Geyser coffee maker or Turk - which is better?

For a coffee connoisseur, preparing a fragrant drink is not difficult. Moreover, in various ways. Some use classic cezve turks, and some like a geyser type coffee maker. Let's try to figure out: which of the options is preferable, what is the secret to the success of the usual traditional Turks? Finally, a geyser coffee machine or a Turk - which is better? Consider each of the options for brewing coffee in more detail.

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Turk is a vessel with a wider bottom and a relatively narrow neck. This contributes to better preservation of the taste and aroma of the drink.

Important! On sale there are cezves from stainless steel, aluminum, copper, less often - ceramics. Practice shows that the best coffee is obtained in a copper cezve.

Rules for making coffee

The quality of a drink made in a Turk depends entirely on the skills of the person who is engaged in this same preparation. It is important to observe the following rules:

  • To prepare coffee, you need to use clean, preferably filtered, water.
  • Do not save on coffee beans. Observe the water-to-coffee powder proportions. Otherwise, there can be no talk of a quality drink.
  • You need to cook slowly, over low heat.
  • Choose a Turk with a narrow neck so that the coffee foam clogs it.
  • As soon as the drink began to boil, you must immediately remove it from the heat, and after a couple of seconds return it to its place. It is advisable to do these manipulations 2-3 times.
  • Grains should be finely ground. Beans must be ground immediately before brewing coffee.
  • To improve the taste of coffee, it is advisable to add 1-2 crystals of salt to the drink.
  • You can make coffee with ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, but in very small quantities so as not to spoil the final taste.

Important! The principle of coffee in Turk is mixing. When boiling a water-coffee mixture, the components are mixed. We get a gorgeous tasty drink with an amazing smell.

bankoboev-ru_tu_8764But this method also has certain disadvantages, which, like the pluses, must be taken into account when choosing a geyser coffee machine or a Turk - which is better?


  1. One has only to gape a little, as the coffee powder brewed in the Turk runs away. You need to react almost instantly, since the stove will be dirty, and you will be left without coffee.
  2. Coffee making in Turk requires constant attention. You can’t leave the stove, you need to constantly stir the coffee and continuously monitor the process of its preparation.


  1. The low cost of the Turks, affordable to everyone.
  2. Participation in the coffee brewing process. For some it’s a disadvantage, but for someone it’s an advantage. Such is the dialectic. A true coffee lover and connoisseur enjoys not only consumption, but also the preparation of the drink.
  3. Washing a cezve is much easier and faster than a coffee maker.
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Geyser coffee maker

If you decide whether a coffee maker or a Turk is better, you need to know all the pros and cons of a geyser type coffee maker. The principle of operation of this device is not at all complicated. You pour water into the lower tank, pour coffee into the filter.

There are electric and stovetop coffee makers. Due to the pressure created by boiling water, the steam rises to the upper tank, saturated with coffee taste and aroma.

Important! Since water passes through the filter under pressure, it completely absorbs the smell and taste of the ground powder. The drink is extremely tasty.


  1. The need for periodic replacement of the gasket and filter. If these parts wear out, the coffee maker ceases to function normally.
  2. The need to clean the coffee maker after each use to prevent clogging of the safety valve or filter.


  1. There is no fear that coffee will “run away”. This means that there is no need for process control.
  2. Compact size, easy storage. Compared to coffee machines and drip devices, the geyser takes up little space, and the quality of the drink is no worse.
  3. Mobility. A small and unpretentious device in storage can be taken to the cottage or on a hike (full-size option). Cooktop appliances do not have a connection to a stove or a source of electricity.
  4. The readiness of the drink is signaled by a sound reminiscent of a soft murmur.
  5. Affordable prices. You can buy a good enough model by paying quite a bit for it.
  6. In brewed coffee is not thick.
  7. Due to the technology of preparation, the drink is very rich and tasty.
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To summarize: a geyser coffee machine or a Turk - which is better?

So, now we will put together all the advantages and disadvantages together and make a final decision on the issue of a coffee maker or a Turk - which is better:

  1. Making coffee with a geyser machine does not require special skills, while using a turk involves a certain knack.
  2. An automatic coffee machine signals the readiness of a drink with a specific murmur sound, and when brewing coffee in a Turk, it is important to “not miss a moment”.
  3. Turk is very easy to wash, while a coffee maker requires more complex and thorough care.
  4. The coffee in the coffee machine is more intense and delicious.

Important! Based on the foregoing, we can summarize this result:

  • A geyser coffee maker is an excellent choice for lovers of morning espresso coffee with an average strength. You can also brew tea and herbal mixtures in the coffee machine.
  • Classic Turk is the choice for gourmets. If you like to experiment with the taste of coffee, or, on the contrary, are conservative, but do not spare the time to prepare your favorite drink, this is your option.
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We hope that now you are definitely sure that it’s better for you personally - a Turk or a geyser coffee machine. Make coffee in the way that suits you, the main thing is that the drink is obtained in the perfect ratio of aroma and taste and gives you pleasure.

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