The gas meter turns quickly - what to do?

Recently, in large cities and megacities more and more actively began to change to new gas and electric meters. If earlier they could be found only on communal pipes, today they are installed in every apartment. Due to the fact that gas prices are constantly rising, people are trying to find any possible savings, just not to pay at generally accepted tariffs, but to account for the cubic meters actually consumed. But more and more often there are questions on the network regarding the fact that the brand new gas meter is spinning quickly and how to trick it or rewind the wound cubes at home. What to do in a similar situation, where to turn and what measures to take. we will learn from the next article. And these situations really require attention, because it even happens that the counters wind up twice as much as people used to install them.

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What to do if the gas meter breaks, how to get around this problem?

If you find that the meter winds up too quickly or, on the contrary, the consumption of cubes is not recorded, that is, the numbers do not move at all, you must immediately contact the emergency gas service. So what to do if the gas meter shakes a lot or stops working?

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. If there is no leak, that is, there is no smell of gas, but the meter does not work, then you can safely use it, because you yourself do not have the right to turn it off, and you can satisfy your needs.
  2. Waiting for a representative of the city gas service, in no case do not climb to the meter yourself, so as not to violate the integrity of the seals, otherwise you can’t avoid penalties.
  3. Upon the arrival of specialists, do not take their eyes off them, carefully monitor their every action so that they themselves do not accidentally damage the seal, and then do not turn all the responsibility on you. By the way, such situations are quite common, and the craftsmen begin to extort money from the residents in order to resolve this issue on a voluntary basis.
  4. The team must attest to the integrity of the seals.
  5. After a detailed inspection, your meter can be dismantled and taken away for the purpose of examination and repair, and if it cannot be repaired, then the specialist must write you a document to replace it.

The financial side of this issue depends on who has your counter on the balance sheet. During the absence of the device, a monthly fee is charged according to the conditions specified in the contract - more often the average gas consumption figures are taken.

Important! If a leak is detected, immediately shut off the gas and in no case use the stove.

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How to independently verify that the counter winds too much?

To check if your own gas device is cheating on you, you need to perform several very simple actions, namely:

  1. First you need to check whether it is shaking when absolutely all gas appliances in the house or apartment are turned off. If so, then most likely there is a leak or an illegal connection to your device.
  2. Turn on the device for fifteen minutes at full power and compare the gas flow rate indicated in the passport of your device and the changes that occur.
  3. If there is an electronic scoreboard on the meter and readings are read even when the gas tap is closed, then it is very likely to claim the presence of so-called stray currents, the nature of which is not always possible to determine.

Important! More often they arise due to improper connection of stoves with electric ignition in neighboring apartments or when using special gas outlets.

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The most common causes of gas meter breakdowns

Only a specialist is able to determine exactly why the gas meter shakes a lot. What to do in this case to the residents of the house? Of course, less amateur activity, because in such situations it does not lead to anything good. These devices are too complicated in terms of the device and features of operation to understand them independently.

The causes of gas overruns are usually the following factors:

  1. Most often, the cause of meter failure is a problem that arose in gas equipment and the features of natural gas consumption. For example, if you use 10-20 cubic meters of gas per month, while using a gas boiler with only one wick, then you need to reconsider the effectiveness of such a huge consumption, because this is a pretty decent figure. In such a situation, it is necessary, first of all, to evaluate how efficiently your house retains heat. You may have to insulate it, and then the gas consumption is guaranteed to decrease markedly.
  2. Banal leak. By the way, when it occurs, you may not feel the smell of gas. But fault diagnosis can be safely done independently. You just need to coat the gas valve and all connections with a foam solution made from ordinary shampoo or soap. If bubbles form, it means that the leak is absolutely taking place and you need to urgently call a specialist.
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In this article, we examined all the reasons why a gas meter quickly turns or does not turn at all, and composed for you step-by-step instructions on what to do in such situations. We hope you managed to solve the problem competently and quickly.

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