Gas meters in the apartment - how to choose?

The high price of utilities is almost one of the most important problems for people. Moreover, many rightly believe that they significantly overpay for resources. The installation of metering devices helps to solve the problem. A gas meter is one of such devices that will help you significantly reduce costs, because buying and installing it will pay off in a few months. Let's try to understand the types of devices, and also decide which of the metering devices is better. Consider gas meters in an apartment - how to choose, by what criteria?

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To know how to choose gas meters in an apartment, we give a classification of apartment units, starting from the principle of operation.


  • This is a simple and reliable design.
  • Membrane gas meters are relatively inexpensive, but have significant dimensions.
  • Such a design is produced by both domestic and foreign companies.
  • The device is absolutely safe and durable. Its working life is about 30 years.

The principle of operation is simple. The gas flow causes the diaphragm to shift. The counting mechanism takes into account the amount of gas you use.

Important! The disadvantage of membrane meters is that if it is necessary to measure large volumes of gas, it can give inaccurate readings.


  • The frequency of verification of such metering devices is at least once in 5 years.
  • These devices work almost silently.

These are important pluses.

The main detail of such a device is two rotors, forming a kind of “eight” between themselves. The gas consumption is calculated by the movement of the rotors.

Important! The downside is the low accuracy. Not a very pleasant feature is that it is not reliable enough and fails more often than others.


  • This is the most accurate gas meter.
  • The device is compact, has a modern design, works completely silently.
  • The frequency of verification is much less frequent compared to rotary ones - once in 10-12 years.
  • Counters are suitable for installation both in residential premises and in industrial enterprises.

Important! They have one drawback - a relatively high cost.


If your gas consumption is limited to a column or stove, then the best gas meter for the apartment will be a rotary type device or an electronic one.

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How to choose a gas meter for a private house?

When choosing a gas meter for an apartment, the following factors are considered.

  • Dimensions of the device, its installation location.
  • Cost.
  • Noise at work.
  • The length of the period between two calibrations.
  • The value of the limit norms of gas consumption.

Other features:

  • The choice of a meter depends on external conditions - ideal if the range of operating temperatures is from -20 to +60 degrees.
  • If the unit is too noisy and / or oversized, it is advisable to install it in the pantry. A more compact version is for the kitchen.
  • Given the need for periodic inspection of the device, it is necessary that access to it be free.

Important! When planning your purchase budget, deciding which gas meter is best to put in the house, consider the installation costs. It is advisable to entrust the installation of a gas meter in the apartment to specialists.

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Overview of manufacturing companies

Russian companies produce devices that are best suited for gas consumption in the countries of the former USSR. We give the rating of gas meters for the apartment.


  • Counters from this company are often used for apartments with a gas stove.
  • The gas pipeline lowering can be both vertical and horizontal.
  • The period between the two calibrations is 12 years.

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  • This is a trademark of membrane or ultrasonic type devices.
  • Designed for gas consumption of about 10 cubic meters per hour.
  • The company produces counters, both domestic and industrial.grand-3-2


  • The company produces inkjet apparatus for gas metering in an apartment.
  • The minimum working life of the device is 12 years.

Important! Popular products and brands such as "Electrical Appliance", "Vector" or "Signal".

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Installation Features

It turns out that buying an accounting machine in an apartment is not all. How to mount a gas meter in an apartment?

  • The first step is to submit an application to the gas supply service for the installation of the meter. Further - technical requirements. The minimum height of the device is 1.6 m. It is necessary to leave a gap of 3 cm between the wall and the fixture. This will reduce the risk of corrosion of the device.
  • It is also necessary to ensure that the meter is installed in a well-ventilated area, in no case near water or heating equipment.
  • Before installation, you need to take care of the dust filter, without which the device will not work properly.
  • After installing the counter, the wizard will make a note in the technical passport to the device. Alternatively, you can contact the gas service to register the device.
  • The following is sealing the gas meter.

Important! In addition, such documents must be signed.

  • Agreement (in duplicate).
  • Acceptance certificate (in duplicate).
  • The act of putting the device into operation (in triplicate).
  • Maintenance contract (in triplicate).
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Only after signing all the documents you can begin to operate the meter. And after reading the article, you will learn how to choose the best gas meter for the home.

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