Home Water Filters

One of the factors of health care is clean water. In addition, with purified water there is less risk of damage to plumbing and heating equipment. For this reason, many at the design stage of water supply think about a water filtration plant. In apartment buildings, things are no better. Outdated water purification equipment, rusty pipes - all this does not contribute to improving the quality of the life-giving moisture we consume. For this reason, you need to take care of the purification of drinking water yourself. And home water filters help with this.

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Individual approach

Installation of filtering devices is necessary, no one argues. But even more difficult for people is the question of choice. An incorrectly selected filter can not only not fix, but also exacerbate the situation. Water becomes not only useless, but also dangerous for consumption.

A huge assortment of filtering devices is presented on the modern market. They differ both in appearance and in functionality (operating principle, working resource, etc.). At the same time, the priority was and remains the intended purpose of the device.


There are such types of filters:

  • Board.
  • Pitcher
  • Nozzles for filtration (in an extensive assortment).
  • Systems using reverse osmosis.
  • Stationary installations for cleaning.
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Line Filters

These are perhaps the most popular filtering devices. They are mounted at the point of supply of the water supply system in the room. According to experts, the best option is mechanical filters for water purification for the home.

Their main advantages can be attributed.

  • Good quality cleaning.
  • Easy installation.
  • Reliability, convenience and profitability during operation.

Mechanical devices may seem rather primitive, but recently they have been significantly improved. In their production, the best materials are used, modern technologies are used.

Important! It is necessary to clean not only tap water, but also well water, and that which is supplied from specially drilled wells. This is necessary to rid the water of sand and suspended particles. Artesian water is also no exception to this rule.

So, a mechanical filter is capable of:

  • Remove mechanical impurities from water - colloidal compounds, sand, clay, rust.
  • Make water transparent, improve its color.
  • Eliminate unpleasant odor.

Important! Typically, the range of captured particles ranges from 1 to 200 microns. The cartridge filter removes particles with a size of 1-80 microns, and a wash filter - 20-200 microns.

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Flow filter

In many modern houses and apartments, these devices are installed that purify water in two, three or more stages. As a rule, these are flow filters. Their main feature is the lack of storage tanks. As a rule, they are installed under the sink, which means that they do not spoil the interior. At the same time, they are very relevant and useful.

The most popular is the two-stage option:

  1. The first step is a rough mechanical cleaning of tap water from impurities: sand, scale or rust.
  2. The second stage is adsorption treatment.Water passes through a cartridge with pressed activated carbon, and is purified from chlorine and organics. This eliminates unpleasant odors and foreign tastes.
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Adsorption filters

The carbon adsorption filter for water purification for the home is one of the most popular. And this, in general, is fair. The device effectively cleans water from mechanical impurities, chlorine, microorganisms.

The design is simple:

  • This is a flask made of plastic.
  • As a filter element, compressed activated carbon is used.
  • Periodically filtering “stuffing” needs to be changed. Both complete systems and their individual elements are sold.

Important! The working life of the adsorption device is from 2 to 12 months. It depends on the condition of the water supply system, on the amount of water consumed and its initial composition.

The main principle of using such a system is the regular replacement of cartridges with filler. Knowing the chemical composition of water, you can choose the filter layer yourself. The efficiency of water purification in this case will be much higher.

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Magnetic nozzles

These are practical and simple devices that are worn directly on the crane. Their main advantages are compactness and incredible ease of use. The filter element is manufactured using modern technology. When water passes, it retains trace elements, chlorine and other not very useful compounds.

Important! Water passed through the device does not scale and is saturated with aragonite particles.

The best option is to install magnetic water filters for the home at the very beginning of the water supply. The device needs periodic cleaning (approximately every 2 years).

Important! The device creates a magnetic field around itself. Therefore, care must be taken to install it as far as possible from magnetic media and electrical appliances. If you ignore this rule, the equipment can quickly fail.

Water passing through a magnetic device changes its structure. The benefits of using a filter immediately become apparent:

  • Save money due to a significant reduction in the use of detergents.
  • Extension of the working life of kitchen appliances.
  • Safety of use.
  • Lack of stains from washing on a tile.
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Water softeners

The problem of hard water (with a high content of magnesium and calcium salts) is one of the most urgent. It manifests itself in the following:

  • When heavily soiled, detergents are ineffective.
  • The appearance of scale in the kettle.
  • Significant reduction in the life of household appliances. Even the highest quality washing machines and dishwashers quickly fail.
  • People with sensitive skin have a burning sensation and discomfort.
  • Deterioration of hair condition.

Important! The use of special systems to soften water helps to resolve these issues. Water is passed through a special device with a layer of ion-exchange resin. Filters of this kind have a self-healing function, so their working life is about 5 years.

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How to choose water filters for a private home: an express overview of brands and successful models

A brief overview is also a master class of your choice.

Aquafor Favorite

This is a high-performance stationary device. The cartridge has a multilayer structure, with different-sized cells. This increases filtration efficiency. One of the filter elements is the innovative Aqualen material.


  • The resource of the device is 12 thousand liters.
  • Cartridge replacement frequency - 1 time per year.

Geyser Bio

The stationary filter with cleaning in 3 steps. The device uses unique aragon material. The quality of water treatment is excellent thanks to ion-exchange resins and silver.


  • The resource of the device is 25 thousand liters.
  • Self-regeneration of the cartridge with citric acid and soda is possible.

New Water - Expert

The number of cleaning steps from 3 to 5. Fillers for filtration:

  • Activated carbon;
  • ion exchange resin;
  • shungite.

The premium system models have a microcapillary membrane that neutralizes bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. Cartridge resource is 8 thousand liters.

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We hope that the information presented in the article will be useful for you, and you can choose the right filter for water for the home, which will ensure safety for your health.

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