Fungus on the ceiling in the bathroom - how to get rid?

For a person, a bathroom is a citadel of cleanliness, where he can put himself in order, relax and gain strength. But sometimes something happens, from which a fungus appears on the ceiling in the bathroom, how to get rid of which you simply have no idea. And this is dampness, and an unpleasant smell, and a slow but sure destruction of the walls and ceiling. In addition, the fungus is very harmful to health. And then the island of relaxation turns into the place that you least want to visit. In this article you will learn why mold appears on the ceiling in the bathroom, how to get rid of it, ways to prevent this phenomenon, and much more on this topic.
to contents ↑Why is the fungus so harmful?
When mold appears, in addition to being harmful, it is also ugly. Such an attack destroys plaster and concrete, because it loves to settle where the material absorbs moisture well and is more or less natural. Well, then a constantly crumbling ceiling forms in the bathroom.
to contents ↑Important! Why is mold so harmful? Spores of the fungus cause infections, especially the respiratory tract, and allergies and children are most often affected. There are many cases when children even got pneumonia and tuberculosis.
What causes mold in the bathroom?
All bacteria, spores and other microbes are always alive and alive - always and everywhere. But they are not active until the ideal environment for living and breeding appears for them, the fungus in the bathroom on the ceiling is no exception. He is, he lives, but while there are no conditions for him, your ceiling is clean and beautiful. What are these conditions?
High humidity
Yes, the appearance of moisture for the fungus is an ideal opportunity to strengthen your position on your ceiling and begin to multiply. You find mold in the bathroom on the ceiling, how to deal with it - you know, but without information about the root cause of its occurrence, you will do it again and again until you get tired or until the money for repairs runs out.
Why is humidity rising? - There may be several reasons:
- negligent neighbors from above that constantly flood you;
- problems with your plumbing - pipes flow;
- poor waterproofing;
- communications are installed incorrectly and condensate accumulates on the pipes;
- the so-called winter problem, when at this time of the year there is simply no heating in the bathroom and toilet, especially in private houses with individual heating;
- lack of ventilation.
Differences in hot and cold air
This reason is one of the most common, because usually in the bathroom there is a lot of hot steam when you take a bath or shower, and the room itself is poorly heated. If ventilation is also bad, then the fungus is the place there. Explore your home and you will surely find one or several reasons at once.
to contents ↑Important! If you yourself are poorly or not fully versed in the construction of communication systems, do not have knowledge of how pipes, including sewer pipes, are joined together, how they should be sealed, etc., contact professionals. The work will be done efficiently and for a long time, and the money spent only once.
Preventive action
In order not to puzzle over how to get rid of mold in an apartment on the ceiling, be on the alert, never miss the first “calls” about an approaching situation. Even when these “bells and whistles” do not exist yet, do not allow even the slightest flaws during repair.
For example:
- When whitewashing the ceiling, people have long added copper sulfate to lime, which made it turn bluish. This is what always protected the ceiling from malicious spores. However, when the ceiling is already painted, lime with vitriol can ruin everything.
- Experts recommend using an antiseptic primer before covering with lime or stretching ceilings. This modern tool will reliably protect spores from reproduction, then the fungus in the bathroom on the ceiling, if it suddenly appears, will not multiply at such a frantic speed.
In addition, you must follow these rules for the operation of the bathroom:
- air after each bath or shower;
- do not leave things soaked for a long time;
- release water from the bath immediately after bathing;
- Do not store wet towels that you just wiped off there, or always have a hot towel dryer in the bathroom;
- check ventilation pipes - they must be open, without debris inside;
- monitor the appearance of condensation on the pipes and windows in the house - as soon as it appears, look for the cause, eliminate it;
- monitor temperature differences in the house - in all rooms it should be the same;
- glue the windows for the winter, if metal-plastic - make sure that they are qualitatively insulated;
When performing these simple, mundane actions, which can easily be included in the list of habits, you will never encounter the problem of “fungus on the ceiling in the bathroom”, as people with experience sometimes do not know how to get rid of.
to contents ↑How to deal with fungus on the ceiling?
First you need to determine the scope of work:
- If mold in the bathroom on the ceiling occupies a small area, then the coating can only be removed in that place.
- If the affected area occupies more than half of the territory - remove all the plaster and plaster again.
But! There are several recommendations that should be followed when repairing a bathroom before replacing a finished finish instead of a damaged one.
Before removing the plaster, you must:
- dry the air of the room;
- install or repair ventilation;
- isolate communications if mold arose because of it;
- Dry the ceiling thoroughly with a building hairdryer.
Only then proceed with finishing with a new primer.
Important! The old primer is removed to the very concrete base.
A new primer should be bought special - antiseptic. Do not spare money - if an extensive mold has appeared in your room, it means that it is obviously predisposed to this. Therefore, such a primer will play in your favor. If your ceilings are stretch, then all the more so only such a primer. If you are sure that after repairing the surface everything will be fine with it and you will always follow the preventive actions, then copper sulfate will help you.
Chlorine treatment
If for some reason you can’t alter the ceilings or the area of damage is not so significant, then you can use surface treatment with a chlorine-containing agent, for example, “Whiteness”. This will not give you a long-term result, but it will relieve mold for a while.
So, when mold is on the ceiling, how to get rid of it with the help of “White”:
- Wear rubber gloves.
- Pour in the container a solution of “White” with water, prepared in a one-to-one ratio.
- Wash the ceiling where the fungus has grown with a soft absorbent cloth.
to contents ↑Important! Do not wash the mold with a clean “Whiteness”. Caustic chlorine vapors can enter the respiratory tract and cause severe harm to you. And when processing the ceiling, press the rag so that nothing drips on you.
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Well, that’s all you need to know in order to get rid of the “fungus on the ceiling in the bathroom” problem. Use the above tips and do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of enjoying a clean, beautiful ceiling.
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