If a white thing has faded - how to reduce spots?

Fashion dictates its own rules. If earlier the trend was more restrained and gentle tones, now youth often wear colorful t-shirts with a large bright print. But the materials are different and care for them does not always work out as it should be. And here many are faced with the question: if a white thing has faded - how to reduce spots? Before you do anything, you should carefully study the whole problem and how to solve it.

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How easy is it to remove faded spots?

Bright and challenging things to keep in its original form is quite difficult, you can even say it is almost impossible. It is for this reason that many housewives throw away clothes immediately after they have shed.

But is that right?

Definitely - no, because a lot of ways have been invented for a long time, thanks to which you can remove stains from faded clothes. The task is not the easiest, but quite feasible.

The main ways

There are two ways that you can remove stains on faded clothes at home:

  1. Chemicals Naturally, this method of solving the problem will cost you a little more. But its advantage is that with purchased products you can remove stains much faster and, most likely, the first time.
  2. DIY tools at home. It's all a little different. Folk remedies will cost you much cheaper, but you can argue about efficiency. Not necessarily, thanks to this method, you will get the desired result the first time, you may have to repeat the procedure in several passes.


Additional terms

Of particular importance in the event that the thing has shed and it is necessary to reduce the stains, it is necessary to attach to the material - the type of fabric, color, pattern and applications. Jeans, synthetics, linen, cotton, silk - they all react very differently to various means, to heat or friction, and they also molt in completely different ways.

Important! The best way to reduce stains if a thing has faded is to start removing them immediately when they are still fresh. The sooner this happened, the easier it will be to move unnecessary paint from the fabric.

The scale of the formed spot is also a very important nuance that should not be overlooked. For example, if after washing the blouse changed its color a bit, then rinsing it with bleach several times will be quite enough. A completely different situation is pronounced individual spots, which are much more difficult to remove, but in principle, it is also possible.

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We draw faded spots from white clothes

First, consider how to remove faded stains from white clothing. This problem is very serious, since it is on light clothes that spots are most visible. As stated at the very beginning, there are 2 ways to get rid of shed spots: chemical and folk remedies. We will consider one and the other.

Household chemicals for faded white things

The first thing we have to reach for in such a situation is purchased chemicals. In this case, the main thing is not to make a mistake and choose the right product for the type of fabric. It is also very important not to save money on the tool, but to buy the most effective right away.

Here is a list of those chemicals that are considered the best in order to remove faded stains from white clothes:

  1. White. This tool is dangerous in that in addition to the benefit, it can bring harm. Therefore, the most important thing is to strictly follow the instructions. The component is soaked in water, the proportions are indicated directly on the bottle. In the resulting solution put things that need to be reanimated for 20-60 minutes (depending on the dosage of chlorine in the substance). After carrying out the whole procedure, wash things very well again and rinse in cold water.
  2. Vanish. A tool that is very easy to find in any department of household chemicals. They can remove stains of any complexity. For instance:
    • if the white thing is just slightly repainted in a different color, then the product must be diluted in a given amount of water and soak the clothes in such a solution for 30 minutes;
    • if bright individual spots have formed on the T-shirt, then the product should be applied directly to them and rubbed with a damp sponge into the fabric.

Leave the item in this form for 20 minutes, and then wash and dry well. T-shirt will be like new.

Important! In order to determine which fabric the store bleach is for, just look at the packaging. The product for white items will have the inscription White, and for colored items - Color.

Folk methods

Next, we will solve the question of how to remove faded stains from white clothes at home. Folk remedies will cost you much cheaper, but you will know exactly which components are part of the remedy. If you are determined to cook with your own hands, then use the following recipes:

  1. Soda. This is the component that can be found in the kitchen of every housewife. Initially, it is worth preparing a mixture of soda and water in a ratio of 1: 1. Apply this product on a stain and leave it overnight. During this time, sputum will pass, and soda will return to its original dry form. It will only need to be stripped from clothes. After the whole procedure, wash the item and rinse in cold water.
  2. Potassium permanganate. Fairly good and effective tool. To prepare the mixture you need half a glass of powder and potassium permanganate on the tip of the knife. All this is mixed in a bucket with warm water, in which you need to lower the spoiled thing for several hours. At the end of the time, wash, rinse and dry.
  3. Boiling. This process of removing faded stains from clothing occurs due to boiling things in water with soda ash. Boiling itself should last no more than half an hour, but it is important all the time to mix water with clothing so that the fabric does not stick to the bottom. This method of getting rid of stains can only be used for fabrics that are resistant to high temperatures.


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Display faded stains from colored clothing

Now let's figure out how to remove faded spots from colored clothes. To cope with this task is a little easier, since the lost bright color of clothes can be painted over with special paint, but the white thing cannot be painted over. As in the previous case with white things, there are two options for solving the problem.


  1. Stain remover. A very readily available and common tool that can be found in any hardware store. It is applied in its original form on a stain for 15-20 minutes, and then washed off with warm water. Unwanted spots should come off.
  2. Special powders. Powders can be diluted in warm water, and then soaked in the clothes for several hours. After the whole procedure, the thing needs to be washed and rinsed well. And it is possible to apply such powders in a dry form directly onto a stain, then rub a dry powder with a wet sponge into the fabric and let it lie for about 20 minutes. After the set time has elapsed, wash the clothes, rinse and dry.
  3. Repainting. This method is used only for plain things. In any store with household goods, buy a dye for clothes a tone darker than the thing itself. If you buy paint tone on tone, there is a high risk that the spots will not paint over and stand out.

Folk remedies

Next, we solve the problem than to remove faded spots from colored clothes, but using folk methods. This is especially true if you have to remove stains from children's clothing, as there is a high risk of allergies and irritation.

In this case, do-it-yourself means come to the rescue:

  1. Medical alcohol. Strong enough component. In its original form, it is not necessary to use it - a solution is being prepared. Mix 2 liters of water and 100 ml of alcohol. We put spoiled things in this liquid for about 2 hours. Then - we wash clothes in warm soapy water, rinse in cold. From the first time this method may not work, in this case - the procedure will have to be repeated twice.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide. It is advisable to buy a 6% remedy. You will also need to prepare a solution from it: 2-3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, half a glass of ordinary washing powder and 2 liters of water. Put faded stains on the prepared liquid mixture for approximately 2 hours. Traditionally followed by washing, rinsing and drying.

Important! If the stains are not removed by any of these methods, we advise you to contact a dry cleaning service that will save your clothes.

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We erase correctly so that things do not fade

Of course, it is always better to prevent a problem than to get rid of it later. In order to avoid such unpleasant situations, you should know a few rules that will help you to forget forever about what to do in order to reduce spots if a white or colored thing sheds. They are as follows:

  • Watch the temperature of the water. Acceptable temperature for a particular material is always indicated on the package.
  • Light and colored items are always washed separately.
  • In the store you can buy special napkins that will protect you from the line. They are placed in the drum of the washing machine and prevent stains.
  • All new items are washed separately.
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Remember that it is not necessary to throw out a thing after the appearance of a small speck, even if it has not been removed. Ultimately, you can forgive sticking it with rhinestones, sequins, applique and sparkles. Such a solution to the problem will give your clothes a fresher and more stylish look than before and you don’t have to spend money on updating your wardrobe.

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