intoxication of the body due to the huge amount of alcohol.
to contents ↑Important! With such symptoms, you can not self-medicate and lose precious time. If at the same time everyone feces black, then an urgent medical consultation is necessary to establish the correct diagnosis.
What diseases does black feces indicate?
One of the reasons for the appearance of black feces is internal bleeding, which can provoke polyps, peptic ulcers, varicose vessels of the esophagus or injury. Bleeding can occur from Crohn's disease, histoplasmosis, hookworm infection and other various diseases. This treatment process is subject to a long period of time and must be monitored by a medical professional.
Important! Sometimes surgical intervention, resulting in intestinal infections, can trigger a discoloration of the feces.
Black feces can indicate such diseases:
- the presence of inflammatory processes in the small and large intestines;
- varicose veins of the esophagus or stomach;
- the presence of gastritis and leukemia;
- a deep degree of damage to helminthiases and mycoses;
- peptic ulcer or inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa;
- intestinal pathologies and tumor development;
- plague.
Sometimes the inappropriate use of drugs contributes to the development of gastrointestinal pathologies.
Important! In case of violation of the dosage regimen, tiny ulcers, erosion on the intestinal mucosa may occur. The damaged membrane bleeds, and the blood changes the color of the bowel movements.
The presence of internal bleeding, except for black feces, is indicated by:
- low hemoglobin in the blood;
- pale skin tone;
- change in thermoregulation;
- the occurrence of unreasonable amounts of cold sweat.
Important! If the black color of feces also has a greenish tint, then this is almost always the cause of the development of infectious diseases. Greenish-black diarrhea is characterized by the presence of dysentery.Only when the body is damaged does other related symptoms appear, such as the appearance of nausea, then vomiting, weakness, dizziness, which leads to loss of consciousness.
General malaise and black feces indicates the presence of the disease. Consider some of the characteristic signs of disease:
- Gastric ulcer - accompanied by characteristic ulcers on the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. This is a chronic disease.
- Gastritis causes - an inflammatory process of the walls of the stomach. Both adults and children are susceptible to this disease. The main symptoms of the disease are characterized by the presence of black stool, diarrhea, heartburn, and vomiting.
- Cirrhosis of the liver - observed in people older than 40 years. The main sign of such a disease is the presence of black stool. In most cases, the patient's stool has a liquid consistency, in addition, nausea, vomiting, dizziness may be present. This color of feces causes internal bleeding and implies an urgent appeal to a medical specialist.
- An oncological disease of the liver or colon is an incurable disease that develops with advanced cirrhosis of the liver. Characteristic symptoms of this disease:
- black feces;
- the presence of vomiting;
- sharp weight loss of the body;
- the presence of blood in the stool;
- aching pain in the abdominal cavity;
- low pressure;
- diarrhea;
- sluggish state.
- Gastric bleeding - very often observed in people who often take potent antibiotics. Also, internal bleeding is characteristic of people who abuse alcohol.
- Gastroenteritis - is an infectious disease, which is characterized by the presence of black stool with a pronounced pungent odor.
What medications can cause black feces?
What does black feces mean? If black feces are found, you need to analyze the presence of drugs that are constantly taken.
Unusual color can cause the following drugs:
- Medicines that serve to treat anemia. The use of sorbifer, ferrum, actiferrin, maltofer characterizes the black shade of feces.
- The use of vitamin complexes, such as Vitrum.
- The use of activated black coal.
- The use of drugs that serve for the treatment of the stomach, which includes bismuth-de-nol.
Important! If these types of drugs are constantly taken, then there is no need to worry about excrement.
But these groups of medicines should be treated with special attention:
- The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are prescribed for the treatment of inflammation of the joints, ligaments, as well as muscles. The use of aspirin, denebol, diclofenacs of all kinds can cause an unusual color of excrement.
- The use of drugs that can reduce blood viscosity. Anticoagulants also cause unusual staining of feces.
- Uncontrolled drug use.
to contents ↑Important! These substances alone can not stain the stool in a nasty black color, but they can provoke damage to the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, there is internal bleeding with a different level of intensity. Blood that decomposes stains black feces. This pathology causes unpleasant symptoms with the presence of pain in the epigastric region, a burning process, signs of nausea and the presence of vomiting. In such a situation, you must immediately contact your health care provider.
Normal stool color
The normal color of excrement varies from light brown to dark brown. The stool should be formed, not be frothy, spreading, or too dense.Small patches of undigested food debris may be tolerated. Normal color is an individual indicator of every adult.
to contents ↑Important! If the color of excrement is rather suspicious, but the color tone is difficult to determine, then you can use a paper test. To do this, put a little stool on a clean white sheet of paper and look at the result. With this test, the color is fully manifested.
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In this article, we examined in detail if the stool is black, what it means, and what the reasons for this phenomenon may be, it does not matter for whom: girls, men or children. Be attentive to the symptoms in order to identify complex diseases in time and seek help.
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