Glass engraving at home

Do you like when there are commemorative inscriptions on things dear to your heart? Then engraving is exactly what you need. It can be done on wood, metal, glass, plastic, etc. But not everyone knows that engraving on glass at home is an occupation that almost everyone can handle. And with it, you can make the original decor of practical items. The result of this approach will be a unique interior that emphasizes the taste of the owners of the house. So, we will figure out how to make engraving on glass at home.
to contents ↑How to cut glass with an engraver?
Carving a glass engraver for beginners is not an easy job. Due to its structure, glass lends itself to cutting, sawing, drilling, grinding, gluing, engraving and even bending.
Tool for work
To cut glass, use a glass cutter.
Important! The most popular are roller models. For the manufacture of rollers used alloy stainless steel.
Glass cutters can have different sharpening angles:
- 130 degrees - glass 1-3 mm thick is cut;
- 150 degrees - for a thickness of 4-10 mm;
- 155-165 degrees - for glass with a thickness of more than 10 mm.
Cutting surface
Cut glass on a flat and stable table. On its surface there should be a thin isolon, carpet or felt. So the process will be more convenient, the glass will not be covered with scratches due to fragments.
Important! If you are going to cut glass, you definitely need to get a ruler, kerosene and a hammer.
For glass, you need an unusual ruler, to which thin rubber is glued. So it will not slip during cutting. Suckers are embedded in professional rulers, which is even more convenient.
- Glass is marked with a ruler, and then the cut line is drawn with a glass cutter.
Important! The line should not be interrupted; it cannot be drawn a second time.
- Glass moves off the table and the cut line is tapped with a small hammer.
- Then we move it so that it is on the edge of the table.
- Using the board and clamps, we fix the glass, and then break off.
Important! To cut curved lines, a pattern is initially cut out on the glass. To do this, you can use thick linoleum. The rest of the process goes exactly the same as in the case of sharp straight lines.
Moreover, even round glass can be cut. To do this, use a circular glass cutter or a suitable template:
- If there is a compass, the suction cup is attached to the glass, and then a circle is drawn. The line, of course, should not be interrupted.
- From the circle to the edge of the glass we draw several rays.
- The glass must be turned over, and the glass cutter handle slightly push the rays and the line of the circle.
If no mistakes were made, the glass itself will break into the necessary elements.
First of all, professionals use portable diamond machines with which even an uneven cut line is quickly turned.
To dull the edge of the window glass, you should use a diamond-coated sponge or a sharpener for sharpening knives, but it must be moistened before work.
to contents ↑Important! If you have to grind a large surface, you can use the nozzle on the drill, on which waterproof sandpaper is fixed.
How to drill glass?
It turns out that the need for drilling glass is not so rare.For example, if it requires fixing the handle.
Suitable tool
Glass is drilled with carbide spear-shaped or tubular with diamond spraying.
It is best to use a special drilling machine, because installing the drill strictly vertically is not an easy task, in addition, the glass may burst due to pressure.
- The product is laid on a soft lining, for example, on rubber or carpet.
- Drilling is carried out in a water bath. For this, the drilling zone is surrounded by a plastic or rubber ring into which water is poured.
- It is necessary to drill up to half the glass on one side, then turn it over and continue what was started.
How to engrave?
Consider how to make engraving on glass at home. This will require preparation:
- Scotch tape paper;
- Spray paint;
- Not a fountain pen;
- Serebryanka in powder;
- Engraving machine.
Important! To get an interesting engraving on glass with your own hands, examples of work can always be found on specialized sites on the Internet.
Engraving Technology:
- We prepare the frame and the image that we will transfer. It can be printed.
- Glass needs to be cleaned.
- Apply paint in two or three layers, leave to dry.
- Using tape on the unpainted side, the picture is fixed.
- Under it you need to put a carbon paper.
- The drawing is translated by a pen, and a mark of all light and dark places will be required.
- The figure needs to be removed, the glass sprinkled with silver. For its uniform distribution, it is better to use a brush.
- Excess silverfish looks like it, only the one that stuck to the traces of the carbon paper remains.
Important! During operation, eyes and respiratory tract must be protected. If the glass speck still gets into the eye, it must not be rubbed. It is necessary to drip eye drops.
- We turn on the machine at high power and use it for processing bright places. For dark areas, power must be reduced. Care must be taken not to erase the line.
- Thus, the entire picture is processed.
Important! Choose the drill correctly. Some work is carried out using carborundum grinding nozzles, and delicate and precise operations are carried out using diamond-coated nozzles.
Products can be polished, but it is better not to do it at home, as a lot of glass dust appears in the process. Drills with polishing tips are used to polish small surfaces. To do this, pastes are used, which are based on crocus, polite or zirconium oxide.
to contents ↑Stock footage
As you can see, even such a seemingly very difficult job as engraving is quite possible to do on your own. The most important thing is to tune in to the process and not be upset if everything is not perfect on the first try. You only study!
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