Sealant for a bathroom

When repairing a bathroom, after laying tiles, installing a bath bowl, washbasin and other elements of plumbing, all joints are sealed. This prevents the accumulation of excess moisture, the appearance of mold and other unpleasant phenomena. But high-quality protection is possible only if the correct sealant for the bathroom. Which tool will become more suitable among the whole huge assortment of the modern market, you will learn from this article.
to contents ↑Where is sealant used?
Before you determine which sealant for the bathroom is better, you need to clearly determine the purpose of its use, more precisely - where exactly will you apply this building mixture to seal the joints. Basically apply it this way:
- for sealing joints between the shower and the wall;
- to seal the junction of the toilet, washbasin, bathtub to the wall;
- for sealing the joints of sewer pipes and plumbing with plumbing equipment;
- when installing mirrors.
Types of sealants based on the material
Sealant for bathroom against mold can be made on a different basis:
- acrylic;
- silicone;
- composition of acrylic and silicone;
- polyurethane.
to contents ↑Important! Each of these options finds its application. A more suitable choice depends on where, by whom and when exactly it will be used, since each material has not only its own special properties, but also the complexity of the application technology to one degree or another.
The best sealant for the bathroom
Silicone sealant for the bathroom is considered the best, especially if you do not have the skills to work with similar materials.
Important! Building mixtures on this basis are represented by a wide range of lines and can have different purposes. In order not to make a mistake when choosing, pay attention to the presence of special markings - “sanitary sealant for the bathroom”.
Features of the composition of sanitary sealant:
- The composition of the sanitary sealant eliminates the presence of all kinds of impurities that can affect the quality result of the use of such a building mixture. In this case, modifying additives can be added, but they only improve the properties of the mixture. The most common are fungicides, which provide surfaces in the bathroom with high-quality antifungal and antibacterial protection.
- Sanitary sealant for the bathroom gives a maximum shrinkage of 2%, which allows you to connect movable joints of different designs, and also use this material as a lining when installing plumbing fixtures to compensate for the shortcomings of factory casting.
- According to the type of reaction and composition, silicone-based bathroom sealants are divided into neutral and acidic. The first are universal, as they are suitable for combining any materials. Acidic - have a pronounced pungent odor and limitations in use, in particular they are not suitable for joining metal elements.
- On the marking of sanitary sealant for the bathroom should be marked with a temperature range during operation. Standard values correspond to -50 ... + 200 C.
- The consumption of the silicone mixture is quite economical, since a tube with a volume of 300 ml is enough for 17-18 linear meters, if a sealant for the bath is applied with a layer with a cross section of 3-4 mm.
to contents ↑Important! The formation of the film after applying the building silicone mixture occurs after 20 minutes, and the complete curing of the material occurs after 24 hours.
Alternative to silicone for bath
As mentioned above, the best sealant for the bathroom is silicone, but material on this basis is not the only solution. Alternative options have such features:
- Acrylic. When choosing such a mixture, you must carefully look at the labeling, as these solutions are moisture-proof and non-moisture resistant. When working, it is advisable to apply it only to fixed elements, since the material does not have high elasticity. Despite the existing limitations, such a solution is quite cheap and easy to use.
- Silicone-acrylic sealant for the bathroom. This composition is characterized by the highest values of durability, strength and elasticity, which is due to the combination of substances in the base.
- Polyurethane - has high characteristics of adhesion, elasticity and strength. Such a solution after hardening is not afraid of moisture, mechanical stress, easily withstands painting, and sets and completely dries out after 8 hours. The disadvantages include only a pungent smell during operation and high toxicity, which necessitates strict adherence to safety regulations.
to contents ↑Important! There are other types of sealants - bituminous, thiokol. But they are not used for filling seams in bathrooms.
Choosing a sealant manufacturer
The quality of the repair work performed depends not only on what type of material you prefer. Of great importance in this regard is the brand under which the sale of sealant is carried out. It is necessary to give preference to materials only from reliable manufacturers, whose products are characterized by stable high quality. These include:
- Macroflex (Finland). Under this brand for more than 3 decades, adhesives and sealants have been released to the world market, which are distinguished by excellent performance characteristics. Silicone sealants for the bathroom from this manufacturer are easy to use and are suitable for both professional use and private domestic repairs.
- Moment (Russia). The products of this domestic brand have been in steady demand among consumers of different classes for almost 1.5 hundred years. Modern building mixtures are made in accordance with the latest technological trends. Affordable price with consistently impeccable quality and is the main reason for the wide popularity of “Moment” solutions for various purposes among professional builders and home craftsmen of the CIS countries.
- Sudal (Poland). Under this brand, a wide range of sealants, adhesives, dry building mixes and ready-made mortars for finishing and construction work is produced. The quality assurance and product safety is confirmed by international certificates according to ISO 9001.
- Titan (Poland). One of the most sought after brands in the global construction chemistry market. Products of the “sealants” category belong to the professional class of solutions and are intended for a wide range of work. In the assortment of this company you can choose a sealant for the bath with any component composition.
- Ceresit. A world leader who is steadily occupying the first sales position in any country. The constant introduction of innovative technologies, the stable expansion of the product line, the developed service network, affordable prices with excellent quality of any materials - these are the reasons why home craftsmen and professional builders in most cases prefer products of this particular brand.
to contents ↑Important! There are other well-established manufacturers in the budget and high price range. The main thing is to rely on the opinion of representatives of the construction store, customer reviews and consider the information below. Then the sealant you purchased for the bathroom will perform its functions for a long time and properly.
Useful tips for choosing a sealant:
- Pay attention to the correct spelling of the brand on the packaging and the availability of all technical information about the purpose, characteristics and application.All data should be given in the language of your country in an accessible and correct form.
- Check with the representative of the store the quality certificates of the products offered to you to be sure that the goods offered to you meet the declared characteristics.
- Be wary of not only the specific type of sealant, but also the brand’s products as a whole, if the packaging has faded labels, the weight of the tube is more than 340 g with a volume of 310 ml, if the cost of mortar is too low or “100% silicone” appears on the label.
Sealant application
To correctly apply the sealant for the bathroom, proceed according to this algorithm:
- Clean the bath or other surface you need from dirt.
- Dry it thoroughly. If you need to speed up this process, use a hairdryer.
- Stick masking tape on an adjacent surface to make clear borders of the seams.
- Cut the tip of the tube at an angle so that the cross section matches your preferred seam width.
- Insert the tube into the construction gun.
- Lightly pull the trigger and apply strips of material on the desired surface.
- Try to deepen the solution as far as possible into the seam.
- Put your hands on gloves, lightly moisten and brush with soapy water. Then - slide your fingers over the sealant to even the seam along the joint.
- After setting, cut off the excess with a sharp knife.
- In addition, smooth the silicone on the seam with a damp cloth.
- Remove masking tape and wait until it has completely hardened.
to contents ↑Important! If you are doing such work for the first time, at the same time as purchasing the sealant itself, buy a special solution for washing it off. The seam may not be very neat or silicone bath sealant will get on your skin, clothing. The fastest and most accurate way you can remove it is with the help of a special wash.
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Now you have an idea about such a group of products as a sealant for the bathroom and it will not be difficult for you to choose the right solution for performing repairs in the bathroom. Thoroughly close all seams to preserve the strength and attractiveness of the installed equipment and laid floor, wall coverings. Good luck and a speedy completion of the repair!
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