Fungus in the house - how to get rid?

In the case of mold and fungus in the house, how to get rid of unpleasant phenomena? Microorganisms often hit the walls and flooring of a wooden house, which causes a lot of trouble to its residents. The tree on which the fungus began to appear, loses its attractive appearance. And the formations themselves have a very negative effect on the health of all households. Based on this, mold and fungus on the surface of the tree should be removed immediately, until it spreads throughout the house.
As soon as you notice white, cotton-like formations or a white fluff on the walls and floor, without wasting time, you need to find the reason for its appearance and the place in which it settled. If for some reason you do not do this, later on the tree may show yellow, purple and pink traces of the fungus, which will eventually become covered with a gray-silver film. It is almost impossible to eliminate such formations.
to contents ↑Fungus species
If there is a fungus in the house - not everyone knows its consequences and how to deal with it. Moreover, any kind of fungus is very dangerous for wood products. They contribute to the destruction of wood fibers. As a result, if harmful formations are not eliminated in a timely manner, a house made of wood can completely collapse to its very foundations. Mushroom spores can spread both through the air and be carried on clothing or animal hair.
Important! In ancient times, buildings infected with this kind of pest were burned to protect other buildings from being defeated by this “ailment”.
Cep mushroom
It helps to destroy the structure of the tree, change its color and the appearance of cracks.
Blue stain
When such formations appear, the wood acquires a gray-blue hue. Bacteria destroy paint and varnish. Thus, moisture gets inside the products.
Rotting fungi
There is wet and dry rot:
- Wet damages raw wood that is near the ground or downpipes. Affected products become loose, dark lines form on them.
- Dry, in turn, manifests itself as reddish dust in the corners and quickly multiplies in a humid environment. Gray stripes appear on the tree, destroying the fibers of the wood.
White and black mold
This type of microorganism is able to form not only on wooden surfaces. Stone, concrete tiles and various fabrics can become the place of origin and active reproduction of the fungus. In addition to the destructive effect on various materials, mold is very harmful to human and animal health. Therefore, if there is a fungus in the house - its consequences and how to deal with it still need to be clarified, and as quickly as possible.
They contribute to the softening of the wood fibers, which can subsequently lead to the destruction of the structure.
to contents ↑Causes of the appearance of the fungus
Methods of how to deal with fungus in a wooden house will be useful not only to people who live in a private house and in damp or swampy areas. Sometimes in the apartments a fungus may appear, at first glance, out of nowhere.
Many people ignore the presence of an unpleasant odor or black corners in a room and simply re-glue the wallpaper or reposition the floor.Wet green or blackened basement walls do not interfere with food storage. And the appearance of shortness of breath, headache and other diseases is mainly attributed to weather or age.
In order for the fungus not to spoil the health and decoration of the room, it is better to prevent its appearance in the house. This is much easier than dealing with the consequences. To avoid harmful disputes in your home, you should know the reasons for their occurrence.
The main reason that a fungus has appeared in the house and you are thinking how to get rid of it is moisture from the ground or increased humidity in the underground flooring:
- Moisture penetrates the floor and infects the walls with fungus.
- Damp ground floor apartments in high-rise buildings are an excellent habitat for toxic mold spores.
- Inadequate ventilation contributes to dampness.
- Breeding in small rooms many indoor plants that require constant humidity.
- Improper use of humidifiers also causes mold.
How to get rid of a fungus in a wooden house under the floor?
If you have a fungus in the house, before looking for methods of how to remove it, you need to eliminate the cause of its occurrence. Otherwise, it will appear again and again. The technology for removing mold in a private house is not based only on wet cleaning and removal of visible impurities. One of the main conditions for obtaining a successful result is the establishment of such a climate indoors that the fungus cannot appear.
For this:
- First of all, it is necessary to remove mushroom deposits, rotten and rotten parts of the tree.
- Separate areas should be cleaned of the fungus with an ax or a planer.
- Items and furniture that cannot be cleaned will have to be sent to the trash.
- Remove topsoil from the underfloor. Fungus on a wooden floor and walls, indicates contamination of the ground under the floor.
- To prevent the fungus from spreading, fill the perimeter of the underground with the following solution: mix dry clay, lime, gravel and cement mortar. Tamp the product tightly.
Important! The distance from the floor to the ground must be at least 30 cm. The logs on which the floor boards are fixed must not touch the ground.
- Make sure the floor has good ventilation. To do this, install special grilles or strips.
- It is necessary to reduce the humidity level in the room. For this purpose, often open the windows in the room so that the air in the room does not stagnate.
- All affected tree remains must be burned over the fire.
- The cleaned surface is treated several times with chemical mixtures.
Solutions for treating wood infected with fungus
They have long been exhausted by the question of how to remove a fungus in a wooden house? All the actions taken were in vain? One of the funds from the huge assortment of antiseptic drugs that can be found in construction stores will come to the rescue. It will help to effectively eliminate fungus in a wooden house. How to get rid of unpleasant odors and residues from mold, we will tell later in our article.
Important! Remember, all means for removing fungal contaminants are harmful to health. Therefore, take care of personal safety measures and be sure to read the instructions before use.
The following mixtures are considered the most effective means to combat fungus by owners of private homes.
Antiseptic primer
One of the most effective means to eliminate fungus indoors is an antiseptic primer. This drug has properties that eliminate the fungus and prevent its appearance in the future.
Mode of application:
- Before applying it to the surface, clean the affected area.
Important! If you are processing a plastered surface, you will have to clean it to a clean layer.
- The antiseptic is applied to the cleaned dry surface in an even layer with a paint brush or spray gun.
- Leave the primer to dry on the wall surface.
- After processing, you can glue the wallpaper or paint the surface.
Important! As a rule, the primer does not need to be diluted with water. But if you have purchased an undiluted mixture, then follow the recommendations on the package to get the right consistency of the solution.
Means that can be found in home life also cope well with the elimination of the fungus from the surface. It is important that all these funds are not so toxic and cause less harm to human health. The bleach contains sodium hypochlorite. This substance effectively eliminates the fungus and all its spores. You can safely use bleach on any surface.
Important! The only negative can be noted that the use on colored surfaces can lead to their discoloration.
Mode of application:
- Dilute the bleach in water in a proportion of 1:10.
- Treat affected areas with fungus.
Important! Wear rubber gloves to protect your skin.
Table vinegar can be easily found in the kitchen cabinet, and it does not have such a specific smell as bleach. Fighting mold in a wooden house with vinegar will not take much time, and the result will pleasantly surprise you.
Mode of application:
- Apply vinegar to the fungus-contaminated area with a damp cloth or spray.
- Leave on the surface for about one hour.
- Rinse off with water and ventilate the room.
Important! To prevent the appearance of fungal deposits, clean the walls and floor with vinegar every week.
Looking for methods to remove fungus on the floor of a house? To do this, find ammonia in the pharmacy cabinet. Just like the remedies that we proposed above, ammonia will effortlessly remove traces of the fungus on a non-porous solid surface.
Mode of application:
- Mix ammonia with water in equal proportions.
- Apply to affected area using spray gun.
- Leave on the surface for a while to achieve a better result.
- After time, rinse the ammonia with a damp cloth soaked in clean water.
Important! In no case do not mix two different products with each other. For example, a mixture of bleach and ammonia emits toxic fumes.
Baking soda
Soda is a universal remedy. Unlike other means, soda does not contain aggressive chemicals, respectively - does not harm human health. With it, you can easily clean household items and eliminate fungus on the boards. How to deal with this kind of pollution with soda?
Mode of application:
- Dilute one teaspoon of soda in a glass of water.
- Treat the damaged areas with the resulting fluid. Use a spray bottle or clean rags soaked in the solution.
Important! If the soda is not washed off the coating, it will create a protective barrier that will prevent the reappearance of fungal formations.
Sodium fluoride
Sodium fluoride can be purchased at hardware stores. Sodium fluoride has a powder structure of white or grayish color, and is an effective tool to eliminate fungus from the surface of a tree. There are several technologies for using this tool to remove a fungus in a wooden house.
Method number 1:
- Mix 30 grams of raw materials and 1 liter of hot water.
- Mix well.
- Using a brush or spray gun, treat the damaged surface with the resulting hot solution.
Method number 2
There is another way to get rid of a fungus in a wooden house using sodium fluoride.
In this case, a paste is used:
- 150 grams of sodium fluoride should be diluted carefully with 200 grams of water.
Important! The amount and proportions of the paste depend on the area affected by the fungus. In this case, the proportion is calculated per square meter.
- Add clay to the resulting mixture through a sieve and mix until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
Important! Watch the consistency of the product, it should be like a paste.
- Using the resulting paste, treat the most damaged areas of the tree.
to contents ↑Important! An alternative to sodium fluoride in this case is copper or iron sulfate.
How to get rid of fungus on the floor in a private house:
- To clean the flooring, you can use one of the above tools.
- Apply to the surface with a brush or a mop, small areas are treated with a spray.
- Cover the flooring with the selected product and leave for 10-15 minutes.
- After a while, brush the floor.
- The procedure should be carried out several more times.
How to clean the parquet from mold and mildew:
- To clean the parquet from harmful formations, first remove the lagging mold with a vacuum cleaner.
- Remove damaged parquet from the corner of the room.
- Treat the coating with the selected product and leave to dry for several days.
- You can speed up this process by turning on the air conditioner or heater.
Important! When treated with a borax compound, you will prevent the re-emergence of fungal formations.
- The baseboard in the room will have to be replaced.
Elimination of the fungus - step by step instructions:
- Free the room from items of clothing and household appliances so that the fungus does not spread around the entire perimeter of the housing.
- Items damaged by the fungus should be sent immediately to the trash.
- Carpets, furniture elements take out in the sun, you will deal with their processing later.
- Cover the entrance to the room with tape, fixing it to the door with tape.
- Open the windows that are in the room for better ventilation.
- You can speed up the ventilation process with a fan. Install it in an open window.
Important! In no case do not direct the fan to the affected area, so as not to spread the fungus around the room.
- Remove the damaged coating from the walls and floor.
- If not the entire area of the room is affected by the fungus, remove the most contaminated places and 50-70 cm in the radius of contamination.
- Damaged carpet fungus is removed along with the binder boards. To do this, just cut it and tear it from the base.
- Treat the floor with the selected product.
to contents ↑Important! Unfortunately, carpet and linoleum cannot be restored - they will have to be thrown away.
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Different types of fungi and mold accompany humanity throughout life. The problems of the fungus in the house, its consequences and how to deal with it have become problems not only for owners of private houses. Owners of apartments suffer from the appearance of dangerous formations on the floor and in the corners no less. They have a destructive effect on the human immune system, cause chronic diseases, asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis and other complex inflammation of the respiratory tract. The tips in this article are sure to help get rid of and never again encounter such toxic formations in your home.
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