Coarse water filter - a way to make water clean

The water that is supplied to our homes and apartments often does not even meet basic hygiene requirements. A coarse water filter will make the water in your home one step closer to what is considered clean. In this article we will tell you what this device is, what its types are, as well as the basic rules for installing and maintaining a rough filter for water.

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Why do I need a water pre-filter?

If water comes to a private house from natural sources (ponds or wells), then it contains a large amount of dirt, organic matter, clay, small grains of sand and other undesirable elements. In this case, you can’t do without a filter.

Another thing is urban apartment buildings. The owners of such a living space have doubts whether it is worth installing a rough filter, because the water undergoes various types of treatment, including mechanical, until it gets into the apartment. However, you should not rely heavily on such filtering, since the state of communal, trunk and intra-house networks often leave much to be desired.

Water passing through the pipes entails fragments of rust and limescale from their walls. Such water, which has abrasive actions, leads to rapid wear of gaskets and other sealing parts of plumbing, and also provokes the appearance of malfunctions in water flow meters.

Important! Such water is especially dangerous for household appliances: washing machines, water heaters, dishwashers.

An effective way to protect yourself from such problems is to install a pre-filter.

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Principle of operation of the coarse water filter

Such devices work quite simply. Water passes through a certain filter in the form of a fine-mesh mesh of metal, which traps all small solid particles in it. After that, the water purified from dirt enters the points of tapping or is subjected to more thorough cleaning.

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Types of coarse filters

Devices can vary in their shape, the method of installation in the water supply network, the type of filter element. Despite all these differences, filters for rough water treatment for the home have the same principle of operation.


The filtering element of this device is a metal mesh. As a rule, it is made of stainless steel and has cells from 50 to 400 microns. This type of water purifier is the most common and popular, due to its characteristics of long-term operation without the need to replace filter elements.

The mesh device may differ in layout and method of tapping into the plumbing system.

Flange and coupling

The difference between such filters for rough water purification consists only in the way it is connected to the pipe:

  • If the pipe has a diameter of 2 or more inches, then a flange cleaner is installed.Such a connection allows, if necessary, to remove the device without dismantling other elements of the system. A similar installation is foreseen in advance in the process of designing a water supply system.
  • If the pipe has a small diameter, the filter is connected to it using quick-release union nuts or screwed directly onto the pipe.

Straight and oblique

All filters have a tank where water is purified, inlet and outlet pipes. Depending on the location of the sump, the filters are divided into oblique and straight:

  • At a direct coarse water filter, the sump is perpendicular to the downward flow. Its dimensions can be large enough, which improves the quality of the filtration process.

Important! When passing through a large sump, the water speed decreases, and large particles of dirt settle to the bottom. After that, the water reaches the grid and is purified from smaller suspended particles.

  • The sump at the oblique filter is at an angle to the direction of the water. Such devices are used where it is impossible due to lack of space using a direct filter. The sump of such cleaners is closed with a flange cover or screw plug.

Mud flushing system

Some direct filters and all oblique ones are equipped with a cover that can be removed. Their cleaning in the event of obvious clogging is accompanied by the dismantling of the entire device.

Direct filters with a flushing system have a special outlet valve. Through it, you can drain all the accumulated sediment and clean the device with a direct or reverse flow of water.

Cartridge or cartridge

This type of filter is often used in domestic conditions. This is a wall-mounted structure with a bulb of impressive dimensions made of an opaque or transparent material. Replaceable cartridges of extruded polypropylene pressed fiber are placed in the flask, polyester or twisted thread. The ability to clean such items may vary. As a rule, cartridges of 20-30 microns are used for rough cleaning.

Important! Clogged with dirt elements can not be washed. As necessary, they should be replaced with new ones.

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How to install a coarse water filter?

To properly install such a cleaner, you should follow some important recommendations.

Installation Rules:

  • The best option is to install a rough water filter in front of the meter. In most cases, due to limited space, an oblique filter is used. Thus, you protect the counter mechanism from clogging by large particles and its damage.
  • To facilitate the washing process of the oblique filter, it is installed with the bulb down on a horizontal section of the pipe.

Important! Be sure to consider the direction of movement of the water flow indicated by the arrow on the product body.

  • An oblique filter can also be placed on a vertical section of the pipe, but under the condition that water will flow in a downward direction.
  • When installing a direct filter, use only a horizontal length of water supply.

Important! For cleaning work, consider the possibility of removing the flask.

  • Do not mount the filter with the lid up. The sump of any device should point down.

Installation Order:

  1. Turn off all water supply.
  2. Use an adjustable wrench to install the equipment.

Important! The filter for hard water purification is attached to the pipe using a thread or bolt connection using adapters, nuts, and shafts.

  1. Open the drain valves under the appliance and flush the equipment.
  2. Return the device to working position after 30 seconds.
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How to clean the coarse strainer?

Cleaning of such equipment should be regular. Care of the filter elements will directly affect the quality of domestic water.


  1. Turn off the hot and cold water supply.
  2. Unscrew the sump cover using an adjustable wrench.
  3. Remove the mesh and rinse it.

Important! An old toothbrush will come to help in removing dirt.

  1. Replace the mesh element.

Important! If the mesh is damaged, it must be replaced with a new one.

  1. Wind the insulation tape over the thread again and replace the gasket between the sump and the cover.
  2. Screw the cover tightly.
  3. Turn on the water and make sure that there are no leaks.
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How to clean the rough filter cartridge?

As mentioned above, such filters are not cleaned in the usual way. They simply replace the old cartridge with a new one.


  1. Shut off all water supply in the apartment.
  2. Remove the flask and remove the dirty cartridge.
  3. Replace the old new filter element.
  4. Mount the flask into place.

Important! Thoroughly screw the flask all the way with a special key. In this way you ensure the tightness of the connection.

  1. Turn on the water and check the system for leaks.

Important! Filters with a flushing system are cleaned by regularly opening the tap located at the bottom of the bulb. Thus, the grid and the flask are cleaned by the pressure of water. The dirty stream should be diverted to the sewer or collected in a container previously set up.

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How to choose a rough water filter for home or garden?

When choosing one or another type of filter, some important parameters should be considered:

  • The degree of water pollution. This indicator can be determined using laboratory analysis. Based on the results, experts will help determine the choice of filter.
  • Intensity of water use. The average consumption of water per person by the standards is 200 liters per day.
  • The mesh size of the mesh or cartridge. It is this parameter that determines the degree of water purification. To reduce the frequency of cleaning the device and increase its service life, you can install two filters in series, first with a large mesh, and then with a fine one.
  • The choice of a cleaning device should also be based on the following characteristics: filter capacity, permissible temperature and pressure, section diameter, type of connection.
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Cleaning Filter Manufacturers

The leading manufacturers of water filters are:

  • Russian brands: “Aquaphor”, “Barrier”, “Geyser”.
  • Germanic: “Bluefilters Group”.
  • Scottish: “Hubert”.

The cost of the cleaning device depends on the complexity of the design, the availability of additional equipment in the kit, the cleaning efficiency and other filter parameters.

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To provide your home with clean water, it is better to filter it. After rough cleaning, the water is far from perfect, but it can already be filtered in a more thorough way. Installing the filter on the pipe of the water supply system is not difficult, but before that you should choose the right device for your home. In this matter, it is best to turn to specialists, because the safety of your household appliances, plumbing meters and fine filters will depend on this.

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