DIY felt garland

Recently widely used felt material. Interesting crafts can be made from such fabric, and the sewing process will be very simple. Felt material is used for the manufacture of curtain tacks, photo frames, Christmas decorations, brooches, earrings, bracelets, cases for smartphones and tablets, cases for glasses, passport covers - and this is not a complete list of manufactured products. At present, felt garlands with the names of both small children and adults are very fashionable and widespread. In this article we will look at what a garland of felt can be with your own hands, how to make it.

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What is felt?

There is an ancient legend that says about the accidental occurrence of felt when stalling wool in the shoes of nomads. Since that time, there has been an active use of this material for creating carpet products, clothes, tents. Currently, nomadic peoples continue to actively use this type of fabric in everyday life. The western world is characterized by the use of felt material in the textile industry, due to the presence of unusual qualities.

Important! Felt fabric is a special kind of wool and felt materials with an unusual structure. This is not even a material, but a non-woven fabric, which is made in a special way from wool fibers. Under pressure, using hot water and steam, cohesion of wool fibers occurs. With this method, there is no interweaving of fibers on the surface of the material, this is the basis of felting. For the manufacture of felt, which is sold in the store, rabbit or goat hair is used.

Felt Properties

Such material is characterized by unusual properties that contribute to convenience in the process of working with it:

  • when cutting the necessary details, it is not necessary to use overcast seams, since the edges of the fabric do not crumble;
  • the material does not have a wrong side;
  • has good strength properties, it is difficult to tear;
  • characterized by elastic properties;
  • The fabric is very soft and pleasant to the touch.

Important! Currently, clothes are not sewn from felt material, but they are made by developing books, original jewelry, children's toys, various pencil cases, all kinds of bags, interesting flowers, pillows in the form of animals or letters. They also create personalized garlands of felt with their own hands. Basically, such a peaceful activity serves as an interesting hobby for young mothers and girls who create very beautiful products.

Varieties of felt material:

  • Natural pure-wool fabric - such a material contains 90-100% of woolen threads.
  • Wool fabric - consists of 40-50% of wool fibers and other material, mainly viscose.

Important! Viscose is called natural polymer cellulose. The properties of viscose material are very similar to cotton or linen. Felt, consisting of 60% wool and 40% viscose, is the most common material.

  • Modern science has created a new artificial material based on acrylic, polyester or viscose.
  • There is also eco-felt, which is very similar to acrylic fabric. Acrylic material is created from plastic, and eco-felt is characterized by a manufacturing process in which plastic granules are replaced with recycled plastic bottles.This is the only difference.
  • Recently, felt from bamboo fiber has appeared, for which raw bamboo pulp is used. Also, viscose is also part of bamboo felt, since pure bamboo fiber is a coarse and tough material.

When choosing a fabric for making crafts or clothes, you need to carefully study the label, especially if there is an allergy to this type of fiber.

Important! Very often there is no information on the composition of the felt purchased. You can evaluate the quality of the material yourself, using such an ordinary household procedure as washing a sample that was previously sewn to white matter. Thus, it is possible to consider whether the felt has changed its size, and evaluate how much this material has faded.


Depending on what kind of felt crafts you plan to do, you may need useful tips on caring for the material. The procedure for caring for felt products is relatively simple:

  • The main condition is the timely cleaning of dust and dirt. To do this, you can use small brushes.
  • With severe pollution, ordinary kitchen salt and bran will help to cope with the problem.
  • Salinity on the product can be eliminated by applying a solution of an equal amount ammonia and water. After this treatment, wipe the product from felt with a waffle towel.
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Name garland made of felt

Felt material is often used to create a personalized garland.

The advantages of this application:

  • the ability to use a wide range of colors;
  • different thickness of the material - allows you to use it both for the base and for small parts;
  • the absence of the front side and the wrong side - simplifies the process of making a garland;
  • the presence of non-crumbling edges in the cut parts - makes it possible to reduce the time required for the manufacture of garland parts;
  • for felt material, elementary stitching and gluing are characteristic;
  • details of any size can be easily cut out of such fabric, even with ordinary simple scissors.

Important! Addressable products have been widely used recently. Craftsmen noted that the use of letters of a name or an indication of a significant celebration is a psychological moment that forms positive emotions and forms the basis of a personalized handmade garland of felt.

Main materials

In the process of working on a personalized garland of felt with your own hands, you will need various tools and materials.

Tools for cutting parts:

  • straight blade scissors;
  • scissors for cutting small parts;
  • scissors with a wavy-shaped blade, such as “zigzag”;
  • roller knife, which is used to work with thick felt;
  • punch for installing eyelets with which you can make small holes.

Tools for translating patterns to material:

  • tailor's chalk;
  • bar of soap;
  • self-disappearing marker for marking;
  • gel pen;9f306a3291021886776b3fd8b9f10c57

Materials for joining parts:

  • a set of ordinary sewing threads;
  • thread floss;
  • thin needles with a sharp end, used for manual sewing;
  • sewing machine;
  • transparent glue of waterproof class like PVA, “Moment”.

Important! Using a thermal gun or manual method, glue is applied in a thin layer so that the felt material is not saturated.

Types of fillers:

  • synthetic winterizer;
  • foam rubber;
  • sintepuh;
  • camphor;
  • holofiber.

Important! It is not recommended to use cotton wool or pieces of fabric to fill the product.

Stapling Methods

You can connect cut details manually or by machine:

  • In the manual connection method, both decorative and various simplest seams are used.
  • The machine method requires basic sewing machine skills.

Ways to care for finished products:

  • For small impurities, the brushing or vacuuming process is used.
  • For significant dirt and greasy stains, it is recommended to use a damp sponge with neutral class detergents.

Washing a personalized garland of felt:

  • It is made in the mode of delicate washing, with a water temperature not exceeding 40 °.
  • Do not spin the finished product. Using a towel, it is recommended to get the craft wet and carefully lay out on a horizontal plane for further drying.
  • If the product is deformed, it is necessary to apply steaming without touching the surface of the product.

Important! Glued products are not recommended to be steamed and wet cleaned.

Garland master class

Everyone is able to learn how to make registered garlands of felt with their own hands. Training workshops and online publications detail the process of manufacturing. There are a huge number of options for patterns, patterns, patterns. You can use them or be creative and come up with your own product.

There is no limit to the fantasy of making personalized garlands. To do this, consider:

  • Addressee age
  • attitude of the addressee to this event;
  • the purposes that the garland will serve;
  • Features placement decorations.

Important! In the case of the designation of a personalized garland for a small child, it can be supplemented with children's toys or elements that fulfill the developmental abilities of kids. You can also make the product in the form of pads, which you can touch and move.

For an adult, a garland with the image of hidden desires or unfulfilled ideas is suitable. If the decoration is intended for a large room, it is advisable to work out the overall composition.

Necessary materials:

  • felt of different thicknesses and two colors combining among themselves, for details and a basis;
  • ordinary scissors for cutting parts of the correct shape;
  • curly scissors for cutting wave-like edges of the base;
  • ordinary sewing threads;
  • needles;
  • sewing machine;
  • glue can be applied as desired.girlyanda4-8


How to make a personalized garland of felt with your own hands:

  1. Choose the colors of the felt that will be used and arrange them in order. The number of sheets should match the number of characters in the label. For convenience, you can number the sheets.
  2. Type the text, while choosing a more “puffy” font, so that the inscription looks more voluminous.
  3. Print, number and cut letters. The height of the letters should be about 12 cm.
  4. In two copies we make the process of cutting letters from felt.
  5. We make loops from felt scraps and sew them on the back of the letters.
  6. We insert a cord into these loops.
  7. Add the letters in order.
  8. We fasten the paper blanks of letters with synthetic winterizer segments. The letters are not very tightly packed so that they are more weightless.
  9. Cut a synthetic winterizer of a smaller size than the letter itself.
  10. We connect two felt blanks and a synthetic winterizer layer together, fasten with pins, so that it is convenient to stitch.
  11. Using a sewing machine, we sew along the contour of the workpiece, while we select the tone of the thread to match the color of the felt.

Important! Letters can be independent parts or be an application on some background.

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Christmas felt garland

The positive aspects of the do-it-yourself felt Christmas garland:

  • It is very simple and quick to make on its own;
  • the strength of the material allows you to not overcast the edges of the figures, so the seam can be done only for decorative purposes;
  • felt material retains its shape perfectly and does not crease at all.

As decorations for a Christmas garland, you can apply such details:

  • Cut a large number of circles of the brightest shades and pass them through a durable wide lace.
  • You can cut a lot of hearts, snowflakes, stars or tiny socks, attach a loop to them and hang these figures throughout the room, or decorate them with a Christmas tree.

Garland of figures

The simplest kind of garland is cut out circles connected by a machine line. To make such garlands is much easier than to sew toys. To do this, you just need to cut out the beautiful color of the figure and attach a loop to them.

Important! You can stick felt material of one color on another, while decorating toys with decorative elements. Thus, an unusual garland is obtained, which can decorate any room.

3D toy garland

On a Christmas tree, both single-layer felt ornaments and finished volumetric original toys look beautiful.

Important! You can apply the original version, in which to create a sequence of New Year's felt toys and jewelry from another material. Interesting ideas for implementation:

  • large beads and felt toys;
  • Christmas decorations made of glass or plastic with felt.

By stringing Christmas tree decorations on a thread, you can create a creative garland. It is not necessary to make a large number of identical decorations - just create an unusual New Year's composition.

Important! For the Christmas garland, Santa Claus is suitable, his gifts, several deers, the Snow Maiden, stars, clouds and other elements. Such a garland looks great on a Christmas tree, on a wall or on a window that is not curtained.

The manufacture of these products has several advantages:

  • products are made on their own;
  • this process is very fast;
  • develops fantasy and creative thinking;
  • the fabric does not change shape and does not crease.maxresdefault

Materials and Tools

For the manufacturing process you will need:

  • felt material;
  • threads of different colors;
  • pins
  • tape;
  • synthetic winterizer or similar filler;
  • decor elements.

Manufacturing process

How to make a Christmas garland of felt with your own hands:

  1. First you need to determine the length and cut out strips with a width of 3 cm.
  2. Connect the two colors, while at the end they must be fastened with a pin.
  3. 4 cm back from the pin, make an incision of exactly the same size. Then you need to step back 4 cm and make the exact same incision. We perform this procedure until the end of the tape.
  4. Take the end of the tape where the pin is and pull it out.
  5. Unscrew the end of the tape inward, pull a little.

Important! Such actions must be repeated with subsequent cuts. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the fabric so that the material does not move, but lies flat and neat. It is necessary to ensure that the twisting occurs in one direction.

  1. Draw a sketch of a Christmas toy.

Important! If there is no artistic ability, then you can use the printer and print out the picture, on which you can cut the necessary blanks.

  1. Having decided on a toy, you need to take several bright colors of the fabric and cut from it two identical blanks, where one should be from synthetic winterizer.
  2. Put the synthetic winterizer on one piece of fabric and cover with the second one on top.
  3. Flash this design.

Important! The stitching process can be done both manually and on a sewing machine. If the stitching procedure takes place manually, then it is necessary to apply thick threads and carry out this process with a visible seam. This procedure will help to decorate the product.

  1. Cut the tape into pieces 6 cm long.
  2. Sew one piece of tape to the top of the product.
  3. Repeat this process for the rest of the toys.
  4. Hang the finished product on a rope and secure with a thread to prevent slipping.
  5. Optionally, you can decorate toys with buttons, beads or sparkles.
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In this article, we offered you some ideas for making a decorative and personalized garland of felt with your own hands, and talked about all the advantages of using such material for crafts, how to care for them.We hope that the result of your needlework was successful, and you were convinced that this is a very simple process.

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