DIY hairdresser apron

Most people visit the hairdresser almost every month, and each time the master puts on a special apron, and gives his client a special cloak. These devices are necessary so that the hair does not fall on clothing and skin. Some people cut their hair at home without the use of special wraps and aprons, which is not very convenient. Fortunately, you can make a hairdresser's apron with your own hands, by accessing the online resources on which many video lessons and master classes are told and shown. Some sew hairdressing sets for their children for games - you can find hundreds of educational recommendations for creating children's sets. In addition, the manufacture of aprons and wraps does not require special skills and knowledge, and also does not take much time. If you have children and an extra piece of unnecessary material, use it to create a beautiful apron or toy.

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Workshop on apron tailoring

In order to start sewing a hairdresser apron, it is necessary to take the following measurements:

  • Apron length (from chest to knee).
  • Apron width (half hips).
  • Center of the chest.

Important! If your height is about 165-170 cm, and the size is from 50 to 52, then you can safely begin to sew this apron. To create it, you will need about 85 cm of material, 90 cm wide. If you need to make the product longer, add as many centimeters of fabric as you want it to be long.

Cutting material:

  1. Fold the material in half so that the edges are flush with each other.
  2. We make allowances for seams along the length of the future apron (+2 cm).
  3. We set aside the bottom and left to the right, half the width of the apron (hip circumference + seam allowances).
  4. From the resulting line, fold up 46 cm.
  5. Fold the top of the material from left to right, half of the center of the chest (taking into account +1 cm allowances).
  6. Round the armhole.
  7. Cut out the future apron.


Pattern of small parts of the apron:

  1. A pocket of any shape you like - round, semi-oval, square (you can have two pockets, but smaller).
  2. Two lateral ties 40-50 cm long, at least 2 cm wide. If the waist circumference is greater than 110, then we make the ties longer.
  3. The neck tie is 65 cm long and at least 4 cm wide. As a result, it will turn out to be 1 cm wide, as it will have to be folded and stitched.
  4. Quilling for the lower part of the product 142 cm long.
  5. Quilling for the top of the apron 52 cm long, 6 cm wide.

When all the small details are ready, you can start creating an apron.

We sew an apron:

  1. Iron the ties one centimeter from 3 sides, fold them in half and sew all three sides (seam width no more than 0.1 cm).
  2. We also iron the top tie and fold it in half along the length, sew it along the edge, width - 0.1 cm. After stitching, iron it well.
  3. The upper and lower ruffles should be overcast on the short side, the seam width is not more than 1 cm. Then we hem the bottoms of both parts by 3 mm. We collect ruffles so that the top becomes 26 centimeters long, and the bottom -70 centimeters. Evenly distribute the landing of ruffles and iron them.
  4. Hem the top section of the pocket half a centimeter, fold and do it again.
  5. Stitch a 1 cm open pocket cut with a beautiful seam.
  6. Trim the longest part of the top pocket trim.
  7. Sew the lower ruffle to the bottom of the apron, the stitch width is not more than 1 cm.
  8. Cover the seam with an overlock and iron it, and then make a finishing stitch by 1 mm.
  9. Position the pocket in the center of the product, fasten it with small pins.
  10. Next, catch it with two stitches.One is 1 mm wide from the edge and the other half a centimeter. In the middle of the pocket, fasten it so that the part does not come off.
  11. Sew the upper quilling to the apron and sweep the upper tie from the wrong side.
  12. We cut over the lateral sections of the apron with an overlock.
  13. Sew the side ties on both sides of the apron. We do this from the wrong side of the product, the stitch width is 0.5 - 1 cm.

Thus, you have a very good do-it-yourself apron for your hairdresser, which you can wear when cutting or cooking.

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We sew a children's hairdressing set

In order to sew a children's apron for a hairdresser and a cloak with your own hands, you should first make patterns. It is much easier to work with them, especially if you are a beginner needlewoman.

We cover a cloak:

  1. You will need a piece of fabric with a length and width of 80 cm (square).
  2. Fold the square of the material two times in half. It turns the canvas 40x40 cm.
  3. Using a centimeter, measure the bottom cut of the cape.
  4. Mark the neckline.
  5. We cut the cape and cut the material on one side along the shared thread.
  6. Cut a strip for processing the neck.
  7. We wrap the lower section of the product and its side sections.
  8. We sew the neckline section, sew a strip of fabric to it.
  9. Apply the edges of the strip with the front inward and grind.
  10. Turn the edges, straighten the corners. We fasten the stitching with a line on the sewing machine.
  11. Sew Velcro on both sides.

Important! In order to make a cloak, it is not necessary to fold the fabric into a square. You can immediately cut a circle with the required radius from a piece of fabric. Then the process of creating a wrap will take no more than half an hour.

In such a simple way, you can make a beautiful hairdresser's wrap. The size and length of the wrap will depend on how much fabric you used to create it. If you decide to make a short cape (for children), then the fabric will need no more than a meter in length and width.

Cut apron

Having prepared all the details of the future product, we proceed to stitch them:

  1. The shoulder sections should be sheathed using a sewing machine.
  2. We sew the neck with a slanting inlay.
  3. We sew the upper pocket cut and attach to the front of the product.
  4. From a small piece of fabric we make a detail for a badge. Next, sew it to the apron.
  5. We process the external sections of the product and prepare for the belt. Sew them to the product from the wrong side.

Important! You can sew a strip of lace for hairpins and clips to your pocket. In addition to the fact that the product will look beautiful with a lace strip, it is very convenient to attach small hairdressing details to it.

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Making a hairdressing set for children at home is very simple if you have a beautiful fabric and a sewing machine at hand.

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