Hoverboard - TOP 10 best

Two-wheeled platforms appeared on the modern market quite recently, but managed to attract people's attention. Now they are at the peak of popularity and almost everyone wants to ride a gyro scooter. In sporting goods stores there is a huge selection of models, so everyone can find a suitable option for themselves. In this article we will consider what a gyro scooter can be, TOP-10 of the best, and the rules for choosing the model that suits you.
to contents ↑What is a gyro scooter?
The scooter is a new intelligent form of street transport. It consists of a small two-wheeled board, which moves with the help of two electric motors running on batteries.
Important! The first Segway was designed and manufactured in the United States of America, and now they are still popular. In the United States, such street transport is widely used by postal workers, patrol officers, golfers, and regular users.
The gyro scooter moves due to the tilting movements of the body:
- when leaning forward and pressing the pedal, the movement of street transport begins;
- to slow down or stop, it is necessary to tilt back;
- in order to turn, you need to move your weight to the right or left side.
Important! The gyro scooter is a very compact device on which you can easily navigate the modern streets of a big city. Such a platform takes up little space, it is convenient to take with you and carry it in the trunk of a car, subway and other public transport. The gyro scooter is characterized by the development of decent speed.
Unlike a cyclist or a skateboarder, the presence of a well-developed vestibular apparatus is not particularly important for the driver of this device, since the gyro scooter is equipped with special gyroscopic sensors that create balance. This allows the user to maintain balance.
Important! Not all models of the hoverboard have a steering column, since control is carried out by tilting or using the simplest button system located under your feet.
The gyro scooter is a rather unusual form of transport, which has both advantages and disadvantages. They help to form the TOP of the best gyro scooters.
The positive aspects of this device include:
- Small size and light weight. Street transport is a great alternative to a bicycle device, as it has compact dimensions and relative lightness. The scooter weighs no more than 10 kg.
- Excellent speed qualities. The gyro scooter is characterized by the ability to develop speed, which is much more than the speed of a pedestrian. Some models can reach speeds of up to 16-18 km / h.
- Availability of economy. Since the gyro scooter operates on battery power, it does not need any fuel. Each kilometer traveled consumes a minimum charge. To fully charge the battery, it takes very little time about 1-1.5 hours.
- Universality. The device of the gyroscope is able to withstand a sufficiently large driver weight, about 120 kg. Thus, both children and adults can ride on a gyro scooter, having completely different equipment - both thin and well-fed.
- Easy to manage.To make movements in the right direction, it is not necessary to use legs and arms, but rather use a torso.
- Large power reserve. The scooter can function for a sufficiently long period of time. There are models of two-wheeled platforms that are used for more than three hours without recharging, which is 15-20 km.
Along with the advantages, there are also disadvantages:
- The load on the legs is minimal. For those who get plenty of load on their legs, riding a hoverboard is justified. For those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, the complete absence of load on the legs when moving on a two-wheeled platform is not an entirely suitable option. In this case, the gyro scooter not only does not replace such a necessary pastime, but also becomes the cause of excess weight.
- While driving, there is no possibility of recharging. Models of gyro scooters do not have gas stations, like ordinary cars, so if there is a complete discharge of street transport, you will not be able to charge it.
- There is no way to drive on the road. On a two-wheeled platform, it is not only dangerous, but it is also strictly forbidden to travel on highways. Only on small roads in the countryside is movement on a gyro scooter permissible.
- When moving, there is limited space. Not every road will be suitable for the movement of a two-wheeled platform, and off-road is the more unsuitable variant of movement on a gyroscope.
to contents ↑Important! The presence of pits, potholes, or areas of lack of asphalt makes it impossible to travel by street transport. On a dense area of grass, the wheels of the gyro scooter are also not able to drive.
Criteria for choosing a hoverboard
Before you purchase a two-wheeled platform, you must decide in order to choose this device. It is she who will help to choose the best gyro scooter. Consider the main criteria that are recommended to be considered when choosing a personal vehicle.
Top speed
When purchasing street vehicles for fast dynamic movement, you need to pay close attention to the value of maximum speed. But if there is a quiet movement, or a hoverboard is purchased as a gift to a child, it is not necessary to be guided by this criterion.
Important! Depending on the choice of model, the speed of movement varies from 5 to 20 km / h.
Maximum load
Maximum load is the weight a two-wheeled platform can withstand. For any model of a hoverboard there is its maximum allowable load value, which ranges from 50 to 120 kg. When choosing the appropriate option for street transport, this criterion must be taken into account, since an incorrectly selected load leads to rapid wear of the two-wheeled platform and its damage.
Important! If a gyro scooter is purchased for a child, then in this case it is necessary to pay attention to the minimum weight value. Powerful devices can not always “notice” a child who has a small mass.
This criterion is not very important when choosing a street transport, if there is already information on the development of maximum speed and allowable weight. If these two criteria are high enough, it means that there is a powerful engine inside. In gyro scooters with a powerful engine there is the possibility of greater traction, a stable value of speed at the moments of rise and the characteristic ability to transport a person with a lot of weight.
Important! For a person with an average weight (60-80 kg), a model with power (600 -800 W) will become the best gyro scooter.
Charging time
Models of gyro scooters with a small indicator of recharge time are able to quickly carry out this process. This is an important criterion for people who have a dynamic lifestyle.
The presence of built-in Bluetooth and speakers
If you like music when traveling on a gyroscope, then it is possible to purchase a model that has Bluetooth and speakers built-in. For the safety of movement, the speakers are designed in such a way that the musical accompaniment of them makes it possible to listen to the surrounding sound well. When using headphones while driving, this is not possible.
Wheel diameter
Choosing a suitable model, it is necessary, first of all, to determine exactly the diameter of the wheels. For gyro scooters, this parameter varies from 4 to 20 inches:
- Models of gyro scooters with a small wheel diameter are very light and compact, and are also designed for roads with good cross-country ability. They are more suitable for slim women and children.
- The large diameter of the wheels is characterized by significantly better cross-country ability and comfort, since the gyro scooter can develop much greater speed and overcome difficult obstacles.
Important! If street transport has a wheel diameter of about 10 inches, then there is the possibility of overcoming quite serious obstacles - such as small bumps or even snow.
Lifting angle
Such a criterion is one of the additional ones. So, if you are going to move on a flat road, do not plan to overcome steep climbs, then there is no need to purchase a gyro scooter, which has a large lift / tilt angle.
Steering wheel
Basically, street transport models are available without a steering wheel. But initially, the powerful segway models had a steering wheel.
Important! If you want to buy a fairly expensive version of street transport, then it will be necessarily equipped with a steering column.
Production material
You need to pay serious attention to the material of manufacture of a personal vehicle. For the body you need high-quality plastic, which has strength properties.
Important! Such material must withstand any load, not deform and not burst upon impact. There will be many such situations at the beginning when the learning process takes place, since it is necessary to get used to this method of movement.
Weight and dimensions
Weight and dimensions also play a role. Thus, low mobility is characteristic of heavy street transport, and it is inconvenient to carry with it for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to adequately evaluate these parameters so that the gyro scooter subsequently does not cause problem situations.
Hydro protection of a hoverboard
Until recently, riding a gyroscope was possible only in warm, dry weather, since moisture ingress inside the gyroscope threatened to break the device and costly repairs. Now, new generation gyro scooters with aqua protection have begun to appear on the market, some models are even able to withstand complete immersion in water. In addition, protection from water allows you to use the gyro scooter in any weather, which is great news for fans of this type of electric transport. But it is worth paying attention that the choice should be given in favor of factory moisture protection, and not "artisanal" alterations. Only an official manufacturer's guarantee is the guarantee of the quality of the scooter.
Official Manufacturer's Warranty
An abundance of low-quality gyro scooters and fakes flooded the shelves of stores and it is increasingly difficult for inexperienced customers to understand the choice of not only a gyro scooter, but also the seller itself. You need to pay attention to the official guarantee, this is a service book, which lists the manufacturer's warranty obligations to the buyer. basically, stores give “their” guarantee for a scooter or enter into an agreement with private craftsmen and give a guarantee from them. Avoid buying gyro scooters from such sellers. In Russia there is an official service center for the repair of electric vehicles - Electrosmart, this is the only company authorized by manufacturers of spare parts for gyro scooters - Tao Tao, Lenzod, Samsung, YiyunTech, BigPower, Soorcoon, YJ and others. Therefore, be sure to ask the sellers for the availability of a company service book on a hoverboard from Electrosmart.This is a guarantee that you will buy a quality hoverboard.
to contents ↑Top manufacturers
Two-wheeled platforms appeared on the modern market quite recently. Currently, there is a huge selection of gyro scooter models. Personal vehicles are present in various price categories.
Important! Basically, wheel electric devices are produced by the USA and China:
- Americans are characterized by the high quality of their products and their corresponding price.
- Chinese manufacturers keep up with the times, copy reputed manufacturers and provide the largest assortment of two-wheeled platforms.
There are a number of companies with a leading position in the production and quality of personal vehicles. Rating of the best manufacturers of scooters:
- The Chinese company Smart Balance produces gyro scooters characterized by reliability, comfort and beautiful design.
- The Chinese manufacturer Hover Bot makes personal mobile devices of the middle price category, distinguished by durability.
- The Chinese company CROSSWAY is characterized by the release of high-quality gyro scooters with an interesting design.
- The Chinese manufacturer Wmotion makes a budget and reliable option for street transport.
- Zaxboard company produces premium gyro scooters, their main difference from competitors is factory water protection according to IP66 standard. They withstand complete immersion in water, moreover, Zaxboard gives a 3-year warranty on its gyro scooters, service centers are available in all major cities of Russia. What confirms the quality of these gyro scooters.
to contents ↑Important! Also on the modern market are children's models of gyro scooters. They have a smaller wheel diameter, models of such vehicles are much lighter, not so powerful and capable of developing low speed. A children's scooter with a bright design that emphasizes the individual abilities of the young driver is an excellent gift and entertainment for the child.
Rating - TOP 10 best gyro scooters
Today in the modern market there is a huge variety of gyro scooters. In order to facilitate the process of choosing the right model, consider the TOP of the best gyro scooters.
Smart balance wheel
Such a model is classic. Main characteristics:
- 7 inch wheels;
- a fairly powerful, fast-charging (on average about one and a half hours) battery that allows you to cover a distance of about 20 km;
- maintains weight about a centner;
- the presence of a small clearance does not allow it to be used in difficult terrain;
- excellent for long walks.
Xiaomi Ninebot mini
The appearance of the model is very different from other gyro scooters. The electronic component of the two-wheeled platform makes this vehicle easily controllable.
Of the basic characteristics, there are the following:
- wheel diameter is 8 inches;
- the maximum speed is 16 km / h, with a travel range of 22 km;
- moisture resistance is present;
- the power of two motors is 700 W;
- charging time - 4 hours;
- equipped with smart device sync function smartphone via bluetooth;
- the presence of a huge clearance - allows you to use transport on rather difficult sections of roads;
- high-quality, durable and lightweight material is used for the case;
Important! The presence of a huge number of various sensors and options makes it possible not only to easily control it from a distance, but also, if necessary, to put a gyro scooter on an alarm.
Leadway l1-a
The Leadway L1-A model has built-in Bluetooth speakers and LED backlight inserts that alert people around that this vehicle is approaching.
Of the basic characteristics, there are the following:
- wheel diameter is 8 inches;
- maximum speed of 15 km / h;
- travel distance is 20 km;
- charging time about 3 hours;
- maximum weight of a person - 100 kg;
- the total power of two motors is 500 W;
- device weight - 14 kg.
Novelty Electronics F1
This Novelty Electronics F1 model is characterized by good power, which allows you to move small loads with the driver, so it takes pride of place in the ranking of gyro scooters.
- wheel diameter is 8 inches;
- battery charging time about 4-5 hours;
- the total power of two motors is 700 watts;
- the maximum speed is 10 km / h, with a trip range of 20 km;
- maximum weight of a person - 120 kg;
- device weight - 18 kg.
Smartway U3
The compact high-quality SmartWay U3 model is equipped with evening lighting and has the following characteristics:
- wheel diameter - 6 inches;
- maximum speed - 12 km / h, with a travel range of 20 km;
- the total power of two motors is 600 W;
- battery charging time - about 2 hours;
- maximum weight of a person - 100 kg;
- device weight - 11 kg;
- the gyro scooter is silent in movement.
Smart Balance Wheel SUV 10 ”
The Smart Balance Wheel SUV 10 ”model appeals to extreme people. In this direction - this is the best hoverboard.
Important! Such transport is cross-country, because it quietly makes movements not only on a flat road, but also on sand and gravel.
- the two-wheeled platform is equipped with powerful inflatable wheels;
- the maximum speed is 15 km / h, with a travel range of 20 km;
- transport is made of reliable and durable material;
- The gyro scooter is equipped with marker lights, bluetooth module, speakers.
Zaxboard ZX-11 Pro.
The leader was the premium model Zaxboard ZX-11 Pro. The technical characteristics of the model, the availability of high-quality water protection and 3 years of service guarantee did not leave any chances for competitors.
- mileage without recharging - 20 km
- maximum speed - 18 km / h
- maximum load - 100 kg
- diameter of wheels - 10, 5 ″
- Samsung 4400 Mah battery
- control boards - Tao Tao G2 APP + SB
The best children's models are:
- Zaxboard ZX-11 Pro;
- Novelty Electronics L1-C;
- Smart Balance Wheel KIDS 4.5;
- Ecodrift Umka;
- Xiaomi Ninebot mini.
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In this article we told you about what a gyro scooter is, what advantages and disadvantages it has, and also highlighted the TOP of the best gyro scooters. We hope this information was enough for you to determine for yourself a model that is suitable in all respects.
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