Tool storage on the wall

No matter how big the garage may be, the problem of compact placement of all the necessary equipment in the household is always relevant. Storing the tool on the wall will help in many ways to solve the issue of limited space - the necessary one will be at hand, and useful meters will not be used in vain. By organizing a tool storage system on the wall, you can solve many problems overnight. Each type of repair gear should be placed separately, this will further facilitate the search for a particular item. Next, we will familiarize ourselves with the most popular and simple ideas for mounting a tool on a wall.
to contents ↑Organizers of cans for tools on the wall
If you can’t throw out cans from canned food for a while, you can build a great organizer for storing the tool on the wall with your own hands. Pliers, secateurs, scissors, brushes will be organically and conveniently placed in tins attached to the walls of the garage. Such a simple idea will allow you to use the workshop space to the maximum and keep all the necessary tools at hand.
to contents ↑Screwdriver holder
A screwdriver is a very useful item in the household. That's just her search becomes a frequent problem, since it is small and inconspicuous. So that all screwdrivers are at hand, and efforts to search for an object of the desired model are minimized, you can build a holder. To do this, just drill a hole in a wooden bar and attach it to the wall.
to contents ↑Toolkit Shelf
Drills, jigsaws and screwdrivers love no less order than any other household assistant. It is convenient to store them on a shelf with sawn holes.
to contents ↑garden tools
How to hang tools on a wall in a garage? Nobody wants to step on the same rake every day, however, if they lie anywhere in the garage, this will happen more than once. A reasonable decision would be to remove them from the aisle and securely attach them to the wall. Holders cut from ordinary PVC pipe can help with this.
to contents ↑Shelving with containers
Useful trifles are conveniently placed in containers on racks. For the construction of the rack, you can use pallets, perhaps they remained with you after the construction of the garage or house.
to contents ↑Important! If you want the rack to be more mobile, you can attach the wheels to it.
Organizer for small parts:
- Small utilities, such as screws, nuts and nails, are conveniently stored in bottles or jars of transparent plastic. In order to save space on the shelves, tanks can be attached to the hanging holder.
Important! The mounting location is more profitable to do on the lid of the tank.
- To store the same toolkit, you can use empty cropped canisters.
to contents ↑Important! In order not to look for the necessary details for a long time, it is better to mark the containers.
Band Saw Storage
It is dangerous to keep the band saw blades twisted into a ring, because in the process of their deployment you can get serious injury or injury. To safely store such tools on the wall, office clamps can be used.Using them, they fix a sharp cloth, hang it on a hook or place it on a shelf.
to contents ↑Important! For a few more interesting ideas for organizing various tools and equipment, see our following articles:
How convenient is it to store drills and keys?
Another type of small household utilities are various keys and drills. The tool holder on the wall can be made of magnetic tape. Thus, the drills will not be lost and will always be in order.
to contents ↑Adhesive tape storage:
- Adhesive tape or electrical tape is very convenient to store in a box with a distributor of metal strips. So it will be possible to easily tear off the required amount of tape, without losing its ends for convenient subsequent use.
- Another convenient method for storing duct tape is to use clothes hanger. Cutting the bottom of the hanger, you can hang on it a certain amount of electrical tape and tape. The hanger itself can be hung on a hook driven into the bottom of the shelf.
Compact aerosol paint storage
Often spray cans are just randomly scattered throughout the garage. To arrange them and assemble them in one place on the wall, you can make an open cabinet for them with shelves placed at an angle to the wall. So the cans will be “soldiers”, do not fall and do not scatter when one of them is delivered.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Useful information from the article on how to fix the tool on the wall in the garage will help you rationally use every square meter of your workshop and keep it clean and tidy. Storage options for useful household items can even be arranged from materials that are unnecessary at first glance, you just need to show your imagination and make a tool panel with your own hands on the wall.
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