Storage of dried apples at home

Most likely, everyone knows that in dried fruits there are a lot of useful substances that are perfectly preserved with proper drying. But still few know the rules for preserving these fruits after drying, so that they do not lose useful qualities and do not deteriorate in a short time. And if the question arises, where to store dried apples, then you can use different containers and at the same time, all the necessary substances are stored in their pieces.

Storage of dried apples at home

Secrets of Preservation

In order for the fruits to retain their taste throughout the winter, they must be properly prepared. Large or medium-sized apples with a thin skin, white dense pulp and a small box with seeds should be selected. In this case, there will be less scraps and more final product. It is advisable to pick a crop of autumn sweet and sour varieties. After drying, sweet fruits most often have a weak taste, which many consumers do not like. In this case, it is advised to choose such varieties as Aport, Antonovka and Pepin. In addition, such varieties as Titovka and Grushovka are perfect.

Dried fruits should be stored in a cool place.

Dried fruits should be stored in a cool place. In a city apartment, in this case, it is better to choose a balcony. But in the countryside, a basement is perfect for this. If it is not possible to put them in a cool place, you should put them in a linen bag or other container for storage and place it as far as possible from other products.

Another place to store can be a windowsill. In this case, the drying is folded into a glass jar and tightly corked. You can also use a simple wardrobe, and one shelf is freed and dried fruits are put there.

The main requirements for good drying

Most of the housewives dries fruits in the oven at home. Prepared pieces should be laid out in 1 layer on a baking sheet, but it is better, of course, to use a wire rack. Set a low fire (75C) and leave the door slightly ajar.

Drying apples in the oven at home.

For a good result, before completing the drying, the temperature is lowered to 50–55 ° C. The slices should be mixed every hour and a half. The whole procedure is quite lengthy, lasts about 7 hours, and then the fruits lose their color.

The very first and most commonly used method is to dry the fruits in the sun. It is suitable for hot areas with a large number of hot days.

During the fall season, it is unlikely that the fruits will dry out on the street, because the air should warm up well so that the fruits do not spoil, but quickly dry. So this solution is suitable for drying summer varieties.

Cooked drying is placed on a wire rack or baking sheet and turned over every day. In addition, it is possible to put slices on a thread and hang it. So that various insects could not start there, it is necessary to cover the slices with gauze, which is smoothed 1 - 2 times. Be sure to hide the drying during a shower. Subject to all points, the fruits will become dried fruits after passing about 4 days.

Drying in an electric dryer.

Another solution will be drying in an electric dryer. Using such a device, you can dry the fruits in a short time and in large quantities. This is the easiest drying method. Fruits are cut with a thickness of not more than 5 mm, placed in a single layer in an electric dryer and after 3 hours they can be removed.

Microwave Drying. The fruits are thoroughly washed and cut into circles up to 2 cm thick. Dried fruits are placed in a weak saline solution to preserve color.The product is placed evenly on a baking sheet and placed in a microwave. Drying is carried out at a power of 300 watts for 2 minutes. After they turn off and check the fruits, if they are not dried, then they should be returned for another 30 seconds to the microwave.

The procedure will require focus. Dried fruit should be dried and elastic. The time is marked approximately. Most likely, it will take 3 minutes or 2 minutes and 45 seconds.

Harvesting for drying

The selected fruits should be washed well, cut off the areas that began to rot and the box with seeds. Peel on apples is better to leave, because it contains the largest percentage of nutrients. Then the apples are cut into thin slices or circles and placed in a salt solution for a good result. The fruit is dried in a way that is suitable for the hostess.

The main rule of sound fruit preservation for a long time is a competent drying procedure. And after drying, you can just eat slices or make a delicious dish out of them. Quite often, compote is cooked from them. In winter, it will fill the body with vitamins and remind you of summer. They are also added to pastries, porridge or other desserts.

How and where to store at home

If the question arises where to store dry apples at home, you need to know about the basic conditions for this procedure:

  • The room to be aired;
  • Dryness;
  • Freshness;
  • Darkness.

You need to know that storing dried apples at home near sources of heat can cause product spoilage. If the dried fruits are wrapped well, then oxygen will enter them, which will stop the formation of mold and future spoilage.

Store dry apples at home

What is the best way to store dried apples? No need to store dried fruits in plastic bags or plastic containers. And all due to the fact that they are tightly closed and do not pass oxygen, and because of this, the fruits deteriorate. The most optimal container for storing dried fruits will be small bags made of dense material or special paper bags. Moth and other pests for laying eggs will not crawl there.

Among other things, the fruit will be well ventilated, and due to this it will not rot and mold. Before you put the fruits in a bag, you should process it in advance. To do this, it is washed with laundry soap. And then it is again treated with soapy foam, and after it should not be rinsed, it is only dried and put drying there.

In addition, you should use cardboard boxes, airtight closing baskets, as well as a wooden container in which parasites will not start. A sheet of thick or waxed paper must be placed on the bottom of the selected container. In addition, the drying is laid in layers, each of which is separated by parchment paper and also covered with it from above. A plate of salt should be placed near the box. It absorbs excess moisture, which can appear in any room and prevent apples from abyss.

The best places for storage in the apartment will be a pantry or lockers in the kitchen.

Basic storage rules in winter

To keep drying, you should know some rules.. These include:

Basic rules for storing dryers in winter

  1. The bottom and top are covered with waxed or thick paper;
  2. Drying stack tightly;
  3. When choosing a glass container, you should monitor the density of the lid;
  4. Dried fruits should melt away from other products with a pronounced aroma;
  5. Often inspect the dryer so that there are no pests;
  6. View the pieces and remove the tainted ones.

Insect Control Methods

There are a couple of fight solutions. From them you can choose:

  • The first is to put dried fruits in the oven and dry for half an hour at a temperature of 60 degrees. This method should also be used in the formation of mold.
  • The second - dried fruits are added for a while in the freezer. Having deformed the dried fruit, you need to clean the container in which they were lying and change the paper.

Properly dried apples can have a shelf life of several years. They are a valuable source of mass of vitamins and minerals, which is so important if the winter is cold. From them you can cook various goodies and cook compote.

Storage of dried fruits is a fairly easy process, and subject to all requirements, it is possible to regularly use this useful product during cooking.

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